> accommodation prices
The rent for house ranges from Nu. 6500- Nu.25000( from 2bhk to furnished house)
> public transportation fares (tube, bus etc.)
Bus= Nu.15 max, cape= Nu.60 local charges nearby n 6 km far is Nu.200 if hired.
> food prices (your monthly budget)
Prices ranges in hotels and restaurant, Min.amount for Rice is Nu. 150 , for market prices the vegatable are available with nu. 15-100
> health prices (for those who need medical insurance)
Medical Insurance is according to age and premium you want to cover.
Nu.100000-500000 we have. Contact RICBL health Insurance
> education prices (if you need to pay)
> energy prices (oil, electricity)
> common bills (Internet, television, telephone, mobile phone)
Teleivsion Nu. 300 per month, Telephone local charges Nu.157 with tax,
> price for a good menu in a traditional restaurant
> price for a coffee or a drink
Coffee in coffee shop is Nu. 120 - 250
> price for cinema tickets
Nu 250 -350