

Expatriation aux Canaries

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Bonjour ! Je vis actuellement à la côte belge, à Koksijde. J'aimerais m'établir aux Canaries. J'apprécie particulièrement La Gomera, qui est probablement un peu trop "calme" pour mon épouse ... Il me faudrait donc me rabattre sur Ténérife, du côté de Costa Adeje, peut-être ... Je cherche tous renseignements, relations d'expériences vécues, opportunité de location ou d'achat (plutôt maison qu'appartement). L'idéal serait que notre fille (32 ans, célibataire) nous accompagne, il lui faudrait alors trouver un travail sur place : je suis donc aussi à la recherche d'aide dans ce domaine ! Merci de m'avoir lu. J'attends vos réponses, cordialement, Maurice

Voir aussi

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Hello Maurice!

I am answering because my sister lives on Teneriffa with her family and I know that the prices of acommodations are very favourable right now. because of the economical crise many people lost their houses and flats bought on credit.
When it comes to everyday life the prices are lower than in continetal Europe, life is slower, people very friendly. The weather is fantastic but if you or your family have any kind of problems with healt August is not the best month out there because of 'calima' - sandy wind from Sahara that brings dust, desert heat and awful residues on the cars parked outside.

I have been to North and South Teneriffa and there is a quite visible difference when it comes to plants, nature and climate. Nort is more green, not only succulents and cactuses. It is more windy and a bit stuffy there. So, forget about a perfect 'coiffure' - you will always have wind in your hair :).

South is acctually 'naked' - all the plants are irigated since this part does not see rain almost whole year around.

My sister lives in a nice condo. Couple of houses create an living area closed to strangers and a swimming pool is a common utility for the habitants and their guests. 

When it comes to work - now it is like a mission impossible on the Canary Islands. The unemployement rate is very high, people loose their jobs, families and spouses separate often, the garmony and peace is leaving the locals with every negative news on TV. The crise out there is severe. So, I see it might be quite difficult to your Daughter.

I do not want tou recommend you anything, but what my family says is that the islands are very attractive place for a vacation when you have some financial source in your home country or savings.

Sorry for English but my French is quite passive.

Best regards,



Bienvenue sur ½ûÂþÌìÌà benacus!

Votre discussion a été déplacée sur le forum Îles Canaries pour plus de visibilité.;)

Je vous souhaite bonne chance dans votre recherche.


@Magi, merci de poster en français sur ce forum francophone.:)


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