Getting married in Brazil, Permanent Visa and documents required
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You need to ask the PF. You will get a different andwer on things from different offices. If you are going to live somewhere else why are you even getting it?
I have my job in dubai and my wife living in brazil. I have two years contract with company there. i told you...once you submit your documents in PF then they issue a protocol document which vaild for 3 months and on that protocol you go for exit from brazil then you should back in Brazil within 3 months. PF only follow the document which you hold rather then what you apply for. So this mean you have to return back within 90 days period and then exit on RNE which will allow you 1 exit entry within 2 years. I hope it would help you.
Once you get the RNR/CIE you can come and go as you please no limited number of exits and entries.
Respected sir,
After getting the RNE card how long after they give the passport?
you don't get a passport. Permanency is diffeent than citizenship.
Thanks so much for the great advice but I have some questions.
I'm an American citizen and am going to go to Brazil this summer to marry my fiancé (who is a Brazilian citizen), but we are going to use the tourist visa method mentioned above. However, my question is concerning the documents needed.
1. I'm adopted from China and my birth certificate has been translated from English to Chinese but I am unsure if I have a long form one or not. How would I get this sorted out? In the post it says I would need to go to the Brazilian consulate nearest me with my birth certificate as well as proof that I've never been married and then once in Brazil, these would need to be translated. Is this correct? I'm just making sure I understand everything. What do I need to go the Brazilian consulate in my country for or does the post mean I need to go to the American consulate in Brazil? I also don't understand why the birth certificate must be issued within the last 180 days?
2. I already have a valid tourist visa and have been in Brazil for a total of four months (2 in 2015 and 2 in 2016). We've been dating for over 3 years. I was wondering if the same documents would be needed if we were to base our marriage on the stable relationship model?
Thank you!
You need to go to the Brazilian consulate in USA. you should go to the website to see what documents that you need . Some things change. the reason for the Birth Certificate not being more than 180 days old is because Brazil puts all changes on it , divorce name changes etc. At the same time find out what documents you will need for permanency after you are married.
Hello James,
You were quite helpful with your tips for the marriage in Brazil. However my future spouse and I got into a snag with the Carterio today. Armed with all the required documents we were told we need a fourth document, a ludicrous one. In fact, we tried 2 Carterios and both said the same thing (even though my lawyer here never said it was required). Apparently, I, the divorcee am now required to have a notorized certificate approved by the Brazil consulate at home, confirming your marital status. Apparently, a notorized, consulate-approved and translated certificate of divorce is still not enough!!!! I'm stumped, did you hear about this? I'm from Quebec and I assure you my provincial government does not issue these. The DIvorce certificate is all they produce. There is no ''Present Status certificate" in Quebec. Thoughts?
Call me if you can: (27) 99701-1973
Hello All,
It has come to my attention that since my last comment yesterday, I've been notified that James has passed away, My condolences to his family. I will keep this post alive until my bureaucratic snafu is solved for those interested. To summarize,
to get married in Brazil requires:
1) Birth certificate official from your government, approved by your local Brazilian consulate or embassy and translated by a JUCEES (official judicial Brazilian translator/interpreter);
2) If divorced, Divorce certificate from your government, approved by your local Brazilian consulate or embassy and translated by a JUCEES (official judicial Brazilian translator/interpreter);
3) DIvorce settlement: It DOESN'T matter how long ago it was you need it, from your government, approved by your local Brazilian consulate or embassy and translated by a JUCEES (official judicial Brazilian translator/interpreter);
All these need to be as fresh as possible because they CANNOT be more than 180 days (6 months old)
There is no name for it and the Cartorio tried to explain it as best as she could I call it:
PRESENT DAY CIVIL STATUS CERTIFICATE. My Canadian government does not issue these. So you need to go to a notary in your country of origin, have him or her make out a Certificate of Present Day civil Status then have it approved by your local Brazilian consulate or embassy and translated by a JUCEES (official judicial Brazilian translator/interpreter).
I'll keep you posted.
from Linhares
I'm so sorry about James' passing. Thank you for continuing this post on his behalf.
I was wondering if you could please tell me what needs to be approved by the Brazilian Consulate in my country of origin before I go to Brazil on my already existing tourist visa to be married?
What needs to be approved by the American consulate in Brazil?
Who should I contact about my birth certificate since it is different because I am adopted from China?
Lastly, I know someone already tried to help me with this question but I still do not understand. Why does my birth certificate need to be issued within the last 180 days? Since it has to be an original, shouldn't I just use the copy that was made when I was born? I was never divorced or had a name change.
Thank you,
Ni hao Cheyenne,
From my understanding at this point EVERYTHING needs to be approved by the nearest consulate in the USA. If you were born in China, it's best you contact someone in China to go to the nearest Brazilian consulate over there. If you are a naturalized citizen in the USA you need to have THAT certificate as well and of course it also needs to be approved by the nearest Brazilian consulate in the USA. Do not forgot that all your documents need to be translated in Portuguesse IN Brazil by a JUCEES translator/interpreter. You can google JUCEES and see the list near where you live. If you don't speak the language you need one at your ceremony as well. The standard cost is $R 60 PER page (I had 7) and at the ceremony it's $R 254 per hour starting from the time they leave the house.
