

Drum Lessons

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Ive been receiving a few inquiries from locals and expats for drum lessons and am thinking seriously of buying a drum kit for this purpose so that I may pursue this intent.

I would like to have at least 5 students for starters to cover my costs as well as give me value for the time spent, which would be arounbd a minimum of an hours class each student per week.

Basically I wuill teach the rudiments of drumming, using western drums, for the various types of rhythms starting from Waltz, Fox Trot, Quick Step, Cha Cha, Samba, Rumba, Soul, and Rock music. For those with a knack for rhythm and timing and a love to learn drummiung it will be a piece of cake as it is inly a matter oif synchronizing ones hands and feet to the rhythms inside your head and what you hear being played by the other musicians, especially the bass player who is the key for any drummer.

Any takers before I invest? The kit would cost me around SR 3.5K and I will need to set it up in a common place for the students to come over and take the lesson since its not easy moving it from place to place like a flute.


musicman Im looking to relocate to KSA are there any guitar stores.


cp62, The most popular and well stocked music store in Riyadh is AL DAWLIAH located at the Al Faisaliah Tower Mall and Al Aqariya II Mall. They are agents for Yamaha musical instruments and have the whole range from Pianos, Organs, to Drums. They also sell Guitars, Wind & String Instruments of other brands in addition to electrtonics, mixers, monitors, and the rest ofmnthe music scene gadgetry. You can also order stuff through them which they import and deliver quite efficiently. I do all my music accesories shopping with them.

There are also many other High End Stereo stores in town.


I am interested in taking Drum lessons, it was always my passion to learn, how it will be possible, I am first one I think, need to wait for three or four more?


Nope, you are #3
#1 s a young 8 year old Lebanese boy
#2 is a 26 year old Saudi lady

The problem is the Logistics since I have to set up the kit in one home to do the lessons since its not very smart moving the whole kit from place to place.

In the case of #1 & #2 I have no probz in setting it up at #2 residence which is not too far away from mine and the young #1 lad can always come over. However, in the case of grown men it will be tough to entertain all of them at #2s residence on account of the griund rules in the Kingdom.

Let me think!

Fidgety Soul

lemme know how much u would charge exactly because i know a young boy aged 12,he got his own electronic drum and me may wants to learn as well.


learning drums is best using acoustic drums rather than electronic drums cos u need to feel the vibes oif the skin on the sticks or brushes. its OK toi migrate to electronic drums after picking up the rudiments. more like a box guitar and an electrinic one.

The sounds that come out of an electrinic drum kit ara machine made while acoustic allows for true human sound using skills and rhythm from inside the heart, if that makes anyoneemotionally musical here...?


How I can be accomodated?


mzffr, i am trying to look at the logistics of setting up the kit at my daughters home in Sulaimaniya, which is a large villa and also within close proximity to most residential areas, where the lessons may be given based on a pre-defined time schedule. Will keep you posted.

nonz, in my humble view I think a minimum of 8 simple classes will sufice for anyone to pick up the rudiments and i would like to charge SR 1,000 as a lump sum package for all 8 classes, which I think is quite reasonable.


hi music man.. first of all am new here so i hope my questions are not too silly or too dumb to ask.. but anyways.. for the past years i never knew u could play music in ksa.. so i wonder if there is also a place to learn dancing somewhere. I do sign and dance so.. if u have any idea i'de be really thankful for your help.


Hi Suekitten,

Welcome to the forum!!

I agree with you that it's confusing what the 'rules' are here and I was just talking about this same thing (music) the other day.

One of the first things I noticed here, believe it or not, is that there is NO music in elevators or stores!!  In the USA, every public place has 'easylistening' music and some of the stores catering to younger people even play hiphop, etc.

I live on a compound that is NOT western.  We have a recreation dept. and the other day I was discussing with the director what could be done for the teenage boys who just wander around with nothing to do.  I asked about giving music lessons--maybe guitar lessons.  I could immediately tell from the look on his face that this was NOT a good suggestion.  He advised me that music is okay if it's something you're doing privately but to do it out in the open (ie. music lessons in the recreation dept.) would be asking for big trouble.  It seems somewhere in the Quran it says this is 'haram.'

Can a Saudi on this forum please explain?  Thanks!


Nowhere in the Quran does it say that music is Haram. What is referred to as Haream is "Vain Speech" which some have chosen to translate to mean "Music" per se. I do not conform to that school of thought.

Yes, music and dancing may be available in the Kingdom in private circles only. In the late 1980s I played with an expat band here and did some gigs at the Intercointinental Hotel for private parties, mostly playing Jazz as a second band to a Lebanese Arabiuc Music band. Most of the parties belonged to people in "high" places so we didnt have any problem. The band coniststed of a Brit Pilot Sax player from BA, an Indian bassist from the hotel, a Filipino crooner (Franck Sinatra lookalike) who also worked for the hotel, an Egyption keyboardist, an Indian guitaris who worked for the World Bank office in Riyadh who lived at Yamama Compound where we used to practice most times, a young Saudi sound technician who provided the electronics and managed it well, and myself on drums. We had lots of fun, playing mostly at Compounds on weekends.


I am living in western compound we have dance instructors for all age groups. If some one inetersted he has to move to Alhamrah Compound.



if AlHamra Compound will be willing to accomodate me as a drum instructor within the compound I would love to set up my kit there and ask the students to come in for lessons. It would be interesting to pursue this option if possible and would solve the issue of the location, accesibility and privacy too.


I have checked with compound management, its very expensive to setup here in Alhamrah, they will charge for room on hourly basis, have you any other option?


yes, I know the Manager of Al Waha Compound in the eastern ring road and I will check with him


Any update


None yet. Been a bit busy. Hoping to travel out of KSA for 10 days next week.


hi there, im looking for drum lessons


hi can i enroll in your lesson?


Try this place called Brothers they have frim karate to swimming dancing and drumming and many more


Hello, are you still offering drum lessons? My 8 year old has his own drum kit so we are looking for someone to come here. He is a beginner. He has previously had 6 drum lessons in the uk and is keen to continue. My number is ***. Thanks, Marie

Moderated by Priscilla 6 years ago
Reason : do not post your personal contact details on the forum please, thank you

@Mariedalglish >

This thread is very old (2010) and you may not receive a response.
I would rather invite you to post a free ad in the Music classes in Riyadh section, it might be more helpful.


½ûÂþÌìÌà team


Hey, I'm interested in learning how to play the drums. I live in Alkhobar. Do you know any one there or around Alkhobar like dhahran or Dammam who can teach me.
Also I would appreciate any tips in starting, so any tips?


Hi, can you recommend any drum set for a beginner? My teenage boy wanna learn to play drums but I'm afraid that is impossible to have drums in a flat. I thought to take a kit that would work with headphones. Do you have any experience with electronic drum set? I wanna find something similar but cheaper.


I don't advice to use electronic drumest. It has no feels and is quite bad for a beginner to use. Will ruin most of the experience. Get a normal drumset and put pillows inside all the parts, and you can get drum covers from the instruments store to lower the voice (which also changes the feeling).


Ok, thank you for the advice

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