

Internet Service Providers in Ho Chi Minh City

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I'm looking for input from people with experience with internet service providers in Vietnam/HCMC.  I would like to find an ISP that can run a connection to my apartment and provide stable, reliable internet service.

I live in district 3, and although my apartment comes with internet, it's in pretty bad shape most of the time.  It's slow and constantly cuts in and out.  I like to do some online gaming as well as Skyping.  On my connection, it's pretty tough to do. 

Anyway, if you know of a reliable ISP in HCMC please let me know.

See also

Making phone calls in VietnamInternet in VietnamWatching TIVIbuying a used mobileHow to get reliable internet in Ho Chi Minh City

that is network in vietnam, most they are bad, but u dont worry u can connect fpt or vietel or vnpt, fpt.com.vn, viettel.com.vn, vnpt.com.vn. look at right, they have service number phone


Getting a fiber connection from one of the major companies should help with speed and stability, but latency will probably always be a problem for gaming here.


Thanks for the info.  Stability is the biggest problem.  Sometimes my internet works just fine, but sometimes it will become extremely slow and it takes a long time just to load up a basic web page.  It seems like every other day it's pretty bad.


hi mike, can you help? I send mail to a friend in vn but seldom get answers, do you always get your mail from outside friends, mark?


mtgmike wrote:

Anyway, if you know of a reliable ISP in HCMC please let me know.

In Vietnam, reliable is a relative term. Reliable compared to what? The internet in your home country? If that's what you want, I'm afraid to say you're going to be disappointed here.

If you want anything close to what you had in your home country, you're going to pay about double or triple the price here, and it still won't be as good, if it's even available in your area at all.

Fiber-optic connections are available throughout HCMC, but not in all areas, or in all buildings. If you live in an older apartment building that wasn't wired for FO when it was built, you're not going to get FO, even if it runs by the outside of your building. That's the case for me. The villas right next-door to my apartment building can get fiber-optic connections, but I can't get one in my apartment because my building is not wired for it. Due to FO being a new technology to Vietnam, the infrastructure here is not as developed for it as it should be. (They run the FO lines through the trees, etc. the same way as they do all the other utilities lines. Look up the next time you're walking around the city.) Therefore, many FO connections suffer the same reliablity issues as ADSL connections.

So due to fiber-optic not being available to me, all I can do is pay for the best ADSL connection I can get, which costs about triple what I would pay for a similar connection speed in the US. Add to that it's very inconsistent in speed and reliability.

All of the ISPs in HCMC offer similar service, at similar costs. You need to determine which ones are available in your area, then get the most expensive connection you can afford.


cheers, now why the shortage on mail

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