These documents must've no older than 180 days. If you don't have any and your tourist visa has or will soon expire you need to go to the Police Federal WITH your future spouse and request a 3-month extension. An Algerian expat did this without a problem.
Once the documents assembled you need to go to a Cartorio (a notary) where a wedding date. Depending on the Cartorio this can be 3-weeks to two months!
Ater the ceremony, you need to go back to the Federal police and notify them of your marriage.
Then you can follow James instructions as to getting your working visa.
I hope this helps,
Take care,
Hello james,
thank you for the info,
so after getting married, during the period until receiving the permanent visa which i understood can take up to 2 year, is it allowed to leave the country for visits abroad?
James has deceased some time ago and I have honorably taken his place as I am experiencing this at this moment.
Are you already married? If not, you need to follow the steps I explained in the previous message. It's a long process and requires 2-4 months that alone.
If you are already married, congratulations!!!
James elaborated on the steps you need to take if you are married:
"Once you are married then you should immediately go to the Policia Federal - Setor de Estrangeiros (Federal Police - Foreigner Sector) with your original Marriage Certificate and other necessary documents and apply for a VIPER Permanent Visa (com base em cônjuge brasileiro/a). When your visa application is accepted the Federal Police will issue you a protocolo which bears your photo, basic information about your identity, nationality, parent's names, etc., which will be valid for 180 days. The protocolo allows you to remain legally in the country until the visa process is completed. This can take anywhere from one year to two years under normal circumstances, even longer if there is any problem. So, you will have to continue going back to the Federal Police every six months (before the expiry date on the protocolo) to get it extended (prorrogação). They will stamp it and it will be valid for a further 180 days. You need to keep doing this until you finally get the visa issued."
As to being allowed to fly in between Federal Police visits, I think it is best to check with them. I will also check with my local lawyer.
Take care,
After you give all of the required documents for your Permanency, if everything is ok. You are automatically approved for RNE. It takes approximately 60 days to get the CIE. it used to take longer but not anymore. you can travel using the protocol that they issue to you. you should notify them when you travel in case they need to contact you. the process has become much simpler now.
Hi Steven,
Thank you so much for your help and all your info! I am a citizen of the United States. So I guess what I'll need to have approved by the consulate in the US before I go to Brazil are:
My birth certificate
Naturalization papers
A document saying that I'm single
I still don't understand the 180 day thing? The birth certificate and naturalization documents are as old as I am. I don't know how to obtain copies of them?
My tourist visa does not expire till 2025 so I think I'm good with that.
Thanks again for all the prices and info :-)
If you are doing the permenency in Brazil you should go to the website of the Federal Police and see what they require. It will be different than the Brazilian consulate. as far as your birth cerificate , although it makes no sense it will need to be current. you can obtain a copy where ever it is registered.
So, they want a copy of my birth certificate/naturalization papers? Not the originals? How many copies should I make of each document?
Also, could you please send me the link to the federal police website?
It will have to be a certified copy. You cannot just make a copy of one that you have.
I've been here in Brazil since the 12th of June, 2012. I'm thinking of going home to the US to visit my family for Christmas. My Brazilian fiancé and I had originally wanted to travel together to visit my family, and get married while we were there and then get my permanent stay visa for Brazil from the Brazilian Consulate in LA. However, we've given up on this after 4 attempts because it's become too expensive and it doesn't look like the US Consulate in São Paulo will grant her a tourist visa any time soon. No, we didn't mention anything about our desire to get married during the visa interviews.
She went to both cartorios here where we live to ask about the process involved with us getting married, mentioning the fact that my visa expired quite some time ago. They told her that I/we would have to go to the Federal Police and go through a process that can take up to 18 months and cost as much as R$4000 to "regularize my visa" and obtain some sort of a permit to remain in the country, I'm presuming a permanent visa. They said that after I have that visa, we can get married. They told us, and I confirmed with the County Clerk back in the US, that it is much quicker and cheaper for us to go to the US with her on a tourist visa and get married there. However, the Consulate doesn't seem to like to grant tourist visas to dark-skinned people that aren't wealthy, even restaurant owners.
My question is twofold:
You mentioned that it is actually the law here that we can get married with minimum hassle. Since my visa expired about 4 years ago (Dec 18th, 2012 to be exact) does this apply to me? So, should I/we look for a different cartorio that will perform the wedding ceremony without the rigamoral mentioned by the other cartorio?
If I do decide to go visit my family for the holiday, how long will I have to stay away/wait before the Consulate in LA will grant me another tourist visa, even a short one? We can go to the cartorio here the day after I arrive to get married and then we can go to the Federal Police and convert my visa to a permanent residence one. She has been looking up information of government websites and has informed me that it seems that the law has changed and now one only has to wait 90 days before they can apply for and be issued a new 90 day tourist visa. Problem is, I don't want to go back to the US and find out that I will actually have to wait 180 days before applying.
And what about amnesty programs? Are there any in the works that you or anyone else on this thread are aware of?
