people are rude?
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Sezer ! Finally u found a nice picture

I saw this post more than 2 month ago how come it up in new feedÂ
Silly to move to another country just because you think people are rude.
If they are rude don't have anything to do with them, ignore them and get on with your life.
Generalization is wrong. You can find rude and nice people everywhere. A personal experience can't be a general rule.
...Cold and don't like criticismÂ
And not funny !!Â
This post is getting like a ''Forum Code of Conduct''Â never disappear
im filipina ,, now living here in istanbul,, i can say i love istanbul , for me mostly turkish family are really nice, , , they say meraba ,,maybe your friend experienced some bad people , but not all turkish people are bad,, some of them are friendly .
its funny ,try to be not rude to let ppl around feel the same
i read all the comment ,i agree about the part where more far you go from the center more you find nice ppl
soo the problem not education ,its cultural and been nice can be seen mostly far away ,in the end our five finger are not the same dear
Honestly post, i like it,
But we can find that kind off ppl in any where in this world, not only in Turkey or any other place, it's depend about what we want exactly, what kind of ppl we meet, and believe me be your self to find ppl same your kind,
welcome to Turkey,
Aqu wrote:This post is getting like a ''Forum Code of Conduct''Â never disappear
Hello everyone !
I want to clarify a few things here...
First, Thanks MizoMix for your welcome !
I totally agree that there's good and bad people everywhere in the world... I'm not criticizing Turkish people nor judging them... The thing is that every nation is different from others, differences are originality and specificity of each people...In this post, we only give our perception of things. That's all
i'm not Turkish originally, but i'll be happy to find a way that can introduce for you another point of view to make you ignore what happened with you before,
and i think you'll change your mind, and wish to have some friends respected like you,
accept my regards and best wishes,
hehehehehe, also here i can find you
Hi MizoMix
thank you for your kindness I already know a few people that I really like and that make me forget about the others and I would be happy to count you among my friends
Thank you again
In the begining here I did find some things rude but when I realised every one did it all the time, my perspective changed.
The kids I taught used to say 'ufffffffffff' sometimes & I found it rude but everyone does it here. Or I would ask someone a question & they would just raise their eyebrows as a gesture of no' & not say a word. I had to get used to that one  Most turks are not conditioned to be calm during a storm & can overreact in some situations, where as I will be as cool as ever if faced with the very same thing.
Once cultures cross paths there will be conflict & misunderstanding always.
Hi may.bee,
My pleasure to be one of your friend, that gives another respected friend to my life,
i'll be happy to see you on my Friend List, then we'll talk,
Take care your self.
Hi bee i am from ankara. Where are you?
Hi, I found this post by accident cause I was searching about a similar subject .
Well I have visited istanbul this summer for 11 days , at the beginning I enjoyed the historical places and I hadn't that much of chance to contact with Turkish people , Turkish people were okay not rude nor nice , but then when I had to move from a place to another off course I would had more contact with Turkish people ; to be honest some were nice and some were rude , and I don't mind it's their way and I have to accept it and as u guys said everywhere they are nice and rude people BUT a very bad thing happened to me at the last day which is unacceptable cause it happened from an official people who represent their country , what happened was that the inspectors at the air port screamed at me and whole of my family !! And one of them hit my mom and sis !! They treated us very badly !! Just because my mom crossed the x ray machine by mistake with my sister where it should be one person at a time !! They also made fun of my mom ;And the problem was further complicated by the rudeness of the police ! We went to talk to the general how ever they were all rude , fortunately they are cameras ...this is not the end of the bad experience , and wrote in this post cause I'm shocked ! Everyone needs respect , we respected them even with their rudeness ! Why don't they respect us , I loved ostanbul before this experience but after !!! What would I say !
You can't just expect people from big cities to be friendly with you right away, mostly because it is not very safe. The rest is just a prejudice. My visit to Budapest made me believe all people there were too serious and stern and to some point painfully depressing. Then I made friends with some of them and I must claim quite the opposite. We have already come to the common ground: good and bad people everywhere.
