Moving from USA to teach Biology at NIS in Kazakhstan
Hiya!  I am moving from the USA to Kazakhstan to teach Biology at NIS in August 2014. I was born in Illinois, raised in Arizona, and been in Texas for all of my adult years. Currently I'm in the Dallas area, in the same house for almost 30 years, teaching science for the last 15 years.  Umm, yes, this will be a pretty big change for me, but I'm ready to work hard, make new friends, engage students, and have a GREAT adventure!
Hello txbiogirl!
Welcome to ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ
Thank you for this brief introduction of yours! Â
All the best for your new venture! I am sure you will love the change!
Who knows, we may meet at orientation. I will be arriving in August as well to teach English!
Hey Dvargas2,
Is your orientation in Astana also? It would be great to know that there is someone I have at least said hey to before!
Hi Patsy,
Where in KZ will you be taching? (NIS has multiple locations in KZ)
Have you ever been to KZ or to Central Asia before?
HELLO! Me too, but having delay on my CRB . Not coming to orientation but hoping to be there by 29th August. From UK! Going to NIS Pavlodar.
Yes, my orientation will be in Astana. I will be teaching in Taldykorgen. My flight out is in 10Â days! I've got lots of small ends to tie up before then. The countdown is on! Yay!
Oh my! Leave date is sooooo soon! I look forward to hopefully meeting you in Astana. I will be teaching at Oskemen NIS. I agree...YAY!!!
Looks like you'll be quite north of Taldykorgan, where I will teach. It looks like you'll also be closer to Astana. I hear it has a good night life. Enjoy!
I had a time finding your city, but finally did. You'll be quite east in the country. Have you been learning any Russian? I've tried and have not succeeded! Yikes!
Ust-Kamenogorsk (Oskemen) where I am is, uh, not the liveliest for night-life if you are used to a major city ... Almaty is probably the best ... certainly cheaper than Astana ... Almaty is also a more Euro flavour ... Astana is more kinda Potemkin flavour ...
Your school is in our suburb (rayon) КШТ (pronounced cash a tear ... tear as in torn) and it is about a 6km bus ride (bus 60, bus 46) from the bus station at the end of your street where the school is into the city.
There are a few cafes that have English language menus, although the staff in all probability won't be able to speak English. The nearest fast food type cafe to the school is Pizza Blues, on the corner of Komsomolskaya and Utepov (they have an English language menu).
Pizza Blues is a chain of cafes, they also have some spin-off ones as well, Imbeer and BarB-Q, which are Pizza Blues in all but name ...
The nearest bazaar is Dostyk bazaar and you can generally get most bits and pieces there or in your local magazin (shop) in your apartment block, again, there is no English spoken, but pointing and gesticulating, or picking up the item and handing it over works fine until you master the basics.
The closest supermarket is Metro, on Satpayev which the buses stop near to (about a 200 metre walk), there is also an undercover bazaar, Fresh Market, about 500 metres away from that, buses stop near that as well.
Metro are encouraging their staff to learn English, although it tends to be management rather than shop-floor staff.
The apartment block next to the railway bridge near the Metro supermarket has a good little magazin (named Olivier) that has stocks of many items you may have difficulty finding elsewhere. Another reasonable shop is Daniel Supermarket at the junction over the bridge of the Ulba River where the ice hockey area is (Palace of Sport).
Also on Satpayev, is a new covered Olympic swimming pool, so if you like to swim, that's probably the best place. My wife and I went recently one weekend and there was only one other person swimming ... it is about a 200 metre walk from the bus stop for Fresh Market.
The "best" (western-style) cafe in the city is Cafeeiro, in between Kirov Park and Zhastar Park. Bus 46 will stop in Republic Square and it is about a 400 metre walk from there to the cafe and sometimes they have English speaking staff, but regardless, the menu is in English (just ask for anglisky menu if they give you a Russian one). It also has free WiFi, just ask for WiFi and they'll give you a slip of paper with the password.
There is a new hotel in the city on the banks of the Irtysh River just over the bridge, Dedeman (a Turkish chain, as many are in Kazakhstan), which has reasonable food at prices not completely through the roof and they are happy to welcome people off the street to eat there, they appear to have a cafe/cocktail lounge type thing in the lobby too with cakes et cetera.
Items in Ust-Kamenogorsk tend to be quite expensive and often simple things will just be plain unobtainable ... Metro finally had a shipment of tinned tomatoes this weekend after 7 months without them ... but you were able to have as much tinned horse and tinned peas as you could desire in that time ...
Be prepared for extremely cold weather, many previous NIS teachers to the Ust-Kamenogorsk school have had a major shock when winter hit. It drops to -55C here, be warned. Last year, however, the lowest it got was only -35C ... but even at that, you will need base layers.
