

Maxims, proverbs, aphorisms …

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John C.

A new broom sweeps well, but the old broom knows all the corners.  (African proverb)

John C.

A parent should not give up modelling their children because the ancestors too never gave up on us.  (African proverb)

John C.

A person who has not secured a place on the floor should not begin to look for a mat. (African proverb)

John C.

A person who is not disciplined cannot be cautioned.  (African proverb)

John C.

A person who is stung by a bee fears a big housefly.  (African proverb)

(The English version: once bitten, twice shy).

John C.

A person's character is like pregnancy: it cannot be hidden.  (African proverb)

John C.

A person's cleverness is not shown by how many words he utters at once but how he utters them.  (African proverb)

John C.

A poor person has no struggles.  (African proverb)

John C.

A restless grasshopper eventually ends up in a birds teeth.  (African proverb)

John C.

A river doesn't flow through the forest without felling the trees.  (African proverb)

John C.

A scared dog barks to pretend to its master but a brave dog bites to protect him. (African proverb)

John C.

A second wife cannot celebrate the beating of the first wife because that same beating awaits her when the third wife arrives.  (African proverb)

John C.

A secret remains a secret only when one person knows it.  (African proverb)

John C.

A short rope ties nothing.  (African proverb)

John C.

A silly daughter teaches her mother how to bear children.  (African proverb)

(The equivalent of: the egg teaches the hen).

John C.

A spider's cobweb is not only its sleeping mattress but also its food trap.  (African proverb)

(The equivalent of: killing two birds with one stone?  )

John C.

A spiritual leader is able to see the past, present and the future.  (African proverb)

John C.

A spoonful of honey will catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar. (African proverb)

John C.

A stream cannot rise about its source.  (African proverb)

John C.

A strong tree shall always grow from the roots and not the seeds.  (African proverb)

John C.

Do not make a horse out of a mosquito.  (Romanian proverb)

(Meaning: do not make a big issue out of a little thing).
In Romanian the horse (armasar) and mosquito (tzintzar) rhyme nicely.

John C.

A man with a full belly does not understand the man with an empty belly.  (Romanian proverb)

(John C. adds: ... nor does he has to).


John C. wrote:

Do not make a horse out of a mosquito.  (Romanian proverb)

(Meaning: do not make a big issue out of a little thing).
In Romanian the horse (armasar) and mosquito (tzintzar) rhyme nicely.

Same in Hindi; Teel ka Taal mat karo


John C. wrote:

A spider's cobweb is not only its sleeping mattress but also its food trap.  (African proverb)

(The equivalent of: killing two birds with one stone?  )

Same in Hindi: Ek teer se do shikar (from one arrow killed 2 animals)


Band mutthi lakhon ki

means a closed palm is of millions......


Jo dara woh mara

Means one who get scared will die........


Wisdoms or wise saying cant be written in narration.They have to be abbreviated and follow some rythm


advisor wrote:

Wisdoms or wise saying cant be written in narration.They have to be abbreviated and follow some rythm

Well said SIR....

Thats what happened to India,Before 10000 years we were not writing it as narration or any script...because what we experience in that particular time was a system of pass on the truth from one generation to others , from masters to disciples....

But today everything we need it in written otherwise we will not know exactly what was that wisdoms and wise saying....



It's not the cough that carries you off,
but the coffin they carry you off in.


El_Jost wrote:

It's not the cough that carries you off,
but the coffin they carry you off in.

BTW Does that rhyme sufficiently?


El_Jost wrote:
El_Jost wrote:

It's not the cough that carries you off,
but the coffin they carry you off in.

BTW Does that rhyme sufficiently?

What does it BTW


aryavrat wrote:
El_Jost wrote:
El_Jost wrote:

It's not the cough that carries you off,
but the coffin they carry you off in.

BTW Does that rhyme sufficiently?

What does it BTW

BTW is an abbreviation for 'By the way'.



John C.

You shouldnÂ’t look a gift horse in the mouth.  (Romanian proverb.  English proverb)

(Meaning: when you are lucky to get a gift, do not comment on it. Just do whatever you can with it.  It will still be worth something).


John C. wrote:

You shouldnÂ’t look a gift horse in the mouth.  (Romanian proverb.  English proverb)

(Meaning: when you are lucky to get a gift, do not comment on it. Just do whatever you can with it.  It will still be worth something).

So John, open up and let me look in. I want to see how long in the tooth you are.  ;)
Only kidding!


Being ordinary is extra-ordinary.....but being extra-ordinary is an ordinary thing...............


On Spike Milligan's grave headstone:  "I told you I wasn't feeling well" !


Dukh mein sumiran sab karen , sukh mein karey na koi
Jo sukh mein sumiran karey toh dukh kahey ko hoi....
meaning: Everybody think and pray to God when he/she is in problem,difficulty..etc but nobody think or pray when they are in happy/good time etc....But the one who prays and thinks of HIM even in happy and joy then their won't be any bad time for him/her.............


Women make love for love, men make love for lust. ~Derrick Harge


Egoist: A person of low taste, more interested in themselves than in me.

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