Well if a big country like turkey which is so interestingly advertising for tourism ,have a problem like that ,they should do something ,otherwise stop advertising or at least inform tourists that they may have a bad experience with SOME of their official people and it's just a waist of money and again I'm talking about rudeness of the official people ,they can do something about it for sure

I can't judge you guys, I mean Turkish people, but!
When I just joined the expat, I received a message from a Turkish man, asking me why do I wanna come to Turkey? Why not another country? and then he started insulting muslims..
I didn't come to Turkey yet, but what the man wrote and said, pushed me to think million times before moving there
I agree with you. The officials have that responsibility. They represent the system. I've just read what happened to your family, that is outrageous! I'm sorry you had to go through that. Nothing like that has happened to me (yet) but we'll see.
Tourism commercials are not to be trusted tho. They're exaggerated in many ways, as any commercial is.Â
I hope they change their approach soon but doubt it.
Wish you all the best
I was in Turkey last year and I faced some kind of rudeness. Especially, I visited about 10 cities (Istanbul, Pamukkale, Fethiey, Dalyan, Cappadocia, Olympos ,etc). But I found all the people were very friendly with each other (such as they giving them their seats to the old people) then I realized that Turkish people are very shy and embarrass to speak English. Specially, they told me that's unnecessary to speak English to get a job ! the opposite of my Country!! Otherwise, I met very friendly, helpful and kind people and some of them offered to me bus ride and another one searched in Google map to give me the right direction. Now, I'm going to continue my architecture study in Istanbul and I'm looking forward to learn Turkish language
yes, turkish are rude, we are rude we don't like u damn, we are racist, we dont like stranger!!! NOOO i'm kidding of course... Just an advice from a turkish man who lives since 2 years now in Istanbul. Don't forget to trust anybody to advice some products for selling or to help you visiting some touristic places!
Especially Turkish mens (have a small business or restaurant) from Istanbul are rude sometimes with foreigners, They don't like help people..
I went in January to Istanbul....unfortunately Turkish men were very harsh and i didn't felt welcomed at all.
Women on the other side were kind and helpful.
Hello All,
I traveled to Turkey a month ago (for three weeks), with my wife, children, and parents. It was a memorable experience and we loved it. I met many friendly and helpful Turkish people (definitely the majority) and I would definitely consider returning for numerous visits to explore other cities.
I am commenting on this thread for the sole reason that this subject is important for me to understand;I actually made a google search on it.
I love Turkey. As someone who really fell in love with everything Turkish, I felt disappointed on more than one occasion by the general mannerism of some Turkish people. I do not want to be misunderstood. There were so many helpful Turkish people who did many thoughtful things from lifting my stroller for me without me asking to stepping in to translating for me when I really needed it.Many people also stopped to admire my children and kissed them! They were all smiles and extremely warm!!!!
I am just trying to understand why there were recurring instances that made me form this overall impression.
I cannot recall all instances that made me curious as to why I had the impression that some Turks were too rude. I tried to give the benefit of the doubt that maybe there was something I do not understand about the Turkish culture - like the missing pieces of the puzzle that would make the picture clear to me. I felt that even the people who I registered in my mind to be "polite" might have been suppressing part of the culture at the time I had to deal with them. In other words, I might be misunderstanding. I am in no way saying that Turkish culture encourages one to be rude, but to the clueless foreigner, some aspects might be interpreted as rude.
Here are some examples, that although do not reflect the whole story, pretty much capture the general experience my family and I had. By the way, I am always very polite (Lutfen, with a smile) when I approached people and I tried to learn and successfully used as many Turkish words and phrases as possible (ie, I did not expect everyone to understand English but asked first, then proceeded from there.).
(from waiter) can go home if you like
(a security guard at the tramvay entrance) shouting in Turkish (after pointing to the istanbul card and asking "nerede" when it ran out of money-so he can point out where I can fill it) even though we tried to do everything right
[airport passport officer (on way out of Turkey)] shouting at my family with , not just a stern face (which is expected from a border officer-and doesn't bother me) but a face of animosity and a tone of almost condescension ,"ONE BY ONE!!!" and grabbing the passports from me. The funny thing is, I had stepped forward alone, and he was referring to the passports being grouped together. I couldn't believe how arrogant he came across - not just to me but to others.
