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Hey famly. I appreciate all you guys comments and help, I really do!  Actually just my great grandparents were born there, my grandperents are first generation Americans. Dominican citizenship is a great topic because while I think about only spending some months there, who knows maybe I may like it well enough and become a full time expat like you guys did. From the comments I assume citizenship thing is great for expats living there full time.  im more at the idea stage of this plan - just asking questions, I do not have concrete plans as of yet. I've been to the country 3 times and like it a lot. Bob K, I have visited sosua, and it was nice, but, ill just say, I did not like the state of the country there, if you follow. 

Dave and Planner, you guys are definitely welcome to leave me a private message.. always! Whenever you desire.  Anyone on the site is welcome to do so, no problems on this end.  I mostly check the site around the evening time each day.


Ok, greatgrandparents won't help you with citizenship, read about residencia for when you need it.

Read the other threads honey and let us know when you have questions.

Bob K

I thought it was just grandparents.

The way to go is residency and cedula ONLY after you have had one extended trip down and decide it is right for you.

Bob K


Hello Everybody! New to this blog and I have soooo many questions about relocating! I definitely enjoy reading what you all have to say! Kudos!!!


Welcome to the forums. You have questions and we have a lot of answers. So, read the threads then start asking questions, either in the threads as you are reading or start new threads as needed!

Bob K

Jovanck  Welcome to the forum.  There are some great folks here with lots of information for you.  Just feel free to ask.

I did get your PM but it is late for me so I will craft a response to you in the morning.

Bob K


Hi Jovanck, welcome to expat-blog. Another NYer just like me! Nice. There are a lot of expats on the site with a lot of valuable and useful information.  They seem to know so much about living abroad. You will definitely find the answers to many of your questions on the site. So once again welcome to the forum, and hope to be hearing from you soon!


Great to have a website like this one. First question: in August we will be moving with our 5 "fur-kids" to the DR. We have only about 5 furniture pieces and 10 med boxes anyone know the least expensive way to get them there?

Bob K

Hi Robyn and welcome to the forum. You will find lots of nice folks here who will have tons of information for  you and can answer your questions.  Here are a couple for you:

Where in the DR are you moving to?  Have you been here before?  What kind of fur kids do you have?

Why are you shipping only 5 pieces of furniture and not just buy them here. I bet the cost of shipping that amount it will be cheaper to buy here.  Shipping medium boxes is pretty easy with lots of shippers depending on where you are shipping from and to. Even UPS and DHL has service here.

Again welcome and ask away.  We have been living here full time for the last 8 years here on the north coast (Sosua/Cabarete area)

Bob K

Bob K

Robyn just looked at your profile. Where in Sosua did you purchase a home?  For the first 6 years here we sold real estate in the Sosua/Cabarete area. We retired from that about 18 months ago.  In fact my wife just finished helping our last client get there house completed and furnished in Casa Linda

Bob K


We bought in Casa Linda from our realtors Alex and Anabella and are renting to own our place in Texas. I have a few pieces that u can't get anywhere else and I really want them there. I am assuming Delta can take so many boxes the day we fly over??

Bob K

Yes you can bring some boxes with you.  Check with Angie at EPS in Sosua  on shipping the other boxes.  As to furniture that will be more difficult as you do not have enough to fill a container  you might check with :
Matia Arias
La Rosa Del Monte Express
Worldwide Movers
Dominican Republic
Tel: 809-685-6256
Fax: 809-682-0472   
We shipped our stuff with them with no problem.

Bob K


Thanks a lot where do u get your mail and pkgs.? Is it costly? What address do u give out? Also just found out that many airlines don't take pets during summer months we are coming to DR on the 5th of August and wanted to drive to Miami from Texas and go from Miami to DR because it's only a 2 hour flight. Any suggestions on which airlines can let me take 2 cats on board with me and 1 cat and 2 dogs in the air conditioned cargo.... Got to be some airlines that can help me out here in August .

Bob K

Your only airline option realistically from Miami is American Airlines with a 2 hour non stop daily to Puerto Plata (POP)

You are correct as they will not allow animals in cargo if the temp at the sending airport or receive one is over a certain temp.  So flying in August with animals may be a NO go.  As to animals in the cabin check with the airline as they have very strict policies on the number of animals in the main cabin per flight and per person.  It also costly with a fee of about $100, and may be more, per pet, no matter where in the plane they are flying..

Also note that you animals will need a form filled out by your vet and then stamped by the USDA in the US to bring them (sometimes they do not check this but usually they do).  We have flown our small dog back and forth many time this way. Also the dogs have to have current rabies shots (more than 30 days old and less than a year). They do not recognize the 3 year shots here.

Good luck

Bob K

Brining in pets can be a trying experience sometimes, especially if bringing the number you are talking about.


I thanks Bob u r very helpful I will have to continue checking it out. These r my kids can't leave them behind. I have some time to find some options I hope.


