

Gnomad Expat-Blogger ...

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Hi everybody,

we would like your point of view about a Gnomad Expat-Blogger.
Maybe some of you already knows what is a Gnomad, for the other you could look at .
I have a little preference for the Tourist Gnomad that we can see .

To summarize the principle of a Gnomad, it is simple : a Gnomad is a little figurine that you receive by postmail (from the people that hosted the gnomad before), then the aim is to take picture of the gnomad on your neighborhood and known places (easily recognisable) close to you.

If we would launch an Expat-Blogger Gnomad, here would be the idea :
Ìý * the gnomad would be hosted around 2 weeks by an expat-blogger;
Ìý * the gnomad would be send from expat-blogger to expat-blogger;
Ìý * the next expat-blogger, who will host the gnomad, would be chosen hasardously (pick one paper from paper with every names) ... and so on;
Ìý * it would be nice to send a small gift to the next expat-blogger with the gnomad ... you should think that you would receive a gift too ;)
Ìý * we would post pictures with brief comment of the gnomad on this website ... you can talk about it on your blog too if you want

That is just an idea and the rules can be changed ....

But what do you think about the idea to launch a Gnomad from Expat-Blogger to Expat-Blogger ??


I think the idea is really fab !

Could we really do it ?

I saw a blog last month about a girl who sends a little doll all around France (for the moment) and ask people to take some pictures with it and if possible to dress her with new clothes if needed (just imagine that the doll could be really cold in the Alpes during winter with a lovely summer dress...). I found it really funny straight away and regretted that she wouldn't send the doll abroad !

Unfortunately I lost the link to this blog so now I can't follow the fellow's trip...

But this really a great idea !


Everything's possible crashlyon :D

Have you ever heard about blognome?


It's a great idea, let's do it! :)

Olivier de Montréal

loloeig, go ahead! start the game! :)


Fun & silly, but I really fancy it... eager to see when I'll receive the travaling  blognome :lol:


Good to hear from you Strogoff :)

How are you doing in Prague?


olivier wrote:

loloeig, go ahead! start the game!

Before to start the game, the headchief should approve this idea ;) and think about where putting pictures we will have...

Moreover I need to find a Gnomad or a figurine ... because Gnomads are not easy to find outside North America ... and not too much on internet :(
Maybe a funny, beautiful figurine would be good ....

Don't worry I don't forgot the idea !!!


I want to play!  Let's just hope some Russian postal employee doesn't take a liking to it!  Things have been known to disappear.......

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