

hello Namibia!

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hi! my wife and I are both nurses, working in the middle east... we are thinking of moving to Namibia

as you know, we don't pay taxes in Saudi Arabia and most of our living allowances are provided by our company, Housing, Transportation and Food.

Should we pursue moving to Namibia, what adjustments do we expect, specially on the cost of living and in our savings... Do we have an expected salary range?

Also, how is healthcare in Namibia...

Thanks guys!


expats in Namibia..... anyone out there?


Hello Jericho,

I am not an expert by any means on nurse salaries in Namibia, however, I believe the field is rather competitive here.  Many Namibians go to nursing school, so finding a job here may not be easy.  They are also rather strict with work permits.

Most costs of living here are affordable and pretty cheap compared to other places.  However, housing is a problem and to buy is expensive.

Healthcare is very good.  There are state hospitals which are cheap and require a lot of patience but will take care of you.  Private hospitals also exist and are clean, safe, and affordable.

Did I answer all of your questions?