First of all I want to tell you how sicerely I can relate to your problem, having been diagnosed with gluten sensitivity a year ago. Not just me, I have put my son on a gluten free diet too. I am from India and although you dont get gluten free foods like Dubai or western countries, I was able to get gluten free pasta and flour for making parathas.
But I have found it is difficult to get gluten free flour or bread in Accra though you get a variety of pasta and cake mix. My son is finding this difficult but I have been getting along. The good news is, the local ghanaian food is mostly gluten-free as they use corn and tapioca for their preprations. It is an acquired taste but once you get a hang of it you can prepare or purchase them for your son. You do get soya milk in different flavours from the supermarket although I dont know enough about almond milk. There is no organic food shop in Accra as I know of, but hope for one to open in future.
With regards