the tourist visa is 135 us dollars. with temporary residency you only have to pay 100 bolivianos until you are a bolivian and then the price goes to 15 or 25 bolivianos which is the price all bolivians pay to leave at the border. tax at the airport is 25 dollars to leave for non bolivians and 220 or so bolivianos for bolivians leaving to miami. other prots are less i think but the bottom line is you must expect to pay when leaving and entering. for someone who paid for a $135 tourist visa the entering and leavings are already paid for the subsequent five years but when applying for a temporary residency you must write a letter invalidating the five year visa before you get a temp resident sticker in your passport. i live in camiri and i have shipped a container here from dallas texas and i have a 2 year residency in process for bolivian nationalism and i have bought a car here. any questions i can help with please fire away. this place can be hell on those who dont know what to expect from the system and culture here. good luck
If you go in by airplane, you have to have a return ticket, and your passport must have more than 6 months till it expires. If you go in by land, they are generally much more lax.