

Excellent Theatre productions.


While being here I've been to see several productions by maltese Theatre companies.

Many of them are excellent.

Last night we went to see "Festen" an award winning play that got rave reviews in the West End.

The acting directing and staging of the play was brilliant and would have put many uk companies to shame.

It was in a brand new theatre space called "Blue box " at "Mspace" in msida. All built by a powerhouse of a man called Tony Bezzina and his wife Veronica. They have great vision and the little theatre there is superb for this type of production.

The rather shameful thing was there were no expats there last night ( opening night) and I rarely see any others at any show I go to.

It's such a shame that people are missing out on some brilliant performances from several very good companies.

So come on guys stop watching the telly and go and see something worthwhile, and support these shows, most are in English and show how hard people work for a production that sells so few seats.

Tonight were going to Valetta to see "innocent Flesh" which is one night only but won high praise when it was first shown last year. I'm sure it will be another highlight on these long winter nights.

See also

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New Horizonz

Hi Jay,

I agree with your comments. As it happened I did go to see Innocent Flesh on 15th March and thoroughly enjoyed it and would like to see more in future.
I would be happy to join you in some of future theatre going. I am also in Bugibba so it should make it much easier to arrange.



Hey Russell!

Excellent I'm pleased you enjoyed/appreciated it and yes it would be great to sort out some more theatre trips maybe get a few expats going ( but only if they drink Shiraz ) ;)

Any one else interested?

I'll post any new shows. I know "Noises off" is coming soon and that is very funny!

New Horizonz

Excellent Jay.

Why "but only if they drink Shiraz "' and not any other red wines? :)))


Hi JayJay, are there theatres  that you know of on Gozo as we are shortly moving to the Island?