

Need a Maid

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I need a fulltime maid, preferably, woman & chistian. Required: cleaning, cooking, washing/ironing, watching and feeding the dog, stay at home while I am out of city. Preferably live in and have at least basic level of English.

See also

Living in Jakarta: the expat guideImporting a cat (or dog) to jakartaPets in IndonesiaImporting Pets to JakartaFinding a calm kitty in August

Best wait now until the middle of August with the Ramadhan fast approaching.


Ask your security guard.
If they don't know someone, they'll probably know someone who knows someone.


Hi, I am leaving Jakarta and have an amazing maid that loves dogs. I have 2  :-)
She is not live in though but will always try to accommodate you when out of town.
She is very very trustworthy and have never missed a day of work ( even when her house flooded)
Contact me at *** and I'll give you her info.


Dear Aundrea,

I sent you an email. I would like to meet your maid and need her recommendations. Thank you.

I need a trustworthy person...(my mail is ***)


Hi ma'am may i know where do you stay?..im looking for a maid job at kuala lumpur..


I stay in Jakarta...


I have Indonesian maids with me, msg me if you are keen.


Yes, I need a maid loving dogs and with minor English understanding, reliable...evstratova-job@mail.ru


ksanand wrote:

I have Indonesian maids with me, msg me if you are keen.

Good for you....how many you have and how much they cost??

You send them back to Indonesia??


I have many, how many do you want?

Yes, I can send them back to Indonesia.

Mine is very reasonable price.


I don't understand. You will send them from where? I need only 1 maid from Jakarta for cleaning, cooking and watching my dog...

What is the reasonable price of your? What are their recommendations. Are they reliable? Do they speak English?

Please, explain what you exactly mean and who are you, where are you from and where are you now? Are you an agent?


Vyacheslavovna wrote:

I don't understand. You will send them from where? I need only 1 maid from Jakarta for cleaning, cooking and watching my dog...

What is the reasonable price of your? What are their recommendations. Are they reliable? Do they speak English?

Please, explain what you exactly mean and who are you, where are you from and where are you now? Are you an agent?

Don't waste your time with the poster....it's nonsense what he is writing.


I am from Malaysia and I have maids in Malaysia and in Indonesia. If you want maid for your house in Jakarta, yes I can arrange to send to your house. I need to know the age you want. I have 20 to 50, but ideal for your would be 30 to 30+.

They are very reliable and yes they speak English but not to the extend of fluent.

I charge Rupiah 19million which is the cheapest you can ever find.

Yes I am a agent which have maid connections in Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines.

Let me know if you are keen.


19 million for a maid service? What guarantees do you have for such an extortional price? The cheapest you will ever find? How is that?
I had a maid, spoke very limited English, and it cost me nothing to employer her.

You are having a laugh.


19m is extortional price? Excuse me its in Rupiah, so go convert yourself.
If you have a maid which cost NOTHING, then go find a free one then.
You're a joke.


19 million rupiah is roughly $1900 USD. The average wage of a maid in the city is 1 million. The average agent fee is 1.5 million. For English language maids in Jakarta maybe a little more but not too much more.

I am joke that I maybe to you, but your 19 million will keep me laughing all day.

Thank you for raising my spirits.


19m is appox 1550 USD, in today's exchange rate. This includes the maids 4 months salary which you DON'T need to pay, transport and medical charges all included.

So if you think you got a better deal than mine somewhere, so be it and good luck.


Thats what we were looking actual details.

'The truth will out'

Thank you for sharing




ksanand wrote:

19m is appox 1550 USD, in today's exchange rate. This includes the maids 4 months salary which you DON'T need to pay, transport and medical charges all included.

So if you think you got a better deal than mine somewhere, so be it and good luck.

Haha...you make me laughing, 19 mio Rp....do you really believe yourself what you are saying ??

Cut the crap and don't think you are dealing with idiots here.


(moderated: rude comment)


Moron, Joke, Mother of all Idiots, Wancko.

This guy is going to make a fortune with his professional and polite outlook and at 19 million a throw, its going to happen real soon.

I am happy to be an idiot. That way I can only mock because I don't know any better.


:lol::D ......you are so funny


That post is for HappyHour and not for you.


:lol::lol::lol: ...So are you. :lol::lol:


We are all in the same '19 million for a Maid' boat and trying not fall out through laughing so much.

So yes it is for me and everyother poster in this forum.


BTW, I am doing real fine with this business covering 3 regions, so no matter you all say, ain't going to dampen my business at all. ;)


No, I'm not in the 19m boat ride with you.


You are so entertaining..... :D


So are you...are you by any chance a circus clown? You sure behave like one...  :lol::dumbom::D


I only have one question...

Why would someone looking for quality and affordable domestic help in Jakarta, or anywhere else on Java, chose to deal with someone in Penang, Malaysia?

There is nothing to infer with my question beyond what common sense should dictate, so please spare me any charges that I'm anti Malay.


Hi everyone,

As indicated in the code of conduct >The forum is not aimed at helping you to promote your company. Also please avoid vulgar comments.

Hi Vyacheslavovna,

Have you find your maid?

You can also have a look at the housemaid jobs in Jakarta section and i invite you to post your advert there as well. :)


Thank you all, I do really now about the average cost of a maid in Jakarta...I am still searching, but I think I will find somebody after Ramadan...


You must wait until after Ramadan when holiday is over, that's actually best timing to find a maid.

Salary it depends, different factors need to put into considerations such as experience, live in or out etc.

For sure you always should ask references from previous employers which you also better double check.

Don't know where in Jakarta you are living but HERO Kemang use to have outside a board where maids/drivers putting up there CV when they look for jobs.


Thanks, I live in Tebet Barat


sure i have 2 dogs too how much must i paid her

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