

European projects

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I'm looking for schools, adult schools or associations to start an Erasmus project funded by EU.

See also

Living in Reunion Island: the expat guideEnglish Primay and High Schools in Reunion Island?English medium schools on the islandEMT English teacher in St PierreMaster's Programme at Reunion University - free as EU national?

The University here has had an Erasmus student exchange programme since about 1991.


The new Erasmus + project is for students of all ages. At the moment I'm looking for a school or association that wants to be involved in the project. There are other countries involved: Slovenia, Turkey and Austria. New countries will join.
The project, if funded by EU, will give many people the opportunity to trave to all the countries involved for some days. It's a unique occasion to travel so far. I've just been to French Guiana thanks to an Erasmus project.
Can you help me?