




Me and my boyfriend are looking for Dive Buddies.

He is a naui course director and I am on my advance course for CMAS.

Please keep in touch if you're in davao and want to dive all around the island of Talicud and Samal.


See also

Leisure activities in the PhilippinesU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Embassy Davao City Outreach:Hiking groups in the Davao areaLifting of Travel Ban on Foreign NationalsGathering of EXPATS in Davao

I noticed there are several dive shops.  That's great!  How is the snorkeling?  I've dived a lot, mostly in the BVI, but truth be known, I prefer snorkeling. 



Hello everyone,

@Skiffle, I suggest you to drop your ad under the Sport partners in Davao section of the website.



dirk c

if you like snorkeling ,wel i dont like to brag but ,ressently we had australian visitors and we went snorkeling ,they sayed it was great and the corals them had seen could compete whit the great barier reef in australia and i know even better but there was not enouf time to let them see it .
i have been diving and snorkeling around davao and samal island,but here in mati city i think it is better .were we go there is no polution like in davao were all the garbige flows from the rivers in to the sea specialy after heavy rain it can be bad that.
Mati is a small city and not over crowded ,we lived in Davao but the traffic and 24/7 noise was just to much so we moved here and love it here.
from Davao it's a 6 hour bus ride.
feel free to visit we will share the beauty we know .just pm me and we arrange were to meet (that  will most likely be the bus terminal as we live just around the corner of it)

greets Dirk


Mati?  I'll look into that.  I must admit I'm planning on moving to Davao mainly on the recommendation of several virtual assistants I've hired from there, but I'm really very flexible.

I'll definitely let you know when I'm in town.  It probably won't be until late summer of '17.

Thanks for the recommendation.


dirk c

your welcome, wen ya watch Mati City on youtube  first thing wil probaly be Dahikan beach or blue bless resort both very nice but i am more ,lets say authentik ,and fan of Gregorio beach resort,be aware Mati is a small town very provincial and in full development way less facilitys as in Davao ,but i love the peace and quit.for the moment there is only general ware house and ER supermarket ,for us that is just fine .NCCC is building a nice sise branch next to the market and i think this will open in a few months as it advances real fast.so more progres on shopping .
as for safety ,we considder it safe,we go all over the place and never been bothered.
at times we go to a beach were there is no entry fee ,never seen other expats there but we feel safe there and it is one of the many places were it is nice snorkeling .
we just love it here,we live just around the corner from the bus terminal and the public market but it is a quit neiborhood after 1900 hr you hear no traffic or so,nice one bedroom house resently build and very clean ,rent 5000 peso .
if you like to see some pictures just pm and i sall send you my fb so you can watch these there.
ha reading this ,i sound like a salesman trying to sell ya the place hahaha,it just that it's nice here

greets Dirk


Yes, I'd love to learn more.  5000 pesos for rent is fantastic.  I just pm'd you my fb address.   I will be coming to the Philippines as a bachelor.  Would Mati be too quiet for me?  I'm not a party animal, but...
