I'm getting sick of this slow internet !!
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It's been 10 days now and it crawls at a snails pace, so fix it already !! How much longer do we endure this?
Yeah, me too. I am crazy because of the slow internet. Can't do online business these days. Spend so much time to wait wait wait...
Since AAG cable is broken, we all have to wait for their fixing.
I'm using Viettel cable, VNPT cable, FPT ADSL, and find that Viettel is faster when AAG cable gets trouble. Google mail -and youtube are still fast (80%)
I am gonna be crazy as well...T_T
My skin got darker because of this slow internet.
khanh44 wrote:My skin got darker because of this slow internet.
The sun made mine go darker.
Boys and girls - I had a few years of terrible internet so I know it's a real pain, but please keep the naughty words down - pretty please.

Patience, be happy it's BEFORE TET - last time it was wrapped around a Christmas break and all the cable shops moored in the Phils so their crews could get away.
Yes, I am very sick of it, too and thousands of other people are, too. I call VNPT every day. I went into their office last week, at 80 Nguyen Du and they were helpless, would do nothing and only told me that it would be fixed at end of January - ha ha. VNPT is government owned and they are helpless, too. So, never expect to be any better.
I took my computer with me to other areas such the Crescent Mall in Phu My Hung and it worked so well, very fast, no problem. So, it is only the government supported service providers that are having this problem and the reason is that they did not pay their bill. Don't believe what you are told by them that the cable is broken. Yes, it is broken because they did not make their payments to rent use of the cable. Did you remember that the first began happening at 9am Monday morning, January 5 after a couple months of good, fast service. This was when they all went back to work after the Christmas and New Year holiday time -very strange.
They are not honest people over there at VNPT.

Dr. G wrote:Yes, I am very sick of it, too and thousands of other people are, too. I call VNPT every day.
What a waste of energy - calling VNPT is pointless BUT demanding a REFUND under their guaranteed terms of minimal service works.
I took my computer with me to other areas such the Crescent Mall in Phu My Hung and it worked so well, very fast, no problem.
Crescent Mall is in Tân Phú Ward - Phu My Hung is another ward kilometres away AND south of the river. You are fortunate the thieves in the mall didn't steal your computer. Be happy!
So, it is only the government supported service providers that are having this problem and the reason is that they did not pay their bill. Yes, it is broken because they did not make their payments to rent use of the cable.
Didn't pay their bill? What garbage - VNPT is a PART-OWNER in the AAG (Asia Gateway Pacific) cable system which cost over USD$500,000.
They are not honest people over there at VNPT.
Another sweeping, unsubstantiated, statement. I know some very honest people there - two of them have even given me their private cell handset numbers. Crooks don't do that. Demand a refund - that's how you teach them.
Dejavu.dot wrote:Hi,
The VNPT internet works well now.
It ain't down here in the sticks.......
I can watch youtubes and my google searches are popping up now so it seems to be working for me. Let me do a speed test just to be sure.
starting to work down here too. Wonder if it's fixed our they just put a bigger band aid on the problem..
The problems seem to happen to those who are using VNPT. My idea is when AAG works well, VNPT users can access websites outside VN fastest ( compared to Viettel and FPT ). However, when AAG gets trouble, they don't have any back up line or the back up line is for the government first.
There are both VNPT cable and FPT adsl at my work; Viettel cable at my home.
zanchun wrote:The problems seem to happen to those who are using VNPT. My idea is when AAG works well, VNPT users can access websites outside VN fastest ( compared to Viettel and FPT ). However, when AAG gets trouble, they don't have any back up line or the back up line is for the government first.
There are both VNPT cable and FPT adsl at my work; Viettel cable at my home.
I wish I had a cable, all I got is a old telephone wire strung from the nearest telephone pole into the house, and the pole is a long way from the house....
when it gets slow I just go on viettel 3G, it's much faster than my home wifi
internet slow again. Must have been a band-aid. Time to get my skin a shade darker.
No, it definitely does not work well for anyone- everyone is having difficulty with VNPT

Yes mine is still unbearably slow, nothing was fixed or for very long, sheesh, I can't get any work done. ("sheesh" is not a bad word Fred)
Even worse when your business depends on it. Unfortunately, we live in a government apartment building that is contracted to VNPT (again, a government owned provided); so we cannot independently contract with another provider until we move from our current location.

zanchun wrote:The problems seem to happen to those who are using VNPT. My idea is when AAG works well, VNPT users can access websites outside VN fastest ( compared to Viettel and FPT ). However, when AAG gets trouble, they don't have any back up line or the back up line is for the government first.
There are both VNPT cable and FPT adsl at my work; Viettel cable at my home.
You've hit the nail on the head!
VNPT, having a share in the AAG doesn't feel it needs back-up as do the other ISPs, so when their cable fails, they are SOL. That's why we have three feeds - two fibre from different ISPs and a satellite feed, for emergencies, from HongKong.
With or without a broken submarine cable, the internet here is by far superior to the internet I experienced on the island of New Georgia, Solomon Islands last year. Talk about frustration, even though we had our own dedicated satellite uplink, the speeds were slow as to be turgid.
When it rained, the satlink went down like cheap Chinese laptop and when a truck took out the only power line that feeds the town of Munda with electricity from the tuna canning factory at Noro, 17 km away, we were stuffed.
I have to add that there are only two bars on the island and no tv, no radio, no cinema and no coffee shop.
The fishing was good though.Â
Should be back to normal by tomorrow, according to thanhniennews.com/tech/vietnams-internet-service-to-resume-on-jan-24-report-37796.html

