

Wadi Hanifa

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Cud any1 guide me to reach Wadi Hanifa/Park, from say Batha. Kind regards, ifthy

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Living in Riyadh: the expat guideMarathi in Riyadh , Saudi ArabiaWing TsunPortuguese communityPoker anyone?

Do you have a GPS?  If so I can give you waypoints.  It's hard to describe the route, there are a couple of tricky turns.


Sorry I don't have GPS, thanks for kind response. Is it a good/safe place to sit late in the evening with family.


We've driven past heading out walking but not visited.  The park looks lovely and there are always lots of families there.


I went today night to find out the coordinates of Wadi Hanifa.

Here are the GPS coordinates of Wadi Hanifa, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia



here is the location on Google Map

http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=N24 … CBkQ8gEwAA

here is the easy way to reach this place

let's consider you are on Olaya Road coming from Faisaliah Tower towards Kingdom Tower.

Reach signal of Kingdom Tower and go streight on Olaya Road

next signal, leave it (Jeraisy Building is at your left)

Next Signal, Take Left (It is King Abdullah Road), Right turn takes you to Exit-10

after taking left, keep on streight till you reach signal, Madonalds and Extra Shopping mall is at your left.

Keep on Streight till you reach round about. You will pass almost two more signals.

When you reach round about, leave first right and take the second right from round about. There are sign of Wadi Hanifa. A complete turn of round about get you back to the road you came from.

now keep on streight, there will be slight right curve, but you keep on streight. You may be checked by the police.

there is DEAD END but you will notice a slight slob going down at your left from DEAD END.

Follow your own. you are in Wadi Hanifa

I took coordinates of this dead end because it is entrance of Wadi Hanifa.

Note that an outdated MAP may do not show some roads of the park but most of the turn and roads were in GARMIN device.

You can take Malik Fahad road as well.

Take Exit of King Abdullah Road from any direction you are coming but you need to take either right or left which says (King Abdullah Road - WEST)than follow my above mentioned instructions.

Good Luk

Junaid Hussain Safdar
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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