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Hi there to all,

I am Ovi and just registerd here on the expat forum because I am very much interested to live in Mexico and would like to know as much as possible from many of you who'll be nice to help me with any advice.
I can tell you about me that I make a living working from home via internet, drawing storyboards for TV commercials and also do illustrations for magazines and various publishers here and Europe.I am a professional artist illustrator for 25 years of which the last 10 in the Advertising business,the first 14 as a comic book artist for Marvel Comics.I know that there are agencies in Mexico too and I could get work from them also besides from my regular clients thru the 4 studio agencies that represents me in L.A.,NYC,and London/UK.

I'd like to live somewhere in Tijuana and to me a decent place will do it.I don't need more than a 1 Br. apt.but I have no idea of how life is in Tijuana and the rental prices and how to obtain a FM3 visa...I do not need to have a work permit because I don't have to work in a Mexican business place.I also lived for some years in France,Italy and Germany still doing my work thru the same agencies that represents me in the USA.I could do my work in any part of the world but this time I'd like to settle in Tijuana...don't ask me why I decided this way because a proper answer I don't have:) It just came to me out of a sudden and I made up my mind of packing my things(which aren't many:)),get in my car and come down to Mexico. I'll still have to settle few things here that might take me 1-2 months to finish.
But I'd like to know the procedures of doing it.And I made a list here but if you have more to add the better:
-Do I have to get a visa from the Mexican Consulate in Sacramento to come to Mexico?Or can I get it at the border when crossing by car?
-Is it possible to have a visa issued for 6 months?Can I apply for FM3 visa  being in Mexico?
-I do not have a regular income as money coming in every 2 other weeks for ex.I am paid after 1-2 months that the job I worked is done,but if it's steady work,money come on a regular basis direct deposit in my bank account.
-What papers are needed to get a FM3 visa besides american passport?
-I'll come with my car.Does the license plates have to be changed?Do I have to get a new drivers license in Mexico?
-I understand that I cannot keep my inssurances(dental,vision,medical,car,etc)that I have now here so before I'll leave I have to terminate them?Can I have Mexican inssurances?How expensive can it be?
-Can I rent a decent 1 Br apt.in the range of $400-$600 a month?For ex.here I have a 1 Br. apt with $600 a month(water,sewer and garbage included).I live alone.I've been married 3 times and don't intend to do it again:)I am cured.
-I work only from home so I definitely need Internet,a phone and a cell phone.What electric outlets are there?And voltage?Is it the same 110?
-I don't really need to live in the center of a city or town.I'd like to have a place near american expats tho...it will be great to speak some english once in a while:)
-I can read and understand spanish but I lack conversation so I need to practice this.I know Italian which helps me a lot to understand Spanish being latin languages and closer enough one with the other.
-How is the tax system in Mexico?When I lived in Europe I worked only for American clients in the USA and got paid with $ wired direct deposit and changed at my bank into Euros.I had to pay taxes to the European country I lived at the time.USA has such treaties with Europe so there's no double taxation.

These are my questions....I am sorry to bother you with so many...my apologies.But you have to understand that I need to know as much as possible and maybe if you'll be kind enough you'll try and help me.I'll write to the Mexican Consulate here too but they don't give detailed answers as you know...

Sorry for writing so much also...

Thank you very much,

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for MexicoVisas for MexicoMexico relocation in 5 easy stepsthe FM3 visa for MexicoCanje Process Questions

Hi Ovi,

It is my understanding that in order to obtain an FM3 you need to show proof of an income of at least $1000. US per month.  I believe you can enter as a tourist (just ask for 6 months) and then convert the tourist visa to a FM3.  I have not done this myself - I was employed by a Mexican school when I last lived in Mexico and they obtained the visa for me ( I entered the country as a tourist).  I've never been to TJ so I can't speak to the cost of living.  In Monterrey (I've been told is more expensive than TJ) we rented a two bedroom apartment in an middle class area for $350.00 US per month.  The apartment was not fantastic but was fine and the area was safe and full of middle class families.  Hope that helps.  Good luck.


Hi Anne,

Thanks for email.Very kind of you indeed.I am sorry for answering to you so late but I got on many sites related to Mexico and on chats and I found out many and very useful things and I learn a lot and got more knowledge about Mexico:) I also decided not to go to tijuana but to Merida-Yucatan instead.
So I got in touch with an expat org. there who'll help me when I'll arive and also with a lawyer and 2 Am. expats that prooved to me to be very friendly and they said to contact them when I'll be there so all is fine now and what I have to do is to finish what I still have to do here and by end of June or latest mid July I'll take off to Merida.Viva Mexico:)

Being farther than Tijuana,I decided not to travel by car so I'll sell it and come by plane.

If ou don't mind,lets keep in touch from now on,shall we?

Thanks again,


hey, this may not be too helpful but I'll try anyway. When I visited Mexico this past December I was only planning on staying for 2 weeks but the tourist visa I received at the Mexico City airport was good for 180 days. I believe most tourist visas are good for at least that unless you plan to stay longer, in which case I think you have to get something else, I read somewhere that they offer extended stay tourist visas for people not planning on working in the country but I'm not sure how limited those visas are as far as renting and the likes.
For help with Spanish I too am lacking a lot, I now take a class through a school here in Chicago but before hand I was teaching myself via podcast through a website called spanishpod101.com and it was really helpful. It's a pretty easy site to navigate and all of the lessons are in podcast form so you can listen to them anywhere (which is great when you travel through life via public transit as I do).
Voltage in Mexico for power outlets is the same as it is here in the states.
I think that's about all I've got for you... good luck and I hope this helped!


Hi Lorn,

Thanks for the info.Of course it helps a lot and gathering from so many here on forum I now have a good idea about Mexico and in particular Merida where I intend to go.In a few days I learned so much that I have the strange feeling that I am living there already:)

If I get a 180 days visa I'll be fine.I can extend it.As Spanish goes,I bought on ebay an electronick pocket translator that will help me to learn and slowly to remember expressions etc.

Thanks again.You've been very kind.
Happy Easter!!!,


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