

When I feel like eating i drink lots of water!


I am so happy because now i am not very busy to go to the gym, its so nice to be healthy and fit.I remember my friend asking me on how to lose weight, she's telling me that she did not eat in the morning then... when i saw her at night she's eating burger from a fast food chain.

Dieting means not starving yourself and eating big meal when you are hungry. Its all about discipline and eating (more on fruits and vegies)right and exercise!


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Hi cosna,

You're absolutely right... dieting is not about starving yourself only to eat excessive amounts of what's bad for you later. This is a recipe for failure right from the get go.

The very best way to diet and lose weight and keep it off is to eat a balanced and healthy mix of foods, but in moderation. Clearly the focus should be on fruit and vegies, but you don't even have to give up things like pizza if you exercise and eat small portions.

Drinking a lot of water is also essential to losing weight.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


the catch is exercise LOL


Dieting means not starving yourself and eating big meal when you are hungry. Its all about discipline and eating (more on fruits and vegies)right and exercise!


I've also heard eating within a reasonable hour helps too. I'm referring mainly eating late at night and then falling asleep. This isnt good for you at all. Rest is equally important too.
You must rest/sleep for at least eight hours during the night.



There is an old saying 'breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper'

Which means you should have a good breakfast to start your day, a reasonable lunch to continue and then a light meal at night.


I usually eat a very small breakfast, moderate lunch and big dinner.