Hi sarafdjfff,
Talking as both someone who has been a teacher for 25 years now and a father of 4 sons and daughters that are now all adults and another son who will soon be seven years old, I really understand how you feel and the fears that are going through your head right now.
You're a smart and interesting person, the fact that you have friends in the school where you are now proves that and you will make new friends at your school in Kuwait too.
You need to know that boys and girls develop quite differently, boys that are the same age as you are quite immature, really. They're still little boys as opposed to girls that are becoming young women. So you're going to be much more mature than the boys, probably way smarter than they are too!!! So, what does it matter if you're not popular with them, they're just silly little boys after all.
There are two important things that you need to remember:
First, people pick on and bully other people because of their own insecurity. They do it because they feel there is something wrong with them or because there is something that they don't like about themselves. So, to make themselves feel better they bully other people, they feel powerful and that makes up for what they don't like about themselves. Many times the bullies are actually kids that are being abused at home or live in a home where they see abuse all the time, mom and dad fighting. While that knowledge might not make the bullying go away, understanding it might help you to not let it hurt your feelings so much and cope with it. Maybe you could even respond to somebody who is bullying you...
"Gosh, I really feel sorry for you, it must be terrible that you feel so bad about yourself that you need to bully people in order to feel better!"
Actually if you do that it lets all the other kids see the bullies for what they REALLY are... weaklings who feel bad about themselves.
The second thing to remember is that school is not a popularity contest, you are there to learn and the more you learn the better off you are going to be when you are an adult. You'll have better job opportunities, better salaries, be able to live in better parts of the city, have nice clothes all because you focused at school and learned a lot.
So, don't worry about what the boys will say about you or if they bully you. Don't worry if you don't have a lot of friends among the other girls at school either, you'll have some. That is what you need to really concentrate on. Make a couple of really good friends, devote your attention to them and IGNORE all the rest because you can't change them, they are just silly and abusive children that you really don't want to know anyway.
Good luck sweetheart and keep your hopes up! Study hard and build a bright future for yourself.
William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team