

5 negative things about living in Cambodia

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So what about the difficult stuff?

Why not we try to prepare newcomers with some of the things in the real life, that can make it a little difficult to live here?

Who comes first to the mill?

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daelim wrote:

So what about the difficult stuff?

Why not we try to prepare newcomers with some of the things in the real life, that can make it a little difficult to live here?

Who comes first to the mill?

Definitely the language ! I do not speak and write KHMER !


Everything is overpriced when sold to barangs? :mad:


preppy_chic wrote:

Everything is overpriced when sold to barangs? :mad:

Isn´t that a "normal" thing in Asia.


attention from the locals. i'm only nineteen and find it impossible to get a real tan so i get hassled a bit from older men. honestly, i don't mind a little bit of attention but sometimes it goes too far. my old boss took me to a stingy guest house and told me that he wanted sex. i told him i was getting married and he backed off completely, but i understand that it could have turned out worse.

corruption. rich people can do anything.. I'm friends with one of the prime minister's nephews and some of the things he can do freak me out.

overpricing for foreigners. obviously it's expected but it's still frustrating. I've found bartering in Khmer generally helps, they're often too surprised/excited that a foreigner can speak their language to jack up the prices.

poverty/beggars. again, expected, but it still breaks my heart whenever a person with one leg or someone with a giant tumor asks me for money.


1. traffic
2. corruption/politics
3. poverty - more sad than anything
4. sex tourists/pedos
5. healthcare   

For those getting paying foreigner prices.  My advice would be to befriend a local who you can trust completely and have them do your shopping/bargaining for you.  Or if you consistently go to the same spots for certain things,


1. Tuk tuk drivers and moto drivers pestering Barangs.
2. Always having to be protective about being overcharged.
3. Barangs always being in the wrong when there is a traffic altercation.
4. The corruption.
5. The Cambodian Army raping the forests.

Never tip a tuk tuk driver or moto driver, as he will never feel guilty about over charging you. And you will always be overcharged.


Being STARED at. I think all foreigners get stares from the locals but being black-whoooa its definitely worse. Anywhere I go I can hear them calling out toeach other saying 'A black girl is coming a black girl is coming!" The old women at the markets have asked to rub my skin and then they get really surprised that my colour doesn't rub off!!!Am used to all of this now but before I got here nobody told me that this would happen....oh well.


How about another 5.

1. Cars and motorbikes cutting you up as you walk along the street
2. What about the product you want in the store not being priced up, but everything else is
3. Over priced western food, opposed to Thailand, where it is far cheaper
4. Young Khmer guys randomly start singing when ever they can
5. Khmer staff more interested in their mobile phones or watching the TV, than helping the customer


Many Barang get paid more purely based on the colour of their skin and their mother toung, not their qualifications. So why not have to pay a little more in the marked because of the colour of your skin? I always barter in Khmer and still pay more than the aunty next to me, but I also get paid a lot more so I don't think its something to complain about.

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