

Intern Wanted


Hi all,

I'm a freshly graduated Belgian and since I would like to experience the international atmosphere once more before I really hit the work field I'm looking for an exciting and valuable internship, preferably somewhere in France.

I am a Belgian 23 years old female, graduated in Strategic Communications and did a second masters in International Relations and Diplomacy. My mother tongue is Dutch and I am a B1 in French (working on my B2). I furthermore have a special interests in journalism, war correspondency, conflict management, non-profit, human rights and the working of the international community. But I'm broadly looking in the area of journalism/ media, IGO or NGO.   

I pursue the combination travel-learning/working. Twice I participated in an exchange program during my studies (spring semester 2009 in Potchefstroom, South-Africa during my communication studies and spring semester 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey while studying international relations). I also backpacked in South-East Asia for eight months in 2011. An international intern after my global-orientated studies is an evident choice.   

If you know or work in a compagny that matches my profile and could go with an enthousiastic intern (4-6 months), I would be glad to hear from you!

Kind regards,


See also

Job offers in FranceFinding a job in ParisThe French labour marketMoving to France as a digital nomadWorking in France

I just saw your plog...I am Mooka from Egypt 27 years ...I am veterinary doctor working in the field of horse's medicine...I want to help you but you know we are in different fields...I just want to say hi and welcome you...Can we be in touch


Hello Fien. :)

For better visibility, your post has been moved to the France forum.

You can read these articles on Work in France.

You can post an advert in the Jobs in France section as well. It can help.

Good luck in your research,