Ok i think your premise is wrong. Considering you are taking peoples lives in your hands, you should be thinking how to get the BEST education, not the cheapest.
"Cheapest" is what would-be US doctors did by going to Grenada medical schools and then they go back and really wreck up peoples lives because they never had a good education. Malaysia schools have no decent rating for this and many Malaysian doctors went to US and UK for their BETTER education.
Second, where you go to school (the schools reputation) follows you the rest of your life. You may well be barred from hospitals or other working environments simply because of where you went to school. Grenada doctors are not favored, everyone know they got a cheap and lousy education and this must be avoided.
Third, a medical career is very ambitious and requires an absurd amount of energy, focus and MONEY. You cant escape it, dont even try. Families often pool their money for the kids school, and very often a wife will work full time to support the house while the husband goes to school, then vice-versa later when he is making money.
Fourth, the fact you are in JC is a bad thing and it too will follow you, too. Get out and into a GOOD 4-year school. How are your grades? Have you applied for scholarships? Who is helping support you? You cant do this whole process of yours alone.
Even lesser degrees and schools fall into this realm when you are seeking a lower career like pharmacology, anethesiology, nursing, radiology, dentistry too. If you cannot muster the money, time and attitude for the hardest time of your life, drop this and do what you CAN do. Medical doesnt sound like it for you. Have you seen a counselor about the same questions you wrote? What did he or she say?
Malaysia? No, no. It doesnt have the horsepower for a good education and degree which would be favored outside the place (or even IN the country for that matter because many have finished their degrees outside in better schools so who do you think will get a job faster, you or one of them?). If you want to study in the Malaysia and stay and work, it may be an option but in US they will laugh you out. Still, you will need tons of money here but less than US. You can write to medical schools here and discuss it.
But in short forget cost, think BEST or forget it. Remember too the competition is extremely stiff in medicine and the top candidates will get the offer ahead of you.
Short story. My friend went to a top undergraduate school in US and had a 4.2 average. This was not even competitive with others and his father, an alumni, petitioned the medical school later to admit him. In medical school in D.C., he continued to get straight-As and was put on academic probation because grades of "A" werent good enough when other "A" students were also publishing new advances in medicine. I remember his time so well, he studied 24 hours a day and it wasnt nearly enough.
This all said, I dont think from your post you can make it in the way you hope but maybe there is hope for nursing which is a big enough challenge. Think about it. Its a good secure living and its ATTAINABLE. Like all of us, you have to learn to separate the possible from the probable. Good luck to you.