

Weekend Meeting


Hey Marlee n Zubaid..yes lets definitely plan something for the upcoming Friday. Saudi veterans please suggest of a suitable venue..and if not, we can also meet at my place. I have a small swimming pool and a nice apartment to chill. So lets plan out!!


So is the weekend gathering going on?


iamthere wrote:

So is the weekend gathering going on?

For the time being its not going on :( even I'm waiting for it to happen. Guess the members who used to meet every weekend, are very busy these days !!


Any one still up there!


Hello Riyadh Expats that are still in Riyadh,
Is anyone still conducting any form of meeting up on the weekend? Or has it diminished to the point of non-existance?
I'm a Canadian and have been settling into the Kingdom now for about 2 months. Looking to start meeting people and seeing new faces.


I wana join too...


Canadian_Timmy wrote:

Hello Riyadh Expats that are still in Riyadh,
Is anyone still conducting any form of meeting up on the weekend? Or has it diminished to the point of non-existance?
I'm a Canadian and have been settling into the Kingdom now for about 2 months. Looking to start meeting people and seeing new faces.

We will start the meetings again soon, an announcement will be made soon on the next meeting.


Thanks for the heads up. :proud


when we are having next meet up guys count me in and do inform.


Can I meet u




hope the meeting / mouth watering b'fast starts soon :)


After Saimans above post this cannot be delayed longer and we will meet up this Saturday 24th Jan 2015. The location will be the same as usual, Second Cup Coffee shop at Localizer Mall on Tahlia road.

Any one else interested can join us as well.


at 10 am

All those who are interested can PM so we can exchange contact numbers and stay in contact for the meeting updates...


³Ò°ù±ð²¹³ÙÌý :top: see you guys on Saturday !!


better to update via whats-app group if there is any.. 00966-56-9238393


5 confirmations till now, c'mon guys wake up and let's meet as per the schedule :)


When is this? Wanna join you guys! :)


Read the thread all details have been given and shared :)


I would like to join , but dont know how to get to this place. Also driving in riaydh is scary for new expacts.

who does not agree :)



hi i am from yanbu how can i fix meeting with you


hi everyone, will be in riyadh in few days .. don't know anyone .. I've been living abroad most of my life .. yiks !!


i do agree .. its crazy to drive overthrere

Murad Nur

Hi all, i'm muradÌý living in Jeddah, just i entered the EB blog website (New comersÌý :) ), I like the idea of having networking meeting for EB members, it great idea where you can share information, culture and so many valuable thing and activities, i wonder if there is plan to have and arrange a networking meeting for EB members in Jeddah.



The meeting is in Riyadh and all EB members are welcome to join. If you just go back a bit on the same thread you will know the location and other details.


HRGuru wrote:

Open invitation for all EB members in Riyadh for a networking meeting.

Date: 21 June 2013

Time : After Asr Prayer or after 3:30

Venue : Coffee Shop at Tahlia Localizer Mall

Attendees confirmed as of now : TLL & me.

Agenda : Just to get to know some people in the forum or more precisely to put a face to the names.

Its a good business man, you can first settle with any coffie shop that you will bring that much customers and then have some shares.


Bro-AM wrote:
HRGuru wrote:

Open invitation for all EB members in Riyadh for a networking meeting.

Date: 21 June 2013

Time : After Asr Prayer or after 3:30

Venue : Coffee Shop at Tahlia Localizer Mall

Attendees confirmed as of now : TLL & me.

Agenda : Just to get to know some people in the forum or more precisely to put a face to the names.

Its a good business man, you can first settle with any coffie shop that you will bring that much customers and then have some shares.

That's really funny of you to think in that way, BTW, we don't drink coffee there. We decide for a b'fast location and move together from there !!
Anyways thanks for your brainy comment :)


It's marketing thing, u will not get it.


Bro-AM wrote:

It's marketing thing, u will not get it.


Stay on Topic :)


Bro-AM wrote:

It's marketing thing, u will not get it.

No offence but Seems like u have been fooled by someone already like this but our meetings are not to fool around. The coffee shop is just a hub for everyone to assemble there.


Thanks for the support guys , but why waste time on this guy, he said the best that he could come up with. The meetings are still on for those who are genuinely interested.Ìý Those who are, do make it as well.


HRGuru wrote:

Thanks for the support guys , but why waste time on this guy, he said the best that he could come up with. The meetings are still on for those who are genuinely interested.Ìý Those who are, do make it as well.

DDamn I missed it again, I will see u next week for sure.

Btw too new here, lil sceptical to get outÌý :unsure


HRGuru wrote:

Thanks for the support guys , but why waste time on this guy, he said the best that he could come up with. The meetings are still on for those who are genuinely interested.Ìý Those who are, do make it as well.

Manners guys,,, manners.


Bro-AM wrote:

Manners guys,,, manners.

Don't keep writing stuff which doesn't make any sense or the heck of it. It will be appreciated if you stick to the topic !!


I wanna join too...


how was the meetup? or did it push through?


reesemicah wrote:

how was the meetup? or did it push through?

It was just amazing !! 😄


what abt next meet up...waiitng anxiously...


So when is the next meeting lemme know i wanna join too...... :)


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