I am in th e US and I want tdesarately to leave here and get to Vietnam! I am in the beginning stages of planning my get-away and I have selected this area as my landing point.
I like Can Tho and Rach Gia as destinations. I am highly skilled in many forms of physical labor and have leadership experiences, I'm smart, have taught English in the city here, and have great people skills.
I need to get out of here so that I may have a life. I feel trapped here!
Please help!
How can I get out of here, never to return, get to Vietnam, and thrive there?
i want to leave the US and get away from my oppressors. I am highly motivated and will be ready to flee in May of 2014
From your post here and in your profile under "About me", it seems you've made up your mind. I assumed your "oppressors" are your boss/company/neighbors/politician or maybe even the winter snow.
Regardless, you are asking for advice on how to get out of the US, live life permanently as an expat, and thrive in Vietnam.
It boils down to a good financial plan. As you know the cost of living in Vietnam is about 10% of the United States. Meaning, if you live an average life renting an apartment for $1,000 a month, you can live an average life (on par with an average Vietnamese) renting an "apartment" for $100 a month.
Similarly, you pay $10 for lunch in the US, you can expect to pay $1 (20,000 VND) for lunch in Vietnam.
That's a simple rule of thumb. You can't apply the 10:1 ratio if you expect to keep your standard of living similar to the United States..i.e. a car, a "foreigner" apartment, air conditioning, washing machine. If you're able to content yourself with Vietnamese standards..i.e. a motorbike, a "phòng trọ", fan, hand-washing your clothes, etc, you can apply the 10:1 ratio to your finances.
To give you a little extra cushion, use $500 a month for calculations.
How long do you want to stay here? 10 years? Then $500 x 12 = $6,000 a year. x10 years = $60,000 USD.
Save that (or whatever amount your goal is) by May 2014 and you'll be fine. Banks here are offering about 10% on long term CDs (certificate of deposits / time deposits).
If you think $6K/year is too low, then consider the average salary for a Vietnamese citizen is about $1,500 a year. I'm sure in the metro areas, it's higher but Cần Thơ and Rạch Giá are two metros in the midst of rice fields/rural areas. You can just be a farmer or live on a "houseboat" (see picture) like Mark Twain on the Mississippi if you like and just live on your savings alone.
Hope that helps and good luck on following your dreams to greener pastures.