

Cost of living -San Fernando, Trinidad

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I have got a job offer for private company in San Fernando, Trinidad at a monthly salary of TT$ 15K.

Can someone guide me how much would be  the expected expenditures on accommodation for 1 BHK apartment, grocery, food,transportation,utilities,marketing, etc per month? How much I would be able to save per month after  monthly expenses?

I would be moving over there along with my wife, I am currently living in India.

With regards,



Try this website   for cost of living


Hello Raj

You may also browse through the threads in our section Cost of Living in Trinidad and Tobago to gather some infos.

½ûÂþÌìÌà Team


Hi Raj,

At first glance this figure seems very low unless the company is going to provide you with
1. Living accommodation

2. Car and petrol

3. Cell phone

Ideally your salary should be closer to $25000 per month or at the very least a housing allowance with vehicle

It depends on what standard of living you are accustomed to in India. However living costs will be as follows

Housing $4000.00 per month includes internet and cable it would be a one bedroom.
Electric $300.00 per month.
Phone $200 per month land line recommend you use skype to keep in touch with family.
Grocery for 2 people $1500.00 per month.
Mobile is $500.00 with about 1 GB data- I suggest you make sure the you get a company mobile ( use with care)
Market about $500.00 per month for free vegetables.
Travel within the city and Port of Spain could $1500.00 - I hope they will provide you with a car and pay for gas. Owning a car will be out of the question unless you are coming with money to buy one new car will run about $150.000.00 a decent used one can be had for about 50,000 to 60,000 TT, but you will spend about $1000.00 to 1500.00 in gas per month. We have support for GPS and Waze here.

Dining out for 2 costs around $500.00 TT at nice restaurant, an upscale one will be $1200.00 to $2000.00 if your having wine . If you interested I can recommend a few. If you chose to eat as the locals do there are many options that start at under $150.00

Taxes are about $27000 per year which works out to about $2250.00. In Trinidad you start paying taxes above $72000.00 per year at flat rate of 25 %.

Also make sure the company you are working with provides you with Insurance coverage under their employee plan for both you and your wife. You can seek additional coverage, but this will run at about $800.00 to $1200.00 per month for the two of you.

All figures are in Trinidad and Tobago Dollars (TT)
