

Living in morocco


Hello Eeveryone , there are some peoples who want to come to morocco And learning Darija ? You are welcome :)

See also

Living in Rabat: the expat guideMarriage process in RabatTemporary Nanny Needed in RabatAny one from rabat ?British embassy Rabat appointment swap request

Hello again Mourad.

What exactly are your qualifications for teaching Darija? Could you share them with the forum please?


Ok No problem Im here for help if anyone  want to learn darija He is welcome , i will send him my skype in private


Mourad05 wrote:

Ok No problem Im here for help if anyone  want to learn darija He is welcome , i will send him my skype in private

No, that is a problem. You are offering to teach people Darija. The teaching of any foreign language is a difficult task. People would want to know your qualifications before they contact you.

Please tell us what teaching qualifications you have.


Darija is our "Largo" witch mean's Morrocan-Arabic Language (it is our native language in Morocco), we don't need to be qualified to teach it or to share it with people who are interested to learn it  ;)



Well I speak a language very specific to a region, even more so than Darija, just because I speak it, it doesn't qualify me to teach it. If you were interested in learning it, I doubt you would ask someone like me, who has no relevant qualifications in teaching or languages. I'm pretty sure you would seek someone who has the background to be able to impart the knowledge successfully to their students.


Titaa wrote:

Darija is our "Largo" witch mean's Morrocan-Arabic Language (it is our native language in Morocco), we don't need to be qualified to teach it or to share it with people who are interested to learn it  ;)


Do you know something? Someone who purports to teach ANYTHING officially in the UK has to be qualified. Unqualified people are allowed teach privately, but  they have to declare that they are unqualified. And guess how many pupils they get? That's right. They barely get any. As far as I am aware, this is the same in Morocco, teachers have to be qualified.

Someone offering to "teach" a language has to have the resources to do so, the books, the tapes, the lesson plan, the progression from easy to hard. Don't try to tell me about languages. This is my profession. I am a translator and I proof-read other people's translations into English and vice versa in at least 10 European languages.

I strongly advise anyone looking to learn Darija to seek a qualified teacher, indeed, one who is also qualified in MSA. If you don't do this, you will fail to learn anything useful at all.


Sorry but i think that you didn't understood what i want to say before, maybe because you are not moroccan and you don't know What Darija means... i m moroccan, i live in morocco and i can say that there absolutely any one qualified teacher for this, because simply, it's a regional language that we use every day just to talk! we don't write it to have rules, books or lessons plan as you say :)
You know? For example (at my office) we use Classic Arabic, French or English for official meeting, and for e-mails exchanging... we don't need Darija. That's why every Moroccan can share it or show it (to not use the word "teaching")

Thank you for your reply and good luck with your profession that i really love :)



I LIVE in Morocco. I know exactly what Darija means. I even speak some.

I also know that it is barely a written language and mainly used for oral communication. It is still a language though. Some would say that it is a separate language from Arabic as it is not understood by people east of Tunisia and even only with difficulty by Tunisians. Some would say that it is part of the language continuum of Arabic.

Everyone I know who has successfully learned Darija from someone else has done so by means of tapes and progression as well as immersion. And there are certainly books which help the learning process. You cannot learn a language quickly just by immersion as an adult in the way that a child would. You need professional guidance and, as I said, preferably someone proficient in MSA too.


There are websites that list Moroccan-Arabic books for teachers:

Here is someone in my city looking to learn the language:

I would like to learn Moroccan language with an experienced teacher. Focus should be on conversational Moroccan.


XB23, Thank you for this information, i didn't knew that those books exist !!!


