suesy, now I think you narrowed your question to living as an English wife to an Egyptian man, and deal with his family (correct me if I am wrong).
This is a very common discussed subject, I don't know if you will find the discussions in this forum or other forums, but you can read huge answers about foreign women married to Egyptian men, their worries, their happiness, the relations and many other things.
I nearly can sum the results for you. Things depends very much on your husband, his education, the area and city he was raised in, what he is working ...etc. Egyptian men tend to be jealous generally, and the majority are not violent at all, and he should help you very much fit in your life easily while giving you the space to adjust and learn. In my opinion, Egyptian men, or specifically those who married foreigners out of love not for their money, are very civilized when dealing with women and wives. I hope you already realized these points with your husband, specially the marriage interest, because I heard horrible stories about this.
The family (you, and his parents, sisters and brothers, aunts, uncles) represents a big value to the Egyptians, specially the mother in law. I can tell you, that his parents must be the center of your attention, and by managing a 2 way communication with them you will hold the key for a lot of issues.
Family traditions preferably must be obeyed, if there is a gathering for something, you should go with your husband, you will enjoy it, and everybody will appreciate it. Sometimes you can invite them to dinner at home and make some nice homemade food, maybe food from your national cuisine, they will be very proud of you. When you go to visit, bring your mother in law a flower even, she will talk about you happily to everyone for the next 5 years. Unlike in Europe, if there is a hard to solve problem with your husband go to his parents, they have much influence on him, but in this point you have to experiment with your husband and his family, because some men don't like anybody to hear about their problems, and some families don't like the woman who is complaining much about her husband, so be careful.
DON'T LISTEN at all to anybody in the family (aside from the parents) or your friends circle, a lot of people will be happy to ruin your life with "helpful" advises. Your life is you and your husband and that is it.
Here in Egypt you really interact with your environment, neighbors, and families around you, but this also depends on where you will be living, so you will be happy and easily fit here.
Whatever the religion of your husband, kindly don't let anybody talk to you about your religion. If he is Christian, just share what they do and go to church with them when they go, Egyptian Christians are religious and you should easily adopt to this.
If they are Muslims, most families will not ask you anything, unless it's a gathering for "Eid" or "Ramadan" which will only involve food and family talking. BUT very few families will try to talk to you about the religion, so don't allow any of this from the beginning with kind words, and they will understand. Unless it's in your interest. And don't ever believe that Muslims hate Christians or anything like this, because here we don't really care.
Another point, if you have money, leave them in England and don't offer any payments, at least the first months until you explore things, and don't respond to any money requests. Generally Egyptian men will not accept money from their wives, but "in case", just stay safe until things will settle down.
I hope I didn't drift away in my answer, and still I can tell you anything more.