The InterNet seems to be up to speed today on three of our providers. Jumped high early this morning. The BitTorrent downloader machine is really humming, as well.
Maybe they fixed the cable? Today was the due date.
Jaitch wrote:The InterNet seems to be up to speed today on three of our providers. Jumped high early this morning. The BitTorrent downloader machine is really humming, as well.
Maybe they fixed the cable? Today was the due date.
VNPT is working great down here, started to get back to business late yesterday.
Yes they magically fixed the cable on the due date they set couple weeks in advance.
Can't complain though because I can download my YouTube videos now.
Till the next time:
Youtube, Google and basic sites work decently. Tumblr is hit and miss. Haven't been able to watch videos off of Youtube since the issues happened. Takes one hour and just loads 40 seconds in, if it doesn't crash before that.
Simple solution - Just hop on a motorbike and take the 4-5 hour trip to Tra Vinh. The internet there was faster than anything I've experienced in the States. I mean, c'mon, who in their right mind would expect the "largest, most modern" city in Vietnam to have fast internet?
Tra Vinh, ah yes I remember it well. I was there in 2008 and I don't think I have ever seen so many mosquito in one place in my life. In fact my team dubbed it "mosquito city".Â
Edited to add, internet now working very well in D8.

eodmatt wrote:Tra Vinh, ah yes I remember it well. I was there in 2008 and I don't think I have ever seen so many mosquito in one place in my life.
Try PLEI KU, GIA LAI between January and June - no need for proteins - just open your mouth, breath in, and chew away!
My hometown of Long My an hour south of Can Tho I bathe with a room full of mosquitoes. Not nice when you're naked and any anatomy of the body is fair games.
What speeds are you guys getting?
I have just done a speed test on Mac situated in District 7 (Phu My Hung) and have got probably the best we can hope for an exciting 4.35Mbps. This is despite paying for the Super-speed service (6.5Mbps) which has never achieved the advertised rate.
I suppose that is all you can hope for when there are no alternative providers in your district.
Internet is much slower in the Philippines that i cannot place even a single letter. Vietnam is better even though it is slow, i can manage to reply, at least. I am glad to back here

Michael70 wrote:What speeds are you guys getting?
I have just done a speed test on Mac situated in District 7 (Phu My Hung) and have got probably the best we can hope for an exciting 4.35Mbps.
Let me guess. You have SaiGon Tel as a an ISP? Kindly provided through your building who gets a commission.
The good news is that there is a big reorganisation coming where small, crappy, providers will be out of business.
Why can't you get VNPT down the phone line - always assuming this business hasn't been sold off to other suppliers?
A friend of mine who lives out in the swamps at the end of Go O Moi (love that name) and Phu Thuan was getting over 12 mbs last week when I visited. He uses the 'dark services' a lot.
What should be burning you up is running down the side of Nguyen Van Linh, in your area of Quan 7, are at least 3 fibre optic trunk lines.
A big part of the slowdown is throttling. Someone in the chain in throttling Facebook, YouTube, and others. If you go through a VPN and proxy server you'll get much faster service in spite of the extra hop and the encryption. I started using hidemyass and right away Facebook and others got a lot faster.Â
It's not free. But his much of you time do you want to lose?

TEFL Can Tho wrote:A big part of the slowdown is throttling.
The 'throttling' in Phu My Hung (a very old, very decrepit, small part of Quan 7) has a sole InterNet provider.
Their system is ancient, the wiring is old and signal loss high.
'Throttling' / load balancing takes place at the Gateways. With SaiGon Tel it's built in.
Remember, the VN Government does care too much for FB. Even though many departments have a presence on it and the Internal Police monitor it.
Jaitch wrote:TEFL Can Tho wrote:A big part of the slowdown is throttling.
The 'throttling' in Phu My Hung (a very old, very decrepit, small part of Quan 7) has a sole InterNet provider.
Their system is ancient, the wiring is old and signal loss high.
'Throttling' / load balancing takes place at the Gateways. With SaiGon Tel it's built in.
Remember, the VN Government does care too much for FB. Even though many departments have a presence on it and the Internal Police monitor it.
But I don't live in Saigon and go there as infrequently as I can manage.Â
Nearly everything runs faster through the VPN despite the extra hop and the symmetric decryption load.
Not sure why you put throttling into mocking-quotes. It's the industry term for deliberately restricting bandwidth for a specific IP address.
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