

Become a resident in Belgium without having a working permit


I would very much appreciate an advice how two people with an American passports  can become a resident in Belgium without having a working permit. We are highly skilled artistic individuals, having plans to live in Wallon.We are planning to establish a private teaching and like to know if format of self employed can work in Belgium for a long term stay.
Any input is very much appreciated.

See also

Traveling to BelgiumLatest document update on L card applicationMoving to Belgium: a few questionsSingle permit processing 2025Belgium Nationality 2024

Cresendo wrote:

I would very much appreciate an advice how two people with an American passports  can become a resident in Belgium without having a working permit. We are highly skilled artistic individuals, having plans to live in Wallon.We are planning to establish a private teaching and like to know if format of self employed can work in Belgium for a long term stay.
Any input is very much appreciated.

My 2 cents..

In simple words, you have to apply in the Belgian consulate stating that you would like to establish a business in Belgium (so, make a professional card ?) and ask for a visa to enter Belgium based on your professional card / work permit. After reaching here, you get your temporary residence card (1 year normally). After you establish your business, you can ask for extension of stay showing your revenues from the business and associated tax returns, etc. After living in Belgium for long enough and continuous contribution to tax system / social security, you can apply for a long term residence card (5 years) and later on apply for nationality (passport)

I am not an expert in this area, but I hope the info sheds some light.



aneeshks wrote:
Cresendo wrote:

I would very much appreciate an advice how two people with an American passports  can become a resident in Belgium without having a working permit. We are highly skilled artistic individuals, having plans to live in Wallon.We are planning to establish a private teaching and like to know if format of self employed can work in Belgium for a long term stay.
Any input is very much appreciated.

My 2 cents..

In simple words, you have to apply in the Belgian consulate stating that you would like to establish a business in Belgium (so, make a professional card ?) and ask for a visa to enter Belgium based on your professional card / work permit. After reaching here, you get your temporary residence card (1 year normally). After you establish your business, you can ask for extension of stay showing your revenues from the business and associated tax returns, etc. After living in Belgium for long enough and continuous contribution to tax system / social security, you can apply for a long term residence card (5 years) and later on apply for nationality (passport)

I am not an expert in this area, but I hope the info sheds some light.


I would seek advice from accountants and immigration lawyers before attempting to do the above. Actually, I would not be surprised that a far easier and less expensive path would be to set-up a company and then get you a work permit as an employee of your own company.

You should be aware that Belgium and other countries have favourable tax systems for royalties from IP rights and, as taxes are quite high (close to 50% if you are self-employed, almost half of it with tax planning), it is important to get it right.


Aneesh and David: thank you very much for highly informative help.


Welcome, and all the best :)


Hi Cresendo,

I have created a new topic with your post on the Belgium forum for more visibility and interaction with the other members.


±Ê°ù¾±²õ³¦¾±±ô±ô²¹Ìý :cheers:


Thank you, Priscilla.


You rock Priscilla :)


Cresendo wrote:

Thank you, Priscilla.

i found this page today:

its a firm that helps (of course paid services) entrepreneurs to setup company in Belgium..


Hello  Priscilla,
Thank you once more for valuable information-link for the consulting company.
Unfortunately it is challenging to use their web side due to poor regulation:pages are continue to move even when one makes them stop.Just in case if you are connected to this professional team, please let them know about this technical issue.
Again,with my gratitude,


You may contact them via their fb page...

dark moon

I would very much appreciate an advice how two people with an American passports  can become a resident in Belgium without having a working permitwork in Belgium for a long term stay.
Any input is very much appreciated.


dark moon wrote:

I would very much appreciate an advice how two people with an American passports  can become a resident in Belgium without having a working permitwork in Belgium for a long term stay.
Any input is very much appreciated.

This is exactly what is (tried to) explained in the beginning of this thread. scroll up and you must see it.