

Bear Meat


Almost 3 years ago I was at Baku and I could have chance to see some other cities. When I was there I saw bears at some restaurants and thought that ıt s just for fun and creating a interest. But I heard that some restourants serve bear meat?!? is that really true? anybody have an idea or experiences? For my part I never eat it but I would really surprised if it s true.
By the way how silent Azerbaijan forum is! People must be working so hard or really enjoy with their life :unsure

See also

Living in Azerbaijan: the expat guide

Unfortunately yes it's true, in many cultures bear meat is popular. This and the fact that many parts of the animal are believed by some cultures (mostly Asian) to have medicinal or spiritual properties this continues to fuel the illegal world trade of animals and animal parts.

See following link: 

William James Woodward, Brazil & Canada Expert, Expat-blog Team


it is not true,it is only legend.Bears have been added to ,,red book,, u understood what I mean.where have you heard that bear meat has been served in Azeri restaurants?


My friend who has been worked at there told me about it. it is such a wierd. I just wonder if it is true or not. l hope you are right elizamin.


as I said,it is only a story that is not true.as an Azeribaijanian I say to you that it is not needed to believe that kind of stories.take care yourself,bye


It is impossible to shoot bears.Serving bearmeta is illegal and there are heavy penalties.


Someone was jocking to you. No bear meat consumed in Azerbaijan ;)