Hello! I just read your post and would like to know how you found property at a decent price in Dominican? My husband and I dream of having a Bed & Breakfast in DR. Please help! Thanks


My husband is from Costa Rica and we originally wanted to buy there but the costs have gone way up and it has become very Americanized. We looked for many months and did a lot of research  and then went to DR last month met up with the most fantastic realtor couple and fell in love with the place. The real-estate is beyond reasonable and weather is like CR and beaches like CR was 30 years ago. My husband is fluent as are the realtors but I am still working on it.:) You need to contact Anabela and Alex Nogueira at Juan Perdomo Century 21--Tell them I sent you!  Their number is 809-571-2100 and they are at . They are beyond fantastic and if anyone can help you, it will be them! We get there early August and I just can't wait to fall right in. Good luck! Ps. They are from Canada too.


Hey Robyn,

Thanks so much for you reply! I'm happy to hear that you have a found a place that is reasonable in the DR. Thanks for the information on the Realitor, we will definitely check it out! I'm just curious, What kind of work will you be doing in DR? I know that the locals wages are much lower than ours. We are hoping to get a decent pay from a Bed and Breakfast/Spa Treatments and my husbands Travel and Tourism work.




Well I am a self employed personal trainer and an Esthetician here in Texas. From what I understand there are some rules to working in DR upon arrival but not sure exactly what they are. I rescue animals/ nonprofit work as my passion and my husband is a contractor in Africa presently. I am gonna play if by ear as far as work goes for a while I think. There are many locations in the Sousa/ cabarete areas that you could do a B and B--I am sure Annabelle and Alex can help guide you on that.

Bob K

Cristy welcome to the forum. Lots of good folks here. Have you been here before?

Here is some info for you and Robyn some may pertain to you as well.  I am also sure that Planner, another member here, will weigh in tomorrow as she has lot of experience on working and finding work here.
But here are a few thing.  First off to work here legally you need to have your residency card, cedula (national ID card) and if you own a business a RNC (Tax) number.  The residency process must now be started in your home country not here.

Second know that wages are very low here and very tough to "make a living".  On a whole very few B&Bs make it here on the north coast area, but  many try. It is a very tough business to break in to.  There are so many options for tourist as to housing including a glut of condos and villa's to rent as well as hotels. 

Also to start a business or even just living here you should have a fair handle on Spanish, especially if in business for  yourself.

Again welcome.  We have lived here for 8 years full time in the Sosua/Cabarete area and for the first 6 years we were very active in the real estate market here (worked for a major real estate company).

Bob K


Thanks Bob knew there was some rules about work ! You really don't think a day spa/ B and B would work down by cabarete? I did not see much of that combo there and was not overly impressed at places to stay especially for expats visiting?
On another note how do u get a mailing address when so many places don't mail to a PO box? And where is the best place to pick up a cheap jeep type vehicle ?? You are a buffet of information:)

Bob K

Robyn there are one or two B&Bs in Cabarete area and both that I know of are barely surviving.  There are also a couple of spas in town so competition will be tough.

As to mail there is no real mail service here. There is a post office in Sosua that you can go and check for mail.  Last thing I got was a Christmas card delivered 5 months after it was mailed.  Angie and EPS has a mail service and for a fee you can have stuff mailed to "your" Miami address and then twice or three times a week it is sent on to Angie's office. Ends up costing about a dollar or so a letter plus there is a monthly fee.  Me personally I do not miss getting mail one bit and in fact other than the very rare Xmas card we have received virtually NO mail for 8 years, which is fine by me.  Everything that is important can be done these days via the internet.

Keep the questions coming

Bob K


Sorry I've been off the site for a couple days. Welcome to everyone!!! Bob.has given some great info.

Can we ease keep this to intros....I know that is hard.  Check the current threads and start a new one when you want or need!

Thanks everyone!


Hi there....I'm a new member and would like to introduce myself.  My name is Annette and I have been living in the DR for over 3 years.  I was married to a Dominican (a moment of madness) and he's in the States and I'm here and lovin' it.   I own a home in the Costambar barrio Puerto Plata .  Its a gated community for those of you who are not familiar with the area, a beautiful beach and many ethnic restaurants and beach bars, grocery stores etc.  Actually its a small "village" most people who visit stay for anywhere from 3 to 6 months.  I'm here year round... I come from the USA, Connecticut,  the Greater New Haven area....actually East Haven which is a shoreline community as well.  So I have never been very far from a beach.. I attended local schools and was a Real Estate Broker for over 35 years. I owned and operated a business as well as having worked for all the big "boys"  Coldwell Banker, Century 21 to name a few.  I was involved in residential, investment, and commercial sales.  Land development and assisting in the approval process as well.  I have many credentials , Accredited Buyer Broker ( ABR) Certified Residential Specialist, (CRS) to name a few.  Real Estate has always been my only business.

I am of Italian heritage and food is always a great topic of discussion and I like to cook so pasta is a staple around my house and there is always plenty "just in case" a group stops by...I live on a main road in the community and on most days there's a large carafe of coffee on the front patio, so you never know who's driving by!

