

International church in Budapest?

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Hi!Can anyone recommend a good international church in Budapest?

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Living in Budapest: the expat guideHow to renew a cemetery plot in Budapest?Obtaining a registration certificate as a freelancerCentral heating in rental appartmentRenovation course in budapest

Greater Grace / Biblia Szol (8th district): 

International Church of Budapest (2nd district):

Danube International Church / KEGY (11th district):

Golgota / Calvary Chapel (Blaha Lujza ter): 

and a whole list here:


My personal favorites were
Danube in the 11th (everything is in English, no translations)
and Biblia Szol in the 8th - very smooth Hungarian to English translations, sometimes the pastor speaks English and the translation is Hungarian.  The singing is not always done in English.

Golgota's translation was slow and choppy, the singing was only in Hungarian.


Thanks a lot! :)


Budapest Danube International is really good. It's in English and has about 300+ people from all over the world. Multi-denominational too. My wife and I have been going for over a year and love the community spirit there. Easy to find on google. God bless!

Ella Anderson

Hello! St. Columba's Scottish Church is really good - friendly people, fun Scottish activities sometimes, like dancing, or the Burns supper coming up at the end of January, and there is also a Bible study on Wednesdays. The pastor is really nice, he's an American that's been in Budapest now for 20 years, but the services are always in English, except the children's sermon, which is half in Hungarian half in English :) 11am on Sundays at Vörösmarty utca 51!


There is a Redeemed Christian Church Of God in Budapest. Is an international church.


ibcbudapest.org/ --- I am attending here


English Language Churches in Budapest

The majority of Budapest’s religious services are held in Hungarian. However, a number of weekly English-language services are offered.

Saint Margaret’s Anglican/Episcopal Church
1077 Budapest, Almássy u. 6.
Tel.: 06-20-269-5161
E-mail: anglicanbudapest@gmail.com

International Baptist Church of Budapest
Móricz Zsigmond Gimnázium
1025 Budapest, Törökvész ut. 48-54.
E-mail: ibcbudapest@gmail.com
Service is held every Sunday at 10.30 am.

Jesuit Church of the Sacred Heart (Roman Catholic)
1085 Budapest, Mária utca 25.
Tel.: 318-3479
Fax: 318-9366
Service is held every Saturday at 5 pm.

Chapel of the Sacred Heart (Roman Catholic)
1021 Budapest, Tárogató u. 77,
Tel: 06-70-333-1538 or 06-70-333-1500
e-mail: marianna.glover@artosz.hu or michael.glover@kpmg.hu
Service is held every Sunday at 10:30 am.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints
1144 Budapest, Tihany tér 1.
Tel.: 488-0660
e-mail: hunbud@gmail.com
Service is held every Sunday at 9:00 am.

Danube International Church
Kelenföldi Evangéliumi Gyülekezet (Kelenfoldi Ministry Center)
1119 Budapest, Etele út 55.
Tel: 385-0933; Mobile: 06-30-500-0254 or 06-70-338-3949
Service is held every Sunday at 10:30 am.

Presbyterian Church of Scotland
1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty u. 51.
Tel.: 373-0725; Mobile: 06-70-615-5394
Service is held every Sunday at 11 am.

International Church of Budapest
Óbudai Társaskör (Óbuda Culture Center)
1036 Budapest, Kis Korona u. 7.
Tel.: 789-4321
E-mail: info@church.hu
Service is held every Sunday at 10.30 am

Hungarian Bible Speaks Church
1089 Budapest, Golgota utca 3.
Tel.: 210-2028
Fax: 210-8526
E-mail: iroda@bibliaszol.hu
Service is held every Wednesday at 6.30 pm, Sunday at 10.30 am and 6 pm.

Bible Baptist Church of Budapest
1173 Budapest, 502 utca 19.
Tel.: 258-7286
E-mail: pastorjames@budapestbaptist.org
Services are held every Sunday at 10 & 11 am and 5 pm and Thursday at 6:30.

Jewish Synagogue of Budapest (Conservative)
1075 Budapest, Síp utca 12.
Tel.: 413-5500
E-mail: info@zsido.hu

Pesti Shul Synagogue (Orthodox)
1132 Budapest, Visegrádi utca 3.
E-mail: info@pestisul.hu

Golgota (Calvary Chapel)
1073 Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 13.
Tel.: 322-2499
Fax: 322-2499
E-mail: budapest@golgota.hu
Service is held every Sunday at 8 am, 10 am, 12 pm and 7 pm.

Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Budapest-Fasor
1071 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 17.
Tel: 322-2806
Mobile: 06-20-770-3700

Capital City Baptist Church of Budapest
1114 Budapest, Szent Gellért tér 3 (ring number 2 on the door intercom)
We are located just across the street from the Gellért hotel.
Tel.:  06-30-300-9646
Services are on Sunday at 10:00 am and Tuesday night at 18:00.

Riverside Church Budapest
MOM Kulturalis Központ
1124 Budapest, Csörsz utca 18.
FB page:  Riverside Church Budapest
phone: 06-30-903-3767
Service is held: Sunday 10:30 am

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