Overall, a general disinterest to "appease" the customer or traveler (an attitude that spells out,"like it ok, don't like it LEAVE") was sensed by my family and I. We were actually not expecting appeasement but we were at least not prepared to be disrespected. Maybe we are just accustomed to the concept of customer service in Canada - or more accurately, professionalism.
From reading this forum and other google search results, I am almost figuring out what it is that I find hard to live with. The following are my musings and of-course, I could be way off.
I think, people in Turkey generally express how they really feel inside without sugarcoating it; they call a spade a spade. For example, if you ask about something that is obvious like where the taxi stand is, a Turkish person might express their disgust that you asked such a question (with an obvious answer because the taxis are clearly lined up across the street, for example) by looking you up and down and pointing out while irritated, "there!". It is just an example that represents the typical situation a tourist would run into-it did NOT happen to me. I would look around before asking a question like that .
At the same time, maybe the average Turkish person might not feel compelled to be "nice" when he or she isn't in a nice mood or just experiencing the common hardships of life (when you came along and asked him a question). We all feel down here and there and judging from our face, anyone might think we are rude, if we don't change our facial expression. So in other words, he or she might be thinking,"You asked me where the taxi stand is and I pointed it out-end of story-I am not trying to impress you in any way-it is not courtship, it is a request for information and you just got it"
I am inclined to the second speculation because it seems to be a cultural interpretation of when one is expected to be polite - maybe an efficient way of dealing with emotion. (ie -not needed now, so why the fuss? there is the taxi stand!). Common sense is also different to different people and lack of understanding of a language means that I am not in on the many sayings and wisdoms that formulate the Turkish frame of mind.
Is the glass half empty or half full?
If someone out there can understand where I am coming from and can extract the missing pieces of the puzzle and explain them to me so I can get the picture, please do so.
In the end, Turkey is soooooooooooo beautiful , clean, and unique that I still wonder why any Turkish person would live somewhere else.
I think we Canadians are spoiled by our own culture of politeness, which I feel for the most part stems from the fact that we're not so closely packed together. I've noticed that in areas of dense population where people just can't get away from each other they certainly do tend toward rudeness more. You should see how rude some Brazilians are, and they're super friendly people by and large!
Thanks for your interesting response. I agree with you (regarding how spoiled we are and how cities with dense populations have a different vibe to them) but I feel that perhaps there is more to it than that regarding Turkey because we did go to less populated cities (besides Istanbul) and felt the same way. Now I know what to expect if I end up visiting Brazil .
True, but even in the smaller cities the general population does not live in a cultural vacuum. They are very much influenced by the culture of the entire population. Just like in Canada, the people in Hope, BC are going to be pretty much like those in Calgary, or Winnipeg or Toronto despite the fact that they're kind of isolated geographically from those much larger cities.
who may think a bout this topic?!!!u can never judge ppl like this..every where we have good and bad ppl s not nice to say this nation is rude! turkey has a very old history...and i ve been there many times....i felt cultural differences but it doesn't mean they r rude!
,Hello Dear,
l am a Turkish guy and l have lived, studied and worked abroad.
You can find rude and friendly people everywhere. l must say that that Turkish guy who was telling u this stuff was idiot. Please ignore him and dont miss the chance to explore turkey cos there is a lot to see in Turkey. lf you change your mind, You will enjoy it l believe.
First of all what happened to you and ur family was really unfortunate. Thats not acceptable at all.
However, l cant ignore to hide the reality about your country, Saudi arabia.
Your overall experience about Turkey is based on 11 days but my experience and thoughts about Saudi arabia is based on 4 years. l found some nice and rude people there. l made some nice friends too. But l have never seen such discrimination in my life like l saw in ur country. l have many times witnessed that those poor Asians getting insulted, beaten and even tortured by police officers, Bank staff, house guy, airport staff over there. Every time l got to airport in RIyadh and dammam, the officers were looking so mean, and always using their fingers for communication since they spoke zero English. l am sorry to say this but Asian people in ur country are always treated badly and like slaves which hurt me so bad. l even saw the way my Saudi friends treating those poor Philppino, Indian and Bangladeshi staff and you cant deny this at all since its very common in ur country.