I am a ballroom dancer having had over 15 years of professional instruction, competition and many theatrical studio musical productions that our group performed 3 times a year.  Dancing has been my social life but in the DR I'm limited to only the merengue, bachata and some salsa. Salsa being my favorite. I'm a dancing "nut" .and I truly believe that one day that great all-round ballroom dancer will materialize,  I won't hold my breath!

I'm planning on continuing in what I know best,  real estate!  The market here is a whole different thing it has no regulations and even the people who put your chairs out on the beach sell real estate.  Pretty confusing and kinda makes for a potential mess.  I've had a few initiations and they were not good.  But that's another topic of discussion for the future.

So that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  hahaha...A little humor never hurts.


Welcome! Humor always helps!!! I am sure you have a lot of great stories!!!


My name is Dale, my wife is Kim, and we are planning to winter in the DR.  We've been exploring different places in the Caribbean for several years, looking for a place to 'snowbird' away from Ohio's winters, and fell in love with the DR over a week this past January.  Our last kid finishes college next year, and so we have until the following winter to figure out where we're going to land.  I won't be retiring; I work on the internet and telephone, so I'm mobile.  We'll need to make sure of infrastructure (or backup), I know that much!

We'll be making more trips over the next year, to check out different areas and get a sense of where we might want to settle.  Initially thinking Sosua/Puerto Plata area, in any case definitely thinking more coastal than any of the big cities.  We're sailers and divers.

Working on our Spanish, and need to learn more about the steps for relocating.  I know there is paperwork (cedula?) ... but I don't know what it is!

Really looking forward to getting to meet everyone on line, and someday hopefully in person.


Bob K

Salsamamma,  Welcome to the forum officially.  Your story is a great one and glad to see you seem to have made the transition.

When my wife and I arrived here nearly 8 years ago we got bored with retirement and actually went to work selling real estate with one of the "big" boys.  You are right that real estate here is a bit of a mess and filled with pitfalls for the uninitiated buyer.  There is an agent on every corner and in every cab.  Here the buyer must really be careful and hunt out one of the "good guys".  We re retired from this 2 years ago.

Again welcome and we look forward to your contributions on the forum

Bob K

Bob K

Dale, welcome to the forum.  You will find lots of nice folks here with lots of information for you. Just feel free to ask away.

We "retired" here 8 years ago and have not looked back for a second.  We live in the Sosua/Cabarete are of the north coast and there are lots of "snowbirders" here.  There is very good internet and phone service here so that should not be a problem for you.

Again welcome

Bob K


Ooh Bob. I hadn't realised that you sold real estate a while in a previous life. Do you think that you would have a little time for my wife and I for a chat about real estate when we come over there in September please. We will be coming for 2 weeks to check out a few areas close to the International school in Sosua. We intend hopefully to get jobs there and teach English and German. We have seen a few houses in that area that we are very interested in, but its time to some foot work done now. It will also be lovely to have a chat about things in the DR in general. All our fingers and toes are crossed at the moment that I will get the time off work at the end of September. All going well I will be booking the flights in 4 or 5 weeks time. Thank's for all your info so far Bob, it's all been so helpful.


Bob's info can be bought!!!! Price of admission - I think is a couple of Presidentes...... LOL  For those who don't know, mine can be bought too!!! In my case a cuba libre - but just one......LOL

Bob K

Planner you need to raise your prices :D:D

Bob K

Bob K

Howard. We retired from real estate 2 years ago but still do have some private clients we work with.  Pat and I can certainly meet with you to discuss living here.  Just keep us posted (PM ) if you like on your travel plans as the time get closer. In the mean time do not hesitate to ask any questions you have on life here on the north coast. Again PM if you want .

Bob K


Bob - advice taken!!!! 1 cuba libre and one cheeseburger......LOL

Bob K

Now you are talking

Bob K

Bob K

Is that cheeseburger at the Outback?

Bob K


Bob, stop putting Planner's prices up please. I'm just a poor Welshman. LOL


Thanks for the warm welcome Bob.  We're just beginning our location search, but Sosua/Cabarete has made it to the top just in what research I've done and conversations I've had so far. 

In any case we are almost certainly going to be coastal rather than inland.  We are sailors, and plan to have a boat down there, do you know anything about marinas or sailing clubs, or areas where a lot of that activity goes on?

Thanks again



The ½ûÂþÌìÌà site has a link to download a message viewer app, and seems to be telling me I have a message waiting.  Anybdy recognize this?  Is it legit?

Bob K

My PM messages show up on the header bar at the top of the page when I open the forums.

As to marina's there are basically two in the area.  One is at Ocean world. Expensive but very nice.  It would not make a good hurricane hole as the opening form the bay is facing the wrong way

Second is Luperon about a 40 min ride from Sosua.  This is much older and not as well maintained but one of the few natural hurricane holes in the Caribbean.

Bob K


Regarding my fees and hamburgers:  2nd best in all the DR is at El Carey in Costambar!!! First is at Hard Rock Cafe but it is 3 times the price!!!!! 

For those who wanted to know.

Now back to welcoming.....


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