

Moving to Riyadh

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I am a british female soon moving to Riyadh to work with NAS

I would like to get intouch with as many FEMALE british living in Riyadh at the NAS compound.

I have been appointed to work with NAS airlines as a flight attendent cabin crew to serve NAS VVIP clients.

I am not sure if i would like to live in

I like meeting new people, partying, drinking

I heard there are lots of local compound parties with alcohol etc where lots of young men also ther

also heard about the salsa classes, is this salsa classes mixed or only females :(

Cabin crew out here on this forum please give me a shout ASAP on this forum , need to decide quick as i dont want to getinto a job with boring life

See also

Living in Riyadh: the expat guideMarathi in Riyadh , Saudi ArabiaWing TsunPortuguese communityPoker anyone?
Salman Omrani

good luck with that. :)


i'm no expert on the questions your posted in the other message. so I dont have the answers. sorry.


welcome emma...
watever u asked cannot be discussed...got it?

someone once told me that riyadh is a place where everything is possible


And as cabin crew you should know, what he says is true.

(Former crew scheduler...yeah, I know, the enemy.)


Incredible to think that you think of Riyadh as being a party town lol  It's just so opposite of what I know!

But it all depends on one's circles, I suppose ;)


Ive seen more partying in KSA than any other place on the planet


Reading some of the answers above makes me think we're talking about Area 52! :rolleyes::lol::cool:


MadMaz wrote:

Reading some of the answers above makes me think we're talking about Area 52! :rolleyes::lol::cool:



MadMaz wrote:

Reading some of the answers above makes me think we're talking about Area 52! :rolleyes::lol::cool:




Dear Allie, my IQ is only double-digit... please use more words :rolleyes:


2 Wows are better than 1


AREA 52.  You talking super secret site in US or are you talking World of Warcraft (WoW)?


Moving to Riyadh for a pint and flying VIPs around. Need to do some homework Girlfriend; all the sinful pleasures have been removed.


AREA 52.  You talking super secret site in US or are you talking World of Warcraft (WoW)?

was talking about the secrecy of the partying subject which is very much like the area 52 thing (or is it 51?), the UFO crash, but hey are you telling me you actually play WoW? let me guess... you have a warlock? :P


Let's not get technical here, most of us are mere mortals.


yep, we are all a bunch of mere mortals who start the day with MSWindows....


Let's not get technical here, most of us are mere mortals.

Your wisdom fascinates me... will you teach me the ways of the force... master? :thanks::thanks:


the only way he knows the force is to rev from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds


I was refering to WoW (World of Warcraft), is it like Warhammer? I don't know anything about that either. :lol::lol::lol:

I'll be out on the bike next week when I'm back in the UK. :D:D:D


WoW=World on Wheels


emma123 wrote:

I am a british female soon moving to Riyadh to work with NAS

I would like to get intouch with as many FEMALE british living in Riyadh at the NAS compound.

I have been appointed to work with NAS airlines as a flight attendent cabin crew to serve NAS VVIP clients. Okay. I am sure I'll get some hits for this but please I have to ask..."VVIP"...do you really know what that means, and  what they'll expect of you? Really? We're not talking ambassadors honey...and  Please get your employment contract all in writing and explained to you and speak to your embassy people before you sign....find out what your rights and avenues for redress are as you will surrender your passport to your employer in a country that does not give women the right to drive, let alone to vote and it takes  several female witnessses to equal one male...so your word against his means, by law, you lose.

I am not sure if i would like to live in
"live in"...what does that mean? A typo?

I like meeting new people, partying, drinking

Okay I've read enough....THIS MUST  be a joke...given what I've read to prepare myself for the monastic life I'll lead even on the compound, and the "shopping only" activities of the life I'll lead OFF the compound, don't you guys think Emma is kidding or is a fake person??  It's like a sterotype of some men's fantasy come true.  Come on...or is she someone who really needs to do the research about KSA (Musicman, assuming you were serious when you said you party there more than anywhere else, first, where else have you lived, honey? But seriously,  you are male AND you are married, so your experience might not apply much to her. And, Would you want your daughter to do this?)

