This information was posted by Toon and I pass it on to you.
IMO this is essential when looking to rent a property etc.
I am going to prepare a check list of expectations for any agents I deal with. If any agent can't or won't do things to my spec then I will find one who can.
Anyway here's Toon's advice.............
1 always rent for a short period first to ensure you know more about the area, services and neighbours before committing yourself.
2 visit the area for external noises at varying times of day and night
3 check out parking restrictions.
4 if you have pets makes sure the landlord will allow them, some will some wont but some will accept it on the offer of payment of a further damages/cleaning deposit
5 if sunshine is important to you then try to get a south facing can pay dividends in winter and cut your bills for heating quite considerably. Does it get plenty of natural light
6 penthouses are fine but they are as a general rule very cold/damp in winter and too hot in summer. Assess the number of exposed external walls exposed to adverse weather conditions
7 make sure you have a lift in the block – hauling gas bottles and shopping up several flights of stairs is not fun as you get older
8 check for air vents and fully opening windows – are there any signs of black damp, humidity and or condensation – feel the bedding etc
9 does it have insect screens on opening windows and doors
10 does it have fans and or air con or at least fully opening windows to get a through draught
11 check out comfort of furniture, sofas chairs and beds.
12 are the appliances eco friendly units power efficient units - same with lighting
13 is there a time-switch on the water heaters - it may seem trivial but its worth fitting one
14 remember ground floor and mid floor apartments will suffer from a level of noise from units above, especially where young children are located
15 check if the rent includes charges for communal costs for lighting, lift and maintenance, and regular cleaning. If you are lucky enough to have access to a pool check that out too. If not then check what the costs are likely to be
16 is there an emergency lighting system in place for stair wells and lift shafts as power cuts are normal and have been known to last 9 hours or more and the stair wells are dark. If not makes sure you have access to your own emergency light for the flat and a good torch - check the batteries!
17 if you have your own belongings and furniture assess whether you will need a lifter and whether you can get it through the windows and or doors and is there space for the lifter unit to stand – also note a permit will be required usually available from the local council offices at about 2-3euros
18 is there any outdoor space available to you to use privately or shared, if so identify it.
19 is there enough electrical power sockets
20 gas cooking (oven and hob) is much cheaper to operate than electric
21 check out all your lighting features
22 always do an inventory and get it checked thoroughly and note any damages or anything missing – get it agreed.
23 check the water pressure as it can be very low and poor service for showers - check the taste of the water.
24 check the water tanks for the security of the lids – make sure they are wired down as insect larva can get in. also check the toilets for flushing
25 tv phone and internet connections – check what’s available – satellite systems check if can you have one, can one be fitted, can it be installed easily will you need permission to have one
26 check for refuse collections how often and on what days
27 check out how the bills for utilities will be presented to you
28 do a consumption check when you arrive check the start readings and say after a normal week of consumption check it again and then do a calculation on the ARMs website this will give you a good idea what you are using and the likely costs (and a comparison for 0 consumers and actual number of consumers).
29 make sure you are named on the bills as named registered consumers on the account holder/owners bills, or get your bills in your own name - if you dont you are likely to have problems later and will undoubtedly end up paying more than you should . NB check the number of consumers on the actual bill from ARMs if its ZERO you may be being overcharged
30 ensure you get a copy of the two pages bill from ARMs and not just a handwritten or spreadsheet based extract compiled by the landlord
31 ensure you have a record of the rent paid and utility payments – a rent book is a good idea. Most landlords prefer to be paid cash...NB sometimes (but not always) it’s to avoid declaring income for tax.
32 keep your bills and records of payments, this may help you later if you eventually have a problem
TIP FOR RENTERS-never ever sign a contract for your lease unless you know for sure and have it written into your rental agreement that you will only pay the rates appropriate to registered consumers and that you will be allowed to be on the bills as suchÂ…Â…Â….no agreement then walk away (there are over 50000 empty properties at any one time) and find a landlord who is willing to allow you your EU rights - IF YOUR BILLS FROM ARMS STATE 0 (ZERO) CONSUMERS YOU MAY BE BEING OVERCHARGED....... DONT BE