You can buy suitable clothing here, but again, you may be shocked at the cost ... the cheap Chinese stuff may last only the season and if you are only staying for one year, that's probably ok, but if you are planning longer term, you might want something that lasts a little longer.
Cheers, all the best, Peter.
Thank you for the valuable information Ust-Kamenogorsk Peter! I will keep a copy of this handy as I go out and about around the city. Right now I'm trying to be patient as I wait on my visa, but I should be there within a week or so!Â
Thanks again!
Dvargas2-- I hope you have arrived safely! I'm probably not going to make it in time for orientation, but I would still love to hear from you! Good Luck!
Yes, visa delays and problems ... Kazakhstan's bureaucratic specialty ... some embassies are better than others and some visas/work permits are more problematic than others ...
One of the bigger problems in Kazakhstan is the bizarre level of bureaucracy, some inherited from the former Soviet Union, some which they have invented themselves and dumped on top of the pre-existing bureaucracy. Some which they have plagarised from other countries and have just cut and pasted it into their own.
This has led to vast amounts of contradictory laws and rules which make absolutely no sense whatsoever. The government recognises this, but is yet to actually do anything about it ...
It is why you will see a notary office every 20 metres or so (interspersed with pharmacies, far too many to be considered healthy in my opinion). Without a notary, you will be stuck to navigate this system of bureaucracy for just about anything official you wish to do.
This is especially important with respect to work permits, visas, immigration "cards" (the risible tiny piece of paper you fill out when you arrive, do not lose or damage it, it will not go well for you when you wish to leave the country ...)
The border guards will have no qualms about holding you up at the airport if there is some discrepancy in any of your documentation even as the public address system is calling you name to immediately proceed to the boarding gate ... even if the mistake is of their own making ... to paraphrase Wittgenstein, I know whereof I speak ...
I'm unsure of what your visa/work permit obligations are, but ensure that you check every official document that you receive, twice, three times or more, until you are absolutely 100% sure that there are no contradictory dates or translations made, then and only then you can relax until the next round of documentation.
Cheers, Peter.
Great advice Peter! Thank you again for trying to keep me from being lost and in trouble! So, even though they are calling my name for boarding, I will still wait politely for the paperwork to be sorted out! Got it! Â
"... calling my name for boarding, I will still wait politely for the paperwork ..."
Yes ... is both the short and the long answer to that ...
On my last "get outta Kazakhstan every thirty days" in July, they held me back at border control after the final call and the bus (at Almaty, you are often bussed to your flight rather than via an air-bridge, even in the middle of winter) had gone to the flight 5 minutes before take-off, because whoever had stamped my little piece of paper, henceforth known as an immigration card, had put the incorrect date by one day, which therefore didn't agree with the dates in my passport and visa ...
I've also had visas issued with incorrect dates on them, despite what other official documentation has shown (and was later shown to be the fault of the issuing consul) and they will not change or re-issue ones with correct dates ... and they are not amenable to any discussion about it ...
There are any number of horror stories surrounding the visa system and the capricious nature of the migration police, some foreigners even having to spend a stint in gaol and fined and missing their flights (so having cost of new flights on top) for even getting it wrong by one day ...
Just another hint, if you exit via a land border (drive across in a bus or taxi) into Kyrgyzstan (it is visa-free for most), be very careful that you don't fall prey to the Kyrgyz border guards trying some scam to extract money (bribe) for some confected excuse that there is a new law for whatever takes their fancy that day ... coming or going ...
So, please be careful with documentation, don't assume that just because it has been done by the government that it will be correct, it is far safer to check as many times as is necessary ...
Cheers, Peter
Oh No!!! I am politely waiting for mine, and still no sign. I am meant to be leaving in 5 days time. No flights booked, nothing. :-( any advice?
I am guessing you're in England? You could probably get a reasonable return flight with Etihad for about GBP800Â at short notice LHR-AUH-TSE (Heathrow, Abu Dhabi, Astana) (about 16 hours). Or Air Astana (national airline) for about GBP750 LHR-TSE direct (about 7 hours) return.
I could only advise that you contact whoever is organising your work permit/visa and ask them what the story is. Was it some agency or some government department?
Other than that, perhaps try to contact some of the other NIS teachers here via private message and ask them for advice.
I don't work at an NIS school, it just happens to be in my rayon and have run into a number of the NIS teachers here.
Thanks, yes from UK. I am not going to think about buying flights until my visa arrives. In terms of cost, the school is paying so I probably go for the most convenient rather than cost ;-)
Scrappydoo: Let me know when you get your visa and I will be excited with, and for you! Living though five business days when you're excited seems like forever doesn't it? My five days are up at the end of this week, so hopefully, I will be able to finalize my trip plans soon. With patience and politeness.....