I say  forget what the recruiter told her OR read up a lot on what those singer/models said after they were told they'd be getting their "big break into the music industry"....but when they got here their passports were kept and they were basically held against their will and told to "ENTERTAIN the VVIP royalty..."get it? ENTERTAIN....and that's when they realized they had made a huge mistake...

I heard there are lots of local compound parties with alcohol etc where lots of young men also ther
IF alcohol is the career goal, do you understand it's ILLEGAL to drink alcohol in the Kingdom? It's a crime.  Only an embassy would allow you to get anything to drink, legally. OF course, nearly every other nation on the planet will provide alcohol  to you anywhere and you won't have to worry about jail or corporal punishment, e.g., flogging/lashes

also heard about the salsa classes, is this salsa classes mixed or only females :(

Cabin crew out here on this forum please give me a shout ASAP on this forum , need to decide quick as i dont want to getinto a job with boring life

The 2 most common complaints I have heard about moving to Riyadh is that it's very tough for western women to adapt, and that there's not much to do.  In other words, it's boring...now, I know many people, esp with families, who feel differently or find it wholesome b/c there are no unhealthy distractions, and I'm confident my husband and daughter and I will have things to do...but for a single woman wanting to drink and party and meet eligible men????...Well, ask around for how wild and crazy it gets...OKAY Guys this cannot be a real post...Come on, let's take bets...or is that allowed/legal? Can we bet, say, like a dinner?


Do not worry, everything is find

Just need to trusted friends



Come on, let's take bets...or is that allowed/legal? Can we bet, say, like a dinner?

Hope you also done your homework - we not allowed to gamble either, so we wont be taking any bets with you...


the only way he knows the force is to rev from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds

well thats exactly the kind of force I need to learn about, Dave will get his huge bike and I'll buy a scooter, then we'll be like batman and robin :D

and Spitfire! you need to chill girl, you could be right but really who cares? ;)


MadMaz wrote:

the only way he knows the force is to rev from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds

well thats exactly the kind of force I need to learn about, Dave will get his huge bike and I'll buy a scooter, then we'll be like batman and robin :D

and Spitfire! you need to chill girl, you could be right but really who cares? ;)

If she were for real I would care a lot. And if she's not, she's hilarious. I'm going for the prank theory. But  What the heck is this thread about now anyhow?


Spitfire8 wrote:
don't you guys think Emma is kidding or is a fake person??  It's like a sterotype of some men's fantasy come true

SF, when you notice that none of us blog 'oldtimers' really take the time to reply to somebody, it's because they're being so completely, utterly ridiculous that they're not worth our time!

Is it a prank?  I don't think so.  I just think there's plenty of morons in this world who base their decisions on booze, sex and partying lol 

I don't think I ever did--but it's too far back to remember :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

MadMaz wrote:
you need to chill girl, you could be right but really who cares?

Maz is right.  Can't get all worked up about everybody who comes down the pike--ie. somebody who drops into the blog, stirs things up, and then we never see/hear from him or her again.  It happens too often. I believe such people are known as trolls.

Please be careful how much energy you expend on things you can't do anything about. It's pretty frequent here in Saudia--all I myself can  do is make a difference in small ways--like  by example--and I recognize that.  If I were trying to change the system, I'd end up putting my head in the oven (picture Sylvia Plath!).

If you expend such energy about everybody and everything that's not right here, you're going to burn out.  Take care of yourself and your daughter and you'll be doing good :)

Oh, and sparrow is correct:  no gambling! lol


First and foremost, in my book, partying does not necessarily mean being vlgar, naughty, and mischievous.

Next, Ive been here 3 decades and used to play for a Jazz Band for severa;l years that participated in many tuypes of parties in western Compounds from Philip Holzman, to the Greek Compound in the "bad" old days.

Ive also been a professional musician in Sri Lanka where I lived for 3 decades before coming to SL and have seen the great partying times of the remnants of the Brit Colonials.

About NAS, I am not sure what a VVIP would be doing on a budget airline that offers a Riyadh-Bombay fare for SR 150?


About NAS, I am not sure what a VVIP would be doing on a budget airline that offers a Riyadh-Bombay fare for SR 150?


(wow, think I'll visit Bombay for the weekend!)


We can have a party on the plane. Whoooooooooo Hooooooooooo.

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