

mums and kids?

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I moved to erbil a year ago with my 3daughters,2 of which attend school.i was wondering if there are any other expat ladies with kids who might be interested in meeting?

See also

Living in Iraq: the expat guideWho can help us with the language ?are there indian families in ErbilExpat Gathering in ErbilHow many expats are in Iraq?

Hi! Im Debbie, I'm a 37 Mum to 2 girls aged 12 + 8, I'm afraid I don't live in Erbil yet so it's maybe bad of me to reply as I can't meet up but there's every chance I could be moving there with my 2 daughters later this year and I wondered how you've found it so far?
I live in Scotland right now x


Thanks so much!!

Oddly in the time between posting - the company my husband was in talks with have said that education for 12 year olds is not up to standard and they've basically shut the whole thing down?

We're dissapointed and a bit dubious? I find it hard to believe International schools wouldn't follow a standard curriculum?

Maybe we're just naive 😞


I really appreciate that - thanks so much.

We received a one line e-mail saying it wasn't up to standard but you've just filled in the blanks as to why.

We know that if it wasn'teant to be it will pass us by so we're only marginally dissapointed.

I hope you enjoy your stay there, thanks again x