Started to get serious with the Russian alphabet, and so far after many hours can make out two important words; BAR and TAXI. Lol
Scrappydoo: I'm so impressed with what you have learned!  Giggling. Glad you are there!
Hi Scrappydoo, My experience with the KZ Embassy in England are very positive only took 5 working days, but I went there myself and collected it 5 working days later. Booked the flight start after that collection in Victoria (Air Astana's main UK ticket agent based there).
Thanks Jamie, I was hoping someone would chime in with personal UK experience ...
Cheers, Peter
Unfortunately, I sent it off last Tues afternoon, special delivery next day, with a prepaid envelope for the same back and still haven't had this returned :-(Â I will phone them up later this afternoon.
Scrappydoo , You may have problem getting through on the phone (of most VISA Section of Embassies). they are always busy, but its worth a try.
For future, may I suggest that it is always worth going to the (any) embassy (Visa Section) personally, that way you know it is delivered and collect it yourself.
I wish I done that now, but didn't want to go to London twice with the added expense of it :-( Oh well, live and learn.
Hi Peter, Being "British" we tried to be fair and as an IT Geek, factral as well. I don`t say something that is not true or point out things that is NOT true. However, I tried not to say anything bad in public, as some people, feeling insecuried, will take it the wrong way.
Yaayyyyy! visa has arrived today. I am going to book my flights! Do anyone know where I can exchange some money from GBP to Tenge? I have only a few days to do so as it is now a bank Holiday weekend in the UK :-(
You have a choice of try ringing the Halyk Bank Representative office (Tel: 020 7861 9530) and see if they have any to exchange or Take some £ and exchange them in Astana during the transfer Or wait until you arrive and exchange it at a local bank, as you should be pick up by the VP-External Affairs and a driver (car/nus) to help you settle down (take you to your apartment, shopping etc.) ;When booking with the Victoria Office ask them to get you the shortest transfer (lay over) time flights or you may have to do a stay over which will cost up to 30,000 KZT which the school is not likely to pay you.
It would be interesting to know what the differences between the official exchange rate and see what you actually get.
Good luck!
If you have a Visa or Mastercard, you can just use it at an ATM (bankomat) at Astana airport (if that is where you are entering), there are also currency exchange counters there too.
The main bankomats (Sberbank and the like) have a choice of languages on them once the card goes in. Some bankomats are better than others, I tend to use Sberbank (the bank of the babushkas ...), they are a similar green to the header on this page with white writing, because I've never had one refuse to give me money, some of the others can be a bit picky about what card they are presented with, Halyak, for one, in the Rixos in Almaty, will give money one day and refuse the card the next ... There will probably be a limit on how much you can take out at any one time, typically around 100 000 tenge (about GBP340).
Try to amass as much small change (5, 10, 20, 50, 100 tenge) as you can, you'll need it for buses, trams, milk bread et cetera. Don't display a handful of it to the conductor in the bus or tram, she'll take the lot from you and give you a note, give the exact change (works on trip rather than distance), for instance, in my city, Ust-Kamenogorsk, (official) bus trips are 60 tenge, trams 55 tenge. There are small vans (think white van man) that charge higher, but tend to be less safe ... as in less roadworthy, less well driven and so on ...
Thank you, up until now, I really believed I wasn't going. Now feeling a little anxious but excited!
YAY!!!  I got my visa today too!!!! YAY!!!!  I'm going to Kazakhstan for REAL!
Brilliant, when are you flying out? I brought my tickets yesterday and will be flying out on Thurs! Let the adventure begin.
Hi all new NIS teachers,
Some VERY important advices!
Keep all your flight's paper works including the following:-
1) Flight tickets E-tickets
2) Boarding Passes/Cards
3) Prove of payment Receipts and credit cad/bank statement
As "The Administration" will need them or your travel reimbursement will be delay and worst may not be pay.
If you have a layover more than 24 hours they any not like it either and they may only pay for the part of the journey.
From now on keep all paper works and CHECK ALL paperwork as someone else's' mistake may land you in to trouble with the local officials. Always carry your Passport with you at all times, as not have a "valid" I'd/visa could get you into trouble with the local "officials" . Also you need your passport even to buy a train ticket within KZ.
At airport immigration desk n the would give you 2 official stamps on your immigration card (given on the inbound flight). Again keep that with your passport and carry it with you at all times.
Hey Scrappy! Good luck on your adventure! I arrived here Tuesday and it so far found it to have a charming atmosphere, which is a real positive for me! Let me know when you arrive and get settled. PM me!
;Hi Ladies, Check your locations' weather and if it is still hot and sunny, bring some sun cream. As you could still get sun burn here. We don't want you looking like a "lobsters" before you settle down do we .
Enjoy the Kazakhstan "Experience" and the warmth, friendly and welcoming the locals here. (I certainly did!)
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