If I'm told that I have to remain in the US for more than 90 days, I won't be going home. I have my long form (whatever that means) birth certificate and my signed by the judge divorce decree from Santa Clara County, California. It sounds as though I will need to have these translated by a certified translator. In order for us to get married and me to obtain my permanency, what will I/we need to do here for that to happen? If she signs the Declaração de Responsibilidade, will I still need to somehow obtain the criminal background check, or is this, as it sounds from some of the posts here, not necessary anymore?
I think if you go out of brazil for Christmas they wont let you back in for 180 days, you also will have to pay a fine, of R$9 a-day for at lest 100 days
its best you get all the documents you need to get married here, then apply for the permanent visa, and when you see the federal police here to apply for your visa, you will have to pay the fine,
I think that might be the only way for you
Hi Mike,
The onus is on you unfortunately since you overstayed your visa requirement. I say this even though I'm Canadian because of a friend who overstayed by 3 months. I don't know what his penalty was but I can tell you that he was persona non grata at the airport in São Paulo.
I can't help you about getting back here but I can definitely and highly suggest that if and when you are ready to come back make sure you have your divorce decree and your birth certificate approved by your local consulate. Both should have their individual seal. As you come back you need 1) your documents translated into Portuguese by a JUCEE (judicial translator). That's a standard cost of $R 60 reais per page (I had 7) . The Cartorio who will perform the ceremony needs to see his/her stamp and signature. Once this is done, the Cartorio will send you to the office of the city to see a different Cartorio to register you as a citizen. It cost me $R 513 reais. This took me 3 days. Once registered you go back to the previous Cartorio and they will set a date for your wedding. Cost $R 430 reais. Then the rings (if you don't have them) can cost $R 1200 and more. Once married you go back to the Police Federal and flash them with glee your marriage certificate and they will start processing your permanent visa.
When you are doing this and the date of your marriage is beyond your tourist visa expiry date (3 months for Canada) you need to see the Police Federal BEFORE the end of your tourist visa.
Your biggest problem now is getting back here.
Good luck!
Gracias Pete. I know the fine/fee for over-staying the tourist visa is R$8.28 a day for a maximum of 100 days, or R$828.00.
I just need to know for sure how long the Consulate in LA is going to make me stay in California before I can come back and we can get married.
Yep. The biggest question is how long will they require me to stay in California before issuing me a new tourist visa.
US legal documents like these don't have an expiration date like Brazilian documents do. Also, since I'm currently in Brazil, having my local Brazilian Consulate "approve" the documents, or apply their "selo" to them is impossible.
if you can get all the right documents from your home country, get them all sent to you in brazil,
get them all translated in brazil, its going to be cheaper
 you don't need the police record anymore, just a statement from the new wife
and once you present all your documents to the fed's and they except them then you have your unlimited visa
the fed's don't really care if your an overstayed, they just want the fine
Do you have a link that says that? She hasn't shown me a link, but she's said multiple times that the law was changed recently to 90 days. She being my fiancé of course. I've emailed both consulates in California, but neither one has replied to me yet.
the one thing I know about the fed's here, they clueless and don't really know about there laws changing, I would not take a chance
one might think its 90 days and another one might think its 180 days
spanishpete wrote:if you can get all the right documents from your home country, get them all sent to you in brazil,
get them all translated in brazil, its going to be cheaper
 you don't need the police record anymore, just a statement from the new wife
and once you present all your documents to the fed's and they except them then you have your unlimited visa
the fed's don't really care if your an overstayed, they just want the fine
LOL. Don't they all just want the fine? Rsrsrssss
I've messaged the cartorio here where we live asking if they're going to have a hissy fit if my documents were issued more than 6 months ago. I sent them to two certified translators and neither of them mentioned anything about the date they were issued. The divorce decree was issued in December of 2009 and the birth certificate was issued in September of 2010.
my birth certificate was issued in 1955, the fed's did not question it, to be honest I think there more interested in the transplantation date
And for that I just have to find my "cartão de entrada e saida" again. I could have sworn I had it in my important documents folder, but I just went through it and removed all of my fiancé's denied visa application forms. All 4 of them. I'm hoping I didn't throw it away, but I might have the last time I went through and cleaned out all my "not needed" paperwork.
My mother was flabbergasted when I told her that documents like birth and wedding certificates have expiration dates. She asked me if that mean the birth or wedding also had an expiration date.
US as well. It's ludicrous that any important documents like these have an expiration date here. It's just a way for the cartorios to make more money.
In Quebec, Canada you can get fresh ones any time you want. Unbelievably the divorce certificates are free (after all that spending) and the birth certificates are $60 CDN dollars or 2 Americans bucks...something like that. Mike, I'm quite certain that these certificates must not be older than 180 days and there is a link to that somewhere. If you or Pete can't find it I'll give it the college try.
The reason your documents have to be current is because Brazil puts all changes to persons life on one document. The birth certificate. You won't get around it. If someone tells you different. They were just lucky. Save yourself problems and do what they require.
the newest of all my document's was, just over a year old, just the translation was 3 mouths old
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