

YO, Hailey in HK…Keep Your Head Down!

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Good Grief, that is one heck of a monster storm heading your way!

Batten down the hatches, and be safe this weekend!

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Fred's going to HK?


"Super Typhoon Usagi, 'world's strongest storm of 2013', heading for Hong Kong."

Crap... that doesn't sound good. I'm not familiar with Hongkong safety system, I hope you'll be ok Hailey!

(....Does she even read Indo forum? )


why? what is going on here?


"Does she even read Indo forum?"

Yup, she's on here a lot.


Ubudian wrote:

Good Grief, that is one heck of a monster storm heading your way!

Batten down the hatches, and be safe this weekend!



lol can you share with me what is going on? sound's like hailey will be on trouble..?


There is a very big storm heading towards Hong Kong as we speak. Typhoon Usagi.


i see. i just thought someone is threatening her :)


Much ado about nothing.  They issued all the warnings and got everyone all worked up - schools & offices closed, flights were canceled, pickpockets stayed home.  Every news report was about how it was the biggest typhoon ever.  Until it wasn't.

By the time it reached Hong Kong, it missed us and petered out.  I've seen more rain in a Minnesota summer.



i see. i just thought someone is threatening her :)

That happens all the time.  Nothing exciting there.


plaindot wrote:

(....Does she even read Indo forum? )



Maybe you scared it away Hailey! :D


Better an anticlimax in this case at least. Glad you're OK Hailey :)


Samhand wrote:

Better an anticlimax in this case at least.

Girls get the lots of the latter but none of the former when they're with me.


Hong Kong has a pretty good storm warning system, so there's never really any danger from typhoons.  People usually die from falling trees while they're driving their scooters 100mph in 200mph wind.

That's just nature doing its job.


HaileyinHongKong wrote:

Much ado about nothing.

Shakespeare would have had no clue he would be quoted in a thread about non events in Honk Kong.
At school, the teachers rammed his junk into us but never explined why.
That mistake is one I try not to make so, when I ram my junk into a student, I explain why before I do it.

PS - Americans may misunderstand part of this post.


ShakespeareÂ…junk?  And that from an Englishman?

Maybe you had some piss poor teachers Fred, but where I went to school, Shakespeare was never rammed into us, but rather was presented as meaningful today as during the Elizabethan age.


Ubudian wrote:

ShakespeareÂ…junk?  And that from an Englishman?

Maybe you had some piss poor teachers Fred, but where I went to school, Shakespeare was never rammed into us, but rather was presented as meaningful today as during the Elizabethan age.

My English teachers were crap with a very large C.

None of them explained why we studied Wobbling Willy so it all seemed a lot pointless, out of date and boring as hell.

Good teachers were nowhere near the English department.


Good teachers make all the difference.  My Shakespeare teacher actually knew what wherefore means.  I'm still telling people it doesn't mean where.

Wherefore art thou, Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a Capulet. Blah, blah, blah. Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What is a Montague? It is not hand nor foot, nor arm nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. O, be some other name.

If wherefore meant where, this wouldn't make any sense at all.  If your teachers tell you what they're saying, it all makes perfect sense.


Fred, being raised as a typical ignorant and unworldly Yank, I was always under the impression that the educational system in the UK was at very high standards at most every level.

Live and learn I guess, and no pun intended.   

“Good teachers make all the difference.”

Hear, hear Hailey and itÂ’s your often frequent comments along those lines that led me to incorrectly think youÂ’re a teacher in HK.

You say that isnÂ’t so, but you seem to have a good knack at itÂ…for whatever that personal observation is worth.


any other part belonging to a man


Do you have any bit in mind?


My teachers were crap.
I went around for age thinking lady mc b didn't like dogs and was always kicking Spot out of the castle.


Ubudian wrote:

Fred, being raised as a typical ignorant and unworldly Yank, I was always under the impression that the educational system in the UK was at very high standards at most every level.

Live and learn I guess, and no pun intended.   

“Good teachers make all the difference.”

Hear, hear Hailey and itÂ’s your often frequent comments along those lines that led me to incorrectly think youÂ’re a teacher in HK.

You say that isnÂ’t so, but you seem to have a good knack at itÂ…for whatever that personal observation is worth.

The British educational system has a long history of being crap.  Roger Waters wrote several songs and a movie about it.

I don't have the patience to be a teacher.


mas fred wrote:

My teachers were crap.
I went around for age thinking lady mc b didn't like dogs and was always kicking Spot out of the castle.

Macbeth was a dog person, that's for sure.


HaileyinHongKong wrote:
Ubudian wrote:

Fred, being raised as a typical ignorant and unworldly Yank, I was always under the impression that the educational system in the UK was at very high standards at most every level.

Live and learn I guess, and no pun intended.   

“Good teachers make all the difference.”

Hear, hear Hailey and itÂ’s your often frequent comments along those lines that led me to incorrectly think youÂ’re a teacher in HK.

You say that isnÂ’t so, but you seem to have a good knack at itÂ…for whatever that personal observation is worth.

The British educational system has a long history of being crap.  Roger Waters wrote several songs and a movie about it.

I don't have the patience to be a teacher.

The best unis in the world are in England; as is the oldest (and still the best).
However, the British comprehensive education system is a communist inspired joke.
It relies on the kids being equal and kids aren't equal.
Luckily, my school did it's best to maintain the grammar school style by steaming all the crap into lower classes where they could smoke behind the bike sheds and waste their time without upset to the rest of us.


Sounds like the same school I went to


mas fred wrote:

The best unis in the world are in England;

If you mean New England, I have to disagree.  Stanford, Duke, Northwestern are all pretty good schools - but New England has a few good schools, too.


The real England where tiffin is at 4 and it rains a lot so cricket gets ruined.


" but New England has a few good schools, too."

Harvard, Yale, MIT..."good schools?"  We're only talking here about three of the top ten universities in the world and all within a maximum 2 hour drive from one another (Harvard and MIT being almost next door to each other).

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