

"fake" MS office

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bought a laptop about a month ago. i was told the ms office installed isn't original and i was advised not to update online. i don't know what happened suddenly i couldn't use it anymore. im not "techie" and all. i guess i have to get the original one? but they say it's expensive and i should go to Ratu Plaza and get another "fake" one.. i'm not really sure.. :(

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Uninstall it from your computer and Install Apache OpenOffice which is free


Edited to update

You knew it was an illegal copy so you take your chances.

Potentially very expensive cheap software.

KM Spico seems to be the common hack. Windows 10 and 11 sees it as malware and isolates it. You can add an exception but Windows will do it again and again, especially after an update.
I have no idea if the hack tool steals data or not, but it has to be considered risky.


Hmmm, while IÂ’m not going to advocate acquiring pirated software IÂ’ve been running my PC on Bali 24/7 for the past 16 years and never once paid an IDR for any software including all the latest Adobe photo shop editions which is my life blood. 

It seems on Bali if you buy a computer here itÂ’s expected to come fully loaded with all sorts of nifty software making the computer itself practically free.

As for virus protection, get McAfee which is fantastic and it keeps all those nasty hantu computer away.   

Again, as I say, IÂ’m not advocating pirated software but now that Bill Gates has regained the status of richest man on the planet, I donÂ’t have much sympathy for those companies. 

Same goes for prescription drugs.


cool. thanks :)


Hi, this is Taher, working in Microsoft Indonesia. I am really sorry to know what you went through. Usually most of the laptops here are sold with pirated software and that's why the vendor asked you not to update online because it first check the license validity.

which version of OS u r using? is it windows 7? The home edition isn't that expensive. Have you contacted the vendor regarding your license issue?


windows 8. actually, somebody else bought it for me so i didn't get the chance to opt for the original ms office. thanks anyway :)


I would just go back and get another version, ask for one which comes with the 'cracked' code. Pretty simple stuff. Ratu Plaza is the best place to visit for that, thats for sure.


Taher, I can't help but to wonder if Microsoft pays Asians working in Asia a comparable wage to their American counterparts working in the US?

Silly me, what a dumb question! :lol:

I'd also love to see the pay scale for those American expats working for Microsoft in Asia...you know...those guys and galls on what the US Internal Revenue Service used to call "hardship postings."  LOL lagi!


Dear Sir,
To be honest, its neither dumb or silly question, in fact its a very interesting one. I think you are quite experienced on this area, and that's why you have put it in a very ironical way :). Well, I can't comment about the package etc due to my limitations of knowledge, however, perhaps it could be the difference of living costs in different region. Perhaps, I am not qualified and experienced enough to give a proper reply. Its my first time working as an expat.

I am originally from Bangladesh and I wanted to move away form my comfort zone to see how I can perform in a different country, different culture. Never thought about the package much, I was more concerned whether or not I work well.

I came from a middle class family, my dad was a professor of zoology in Dhaka university. Never have dreams like big jump, big promotion, big money, rather we learned to live simple life. My sincere apology to say something different, just need to tell you that not everyone are same, therefore shouldn't be treated or compared in the same manner :):).


Hi all,

This link might be helpful . :)




You bought the illegal version, it inevitably failed and now you're thinking of doing the same thing all over again?


that's the thing...we shouldn't suggest to use pirated copies...it really wont solve anything..


like what i said, somebody else bought it for me. the laptop was handed to me with the fake one installed already. and i have the GENUINE MS OFFICE installed already.


kerztinejill wrote:

bought a laptop about a month ago. i was told the ms office installed isn't original and i was advised not to update online. i don't know what happened suddenly i couldn't use it anymore. im not "techie" and all. i guess i have to get the original one? but they say it's expensive and i should go to Ratu Plaza and get another "fake" one.. i'm not really sure.. :(

kerztinejill wrote:

like what i said, somebody else bought it for me. the laptop was handed to me with the fake one installed already. and i have the GENUINE MS OFFICE installed already.

What's the point of this topic?


This topic came up in another place so I thought I'd revive it as it still causes problems for so many people.
MS office used to be a one off payment and that was that, but MS got greedy and made it a subscription thing. Buying a laptop with fake software is pretty much average here but there are cheap but effective alternatives.
Google have a lovely suite that includes Slideshows, a word processor, and a very nice spreadsheet app. All are free if you have a Google email account, and all are compatable with MS versions (maybe the odd glitch, but nothing that's ever been a problem).
To avoid Windows 10/11 and all the mess they are, I bought a Samsung tab S5e (No longer sold but still great and their newer offerings are even better), then bought a Chromebook for my serious work from home.

The upshot is, the vast majority of people can now forget Microsoft's apps and even their bulky Windows OS. A cheap, 2.5 million Samsung Chromebook will out perform a 7 million Windows laptop but do with ease what the vast majority of people need from their computer.
Add the boot time is less than 30 seconds, the update time being the same, and you have stress reduction as a bonus - no more swearing because you need to get something done but the ruddy computer has forced an update.
Good tablets cost a little more but tend to be very light and easy to use, especially when you have the keyboard cases.

Fake Microsoft software issues solved.


Depends on which version you have. I'd say anything newer than Office 2007 will usually have a problem with the CD Key, License, or whatever they call it. I've never had any problems with Office 2007 and below.


Hugh1 wrote:

Depends on which version you have. I'd say anything newer than Office 2007 will usually have a problem with the CD Key, License, or whatever they call it. I've never had any problems with Office 2007 and below.

I found the same, however, apart from using pirate software being illegal (for what that's worth here), the crack software is suspect at best.
As MS software can now be easily replaced with Google's offerings, I strongly recommend using them instead.
You'll find Sheets (Excel), Docs (Word), and Slides (PowerPoint) with a simple search. All free of charge if you have a google email.

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