

Needs some info about the place...


Hi all...
             i am from Jaipur...but want to come to Pondicherry.... therefore...needs info on some general topics...plz help friends.
2.Cost of living for  3 people with general life standard
3.Accommodation is available easily or not....and rent
4.Work....i am BBA graduate and continue further studies
6.Safety..is it a good place to live in?
.....plz help friends......i like south india bcoz it is near sea....:-)

See also

Living in Pondicherry: the expat guidePart time work in Pondicherrytravel to india - pondicherryLooking for a midwife in Pondiliving in Pondicherry


It's great place but hot and very humid!
For accomodation, the center is the most expensive but you can find furnished or non furnished flat.
  to get an idea.

Cost of living depends on your way of life and since you have many temptations like french food, alcohol,outing, etc..it can go up easily.

Many products have increased with the VAT and also it's a touristic place so quite expensive during the peak season.  Many activities can't be afforded by locals. Auto still refuse to use meter and are expensive compared to Mumbai or Delhi  but it's easy to rent a scooter.

It's certainly cheaper than in the big cities but too expensive for a small city.
It's a safe place but as everywhere, better be careful in the night, especially during the week-end.

But once you are here, it's difficult to leave because of the sea and special atmosphere...

Best of luck!


One thing I forgot, hindi is not largely spoken as well as english or french so be ready to learn tamil!


Thanks Christelle GM for sharing your experience of living in there...but this is strange that people speaks only tamil...:-).....anyway...thanks again.


There are north indians who speak in hindi but majority of locals don't speak hindi or very little.
Tamil people never accepted that hindi was imposed to them and for some time, it was forbbiden at school. It's either tamil or english and, little bit of french in Pondy.
They are very protective of their culture and very traditional...


This is a good thing that people are very protective for their culture...i respect all cultures and people....so this place is for me..:-)...i will come some day...meet new people and make new friends from different cultures...i like it.


Great!! Then come and enjoy!!


ok....ChristelleGM....may be we met someday...and become friends...:-)...:-)


Interesting infos, many thanks!