What l would recommend to you is if you want other people to behave well, u must start this expectation and chance from ur nation first. l hope you dont get offended but this is what l have witnessed in saudi Arabia in four years time.
Bayanali wrote:Hi, I found this post by accident cause I was searching about a similar subject .
Well I have visited istanbul this summer for 11 days , at the beginning I enjoyed the historical places and I hadn't that much of chance to contact with Turkish people , Turkish people were okay not rude nor nice , but then when I had to move from a place to another off course I would had more contact with Turkish people ; to be honest some were nice and some were rude , and I don't mind it's their way and I have to accept it and as u guys said everywhere they are nice and rude people BUT a very bad thing happened to me at the last day which is unacceptable cause it happened from an official people who represent their country , what happened was that the inspectors at the air port screamed at me and whole of my family !! And one of them hit my mom and sis !! They treated us very badly !! Just because my mom crossed the x ray machine by mistake with my sister where it should be one person at a time !! They also made fun of my mom ;And the problem was further complicated by the rudeness of the police ! We went to talk to the general how ever they were all rude , fortunately they are cameras ...this is not the end of the bad experience , and wrote in this post cause I'm shocked ! Everyone needs respect , we respected them even with their rudeness ! Why don't they respect us , I loved ostanbul before this experience but after !!! What would I say !
Re: people are rude?
First of all what happened to you and ur family was really unfortunate. Thats not acceptable at all.
However, l cant ignore to hide the reality about your country, Saudi arabia.
Your overall experience about Turkey is based on 11 days but my experience and thoughts about Saudi arabia is based on 4 years. l found some nice and rude people there. l made some nice friends too. But l have never seen such discrimination in my life like l saw in ur country. l have many times witnessed that those poor Asians getting insulted, beaten and even tortured by police officers, Bank staff, house guy, airport staff over there. Every time l got to airport in RIyadh and dammam, the officers were looking so mean, and always using their fingers for communication since they spoke zero English. l am sorry to say this but Asian people in ur country are always treated badly and like slaves which hurt me so bad. l even saw the way my Saudi friends treating those poor Philppino, Indian and Bangladeshi staff and you cant deny this at all since its very common in ur country.
What l would recommend to you is if you want other people to behave well, u must start this expectation and chance from ur nation first. l hope you dont get offended but this is what l have witnessed in saudi Arabia in four years time.
Hi waw so there r people who think the same !!! Anyway i have been in Istanbul since April 13 this year ! Not that much time to know people in a new country that fast ... But i kind of sensed few things that r really not so kind .. Lets say .. And i agree that many of them are cold ! Also am not just judging am just gonna tell u few things happened and u can see !!
Well in the bus for example !! U know that nowadays men sit and women stand ! Which is really weird but am a girl ! And i know its old fashion but even when old guy enters the bus .. GIRLS leave their seats and guys r just sitting !
Then we have this walking in the bus ! When am struggling to find something to hold so i wont fall ! A women or a man wanna go near the door and force u to leave the thing ur holding and will never think for once that u will fall if u do so o.O
Ok leave the bus now !! The other day i was walking with my sis ! On the pavement and there was a really narrow street on the side and actually its open for ppl to walk ! It is the kind of street that u can walk in cuz its in between houses ! So suddenly i hear some one from behind saying something ! It was a man wants us to step aside cuz he wanna pass us !!!!! I mean HELLO the whole street was not enough for him to walk in !!!?
And this thing .... In super markets or anywhere no one will even wait for few secs !! Behind u ! Even if ur chocking lets say !!! They would at once say :PARDON ! So that u die or something anywhere else !
Am not listing those things that maybe look silly just to make fun ! Let me also say there r sooo many ppl that r so welcoming and so kind also ! And u can make friends also ! So am just mentioning the bad things i always notice all the time and not for few times !!
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