

stupidest thing you did in life!!!


Hello angie7227,

Welcome to Expat-Blog.............
Its never late think wisely and try to do that things which you want ,if it is possible now for you..........



i am wondering waht would be my list of such things..would be big and never ending :)


El_Jost wrote:

Not finding the Fountain of Eternal Youth.  :joking:

I found it once upon a time. Then I forgot where it was. Does that count as a stupid thing??


Left My job in india .. Superb company and awesome perks ..
And came to UAE searched for 3 months .. well this turned out well for me ..
Now working for Emirates .. So stupidity helps


stupidest thing I ever did was not taking off earlier in life to find the huge world that is here for us to explore.. If I could turn back time, I would take off at age 18 and find my way thru this world and go with the flow..

words of advice to all the youngsters here... take that chance... see the world.... throw caution to the wind and go with what feels right in your heart... you won't regret it!!! And think of the amazing stories that you will have to tell when you get back home..


The most stupid thing I did in my life was sign-up on the "La Sapienza", First University in Rome. I Wasted six years of my life chasing uninterested teacher and paying taxes for nothing. When I changed University my life was completly different, I finished my studies with maximum score but I already was old (and tired) for getting a job what I wanted...


SabrinaMineo wrote:

The most stupid thing I did in my life was sign-up on the "La Sapienza", First University in Rome. I Wasted six years of my life chasing uninterested teacher and paying taxes for nothing. When I changed University my life was completly different, I finished my studies with maximum score but I already was old (and tired) for getting a job what I wanted...

Aj, that really sucks!  :dumbom:


It happens sometime you think of better and landed worst


I got married....
After many years i met the man of my dream my prince charming....ugh...I felt even more stupid than ever. It's way too late.


I gave hopes to one guy.. with whom I was not in love...
It was the latest stupidest thing I did...
but I stopped with him and that was the wisest thing I did!


Not trying to make a change