

cost of living in kuwait and wage bargaining


Hello to everyone!
We are from Italy :)
My partner...almost husband is dealing with a major company for a job in Kuwait as a restaurant manager for an important restaurant. They offer 3075kwd per month and we are waiting to hear additional benefits such home school for the child, medical insurance and annual flights. We are a family of three people plus my mom who would like to live alone so we should rent a house for her, and give her a sum of money for his expenses. I was wondering if, with this amount of money, we can live well in 3 people and supporting my mom and save 600kwd per month... We would like to live in Salmiya, maybe rent or buy a car and pay kindergarden about 150kwd mont for my son... The idea for me is to make a full-time mom for a while, in the meantime, improve my English and then look for a job as a graphic designer, that's my job for over 10 years.
According to you, with the amount they offer to him, can we live well and save? or should we try to bargain and still get the benefits and maybe a better salary?

I know my english need to be improve.. Thank you very much!!!

See also

Living in Kuwait: the expat guideDriving licenseLooking for a job & visa Sponsorship in kuwaitMarriage in KuwaitInadequate heating in winter

I think it's manageable financially, but I'm not sure about the legal status of your family (not legally married I'm assuming) and whether or not you can sponsor your Mom. This is what you need to ask about more than anything else.


financially; yes it can be done.

sponsoring your mom; tough but u can do better in that u can rent her a furnished place (save the hassle of having to furnish it yourself) and since you're all Italians she has the benefit of visa on arrival in Kuwait, so every three months she just needs to fly out and back in and boom, residency renewed.

once you and your partner are married (needed to sponsor you here) he can bring your mom here and I think process a residency for her.. I think. not sure about that.

but the 3 month thing will definitely work.


thank you "justfedup" and "legacy" your insights are wery helpfull :)
I think, it's better to bring my mom after we are married and start to travel with our son and return within 3 monts till the marriage.. In this way I can Study English and maybe find a work... and then i think, sponsoring my mom in any case.
Do you think that we can live well with 3000kwd without other benefits like for example family home and healt insurance, or are you considering that benefits in your answere?
Thank you!
Have a nice day!


Hello May..
You could live well with the offer ur hubby is about to get..however u could negotiate more kid tuition..transportation with gase allowance doesn't hurt to ask!..We're American Italians living in Salmiya nice area n yes it is centrally located in the heart of every possible shops hospital s..Restos..kindergartens. Spas n hotels u name its all here..anyhow I wish well n hope all works out for ur family!!!


If the job is with AlShaya your man should wait out the 3 month probation period as I've heard they have a high turn over rate and once fired a British lady on the last day of her probation period. If it's with another company you might be safe. Until you get married you will probably stay on a visit visa and leave the country every 3 months. Restaurant managers are some of the most overworked people in Kuwait. They are expected to stay late hours and will be responsible for a lot of issues. Good luck!


@kuwait411 that was very insightful. Thanks for a very valuable contribution.


:one Kuwait411.

I know a manager that was brought in from Latvia (met her on this here forum) and she was overworked and left within a few months.

mya, i think our collective advice would be do not plan to far into the future, JIC. put little goals like conversing in English etc. that you can definitely learn whilst here, but beyond 3 or 4 months,,,

OH crickey! i forgot! you will be here roughly for Ramadan, where all restaurants have no work in the morning and HECTIC schedules when people break their fast at sun down.

then again, it all depends on the hubby and his work load/ethic.

best of luck


I also wonder how people get jobs at Al Shaya, I've applied for years and never received anything from them, then again I met a British lady who told me stay away from Al Shaya.....I like retail but not slave labor.


ive applied a dozen times to the same position that is still open for over a few months now, always told i was refused.. and even the ones that get accepted, it takes 3 months to process. not to mention the no-compete clause :S


i applied there experimentally and i didn't receive any responses other than automatic replays.The staff there are mostly indians and i have heard they hoard positions for certain people.


then again you are also a student, correct? maybe you are unemployable atm, unless you were applying for intern positions.

well, im doing the audit of recruitment at the moment where i work, so i'll look into how they treat applicants over here :)


i applied as an intern everywhere,and that too online.only in the Audit firms did i go in person.and have to say a friend of mine in external audit did tell me things about alshaya and those were entertaining but i cant share here.


Well Thank you to all people answered me. We will take in consideration all tips from you... Anyway I think It's better to have positive attitude and don't be scared about the possibility of fail... sometimes the probationary period does not end with a success. This is the risk you take every time you change job, and yes, companies can even tell you the last day. We really don't t know what happened during the probation period of those people. So we can't judge If the company It's bad or not... I think someone with Alshaya surpassed the "terrible 3 monts", otherwise they would not have shops and offices open ... (In Italy a restaurant manager work 10 hours a day for 6 day a week, there are few people in this kind of job that are working less) Just all of you, we're trying to improve our lives looking for opportunities abroad...So, finger cross for everybody! ;)


it's not about people passing the 3 month mark, with a high turnover rate there will always be a lot of people working in the malls, they have a list of people who want to work for them so recruiting is not the problem. The majority of them are probably on their 3 months evaluation period. Looks can be deceiving.


well , some people use to despreciate what they can't be able to achieve. I don't mind about bad things regarding Alshaya because sounds like invidious comments. I hope for you a great success. Mention the salary was an error. But I was only looking for help.. In wrong place I think.


mya i apologize on behalf of everyone here if you find our comments offensive.

coming from abroad i am sure you are very trepidatious about moving to a country so far and so different, yes at times we here do go for the "right between the eyes" approach in telling you the reality of the situation, no sugar coating.

you are absolutely 100% correct, some expats here have friends and contacts that work for al-shaya that didnt last long. that being said, it is not to say that everyone that works there resigns immediately, they have employees that have seniority etc.

sorry for making it seem that alshaya is a devil employer. in all cases, just file it under points for consideration, and try your luck either way, you have nothing to lose, everything to gain and a nice story to tell at a later date (much later) to your family and friends back home of your adventure in this desert oasis.


Thank you legacy :)

nsiah Adams

a nurse in Ghana has been given an offer to work in Kuwait but de money for plane ticket is not available so de firm offered to pay de plane ticket so we should worry about passport....de firm claims she will pay de money wen she get to kuwait.nd start work...somehow I also got de information dat foreigners are not given working permit in de country.....want to know whether is tru....? nd also want to know how foreigners are treated in Kuwait....?


Be careful when a company is asking for money up front


also many fake visas were issued to many people,please verify the recruiters authenticity before dealing with them.