

Bahrain Fencing Association

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Hi All,
I've been here for over year but it's my first time on this forum.

After watching the olympic fencing I thought "I can still do that." Well, I'm pretty much over the hill now, but if nothing else, I can still teach.

The problem is; the Internet says that there is a fencing club in the Kingdom, however, none of the email addresses or phone numbers provided will respond.

If anyone knows when and where the club meets, I would be most grateful.


Hi Grumpy33,

It would be quite difficult to get the desired information online, Bahrain Shooting Association (Where Fencing is part of) does not have a website; I even checked the relevant Arabic websites but couldn't get fruitful information that answer your questions.

What if you pay them a visit and ask them whatever questions you have?

The address of Bahrain Shooting Association is: Building No. 1162, Road No. 4636, Block No. 946; Awali. Tel. No. +97317344992

Hope this helps :)


Hi Vido,
Thanks for the info. My problem with your suggestion is that I work from dawn till dusk every day except Friday when such places are usually closed.

I'm going to try Sports City in Riffa today and will try the Shooting association in passing. I'll let you know how I get on.



I'm back.

Another sunny day on the island, just warm enough to wind down the car window as I cruised the highways with Jonny Winter and Joe Satriani giving it big licks on the stereo.

Otherwise it was wasted journey. Of course, I left the address and maps on the printer, but located the street from memory. It is a residential and pretty deserted part of the BAPCO compound. Nobody around to ask and without a house number (my memory is not THAT good) it was difficult. Tried a few doorbells without success.

Sports city, which is actually in Isa Town, was even more deserted.

Still, it's not far, so I'll try again tonight and will let you know what happens.



Grumpy33 wrote:

Another sunny day on the island, just warm enough to wind down the car window as I cruised the highways with Jonny Winter and Joe Satriani giving it big licks on the stereo.

Sounds like you have enjoyed the ride, the company and the weather which is a plus; so I don't think the time was wasted ;)

Grumpy33 wrote:

Otherwise it was wasted journey. Of course, I left the address and maps on the printer, but located the street from memory. It is a residential and pretty deserted part of the BAPCO compound. Nobody around to ask and without a house number (my memory is not THAT good) it was difficult. Tried a few doorbells without success.

Sports city, which is actually in Isa Town, was even more deserted.

Still, it's not far, so I'll try again tonight and will let you know what happens.


From what I have read while searching about the subject, it seems like just a few people are exercising Shooting and Fencing in Bahrain; that's why they don't pay much attention to such sports which is a pity.

Wish you all success with your search and keep us posted on the progress of it, it may help other members/researchers looking for info about the same :)

Regards :)


Back Again,
This time it was the music of Thin Lizzy, but the end result was the same.

Road 4636 isn't long enough to get to gate 1162.

I'll just keep trying and Googling to see if anything comes.

I wonder if a direct appeal to the Association president Shaikh Ibrahim bin Salman Al Khalifa might get results? What do you think?



Have you checked the information provided on this ?


A direct appeal might help for sure, if you can get to it ;)


i also want to do fencing..cant find the place.

& nothing on the internet..


Hi Asra,
I'll let you know when I find out anything.


Seriously... We need some fencing up here...

I fenced a lot in university, & I want to start training and learn it properly

If no one found anyone yet.. lets get together and start it... all we need is an instructor (or expert) & some commitment

Have been looking for a club since May 2013
still desperately trying to find one  :unsure


I'm an American mech engineer.  I worked in Bahrain for three years.  If I can get another job there, I'll trade you guitar lessons for fencing lessons.  Always wanted to learn to fence.

Tommy Lovelace (see LinkedIn)


I also live in Bahrain and am very keen to join fencing.... I have been trying to find a contact number or something but have been unsuccessful..... maybe if you know.... you could take private or group tuitions for those of us who want to learn....


I'm also interested in fencing classes. I've tried to contact Bahrain Fencing Association on their facebook page. Will post anything I find out...


Hello Morphie,

Note that this thread is inactive since 2014.

I invite you to create a new thread with your questions to have better response.

Here is the link to create a new thread:  /forum/post.php?fi … mp;lang=en

Thank You,
Best Regards,


Well.. I can't wait to we get to the bottom of this... I feel like buying a ticket to European countries & visiting fencing clubs their is easier than getting a fencing lesson in Bahrain.. Please keep us updated


I don't get on here too often so apologies for the lack of response. The only fencing club I know of is behind the Zain Basketball Arena. It's been a while since I've been there, but they used to meet Sat - Thur 4.00pm to 7.00pm.


Grumpy33 wrote:

I don't get on here too often so apologies for the lack of response. The only fencing club I know of is behind the Zain Basketball Arena. It's been a while since I've been there, but they used to meet Sat - Thur 4.00pm to 7.00pm.

Any Contact Number?



Found this no. online +973 1775 0006 or you can contact Bahrain Olympic Committee 1717 6666 to get more info on the same.



logicalindian wrote:


Found this no. online +973 1775 0006 or you can contact Bahrain Olympic Committee 1717 6666 to get more info on the same.


Unfortunately no one is picking up on those numbers.

I would really wish to know where is that club:


The Bahrain Olympic Committee is located in seef

may be you could give them a visit

Phone: 1717 6666
Hours: Open today · 8AM–4PM



logicalindian wrote:

The Bahrain Olympic Committee is located in seef

olympic committee&rlz=1C1LENP_enBH633BH633&ion=1&espv=2&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.129422649,d.bGs&biw=1366&bih=640&dpr=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1q4ev8LjOAhWEVRQKHRKOBagQ_AUICCgD

may be you could give them a visit

Phone: 1717 6666
Hours: Open today · 8AM–4PM


I called them now another time, the answered and they have no idea. Lol.


Wow, bummer. Let me see if i can find another source.


logicalindian wrote:

Wow, bummer. Let me see if i can find another source.

Yea really disappointing how an Olympic committee doesn't know where are the clubs of a certain Olympic sport in their country.

In all cases did you open the link I sent in a previous reply?


for some reason the link is under review, can you send a pm ?


logicalindian wrote:

for some reason the link is under review, can you send a pm ?

The link can be checked now, if anyone else got any idea how to reach that club!


It's me again. The best way is to visit. Go to the Basketball centre in Umm al Hassam. Enter the car park and on the left there is a road to the back of the main arena where there is another car park. The fencing club is in a building on its own and is open 3.00pm to 7.00pm weekdays. It's a few years since I went so I hope this information is still valid. Good luck.


Thank you for the update.

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