

Tell me more about indians in Kigali

Gopal keswani

i m really want to invest in rwanda kigali. i m seeing abt food industry and clay fired brick production,so plz send much details which u have.
tell me something abt indians who lives in kigali where they live and how is their position

See also

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Hello Gopal keswani,

Welcome to ½ûÂþÌìÌà :)

I have created a new thread with your post on the Kigali forum for more visibility and interaction with the other members.

Concerning your wish to invest in Kigali, please note that you should post an ad in the Business partners classifieds in Kigali section.


±Ê°ù¾±²õ³¦¾±±ô±ô²¹Ìý :cheers:


I'm not Indian, so I don't have details for you.  However, there is an Indian community here doing business -I think it is quite small but growing.  I have talked to some Indians who have been here for many years and like it.  Rwanda is a good place to do business and safe to live at the present time.  There are a couple of Indian restaurants and small shops... also telecommunications (I believe Airtel is Indian owned) and probably several other industries including IT, fabrics, and clothing.  There are many food and spice products imported from India as well as household items... for example, my toothpaste, water filter, and a thermal serving pot.  Besides local countries like Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda... major imports come from China, of course, Korea (electronics and appliances), Turkey, and a few things from the UK... also sometimes Dubai and Egypt for furniture and appliances.  I'm not knowledgeable on this topic, but this is my observation when shopping in the main markets, small shops, and fancy stores.

Why don't you try contacting the owners of one of the restaurants below... maybe they can answer your questions or put you in touch with other Indians doing business here.  Good luck.

Zaaffran Indian Restaurant
3 KN 16 Ave, Kigali, Rwanda
Phone: +250 783 042 504

Khana Khazana
9 KN 31 St, Kigali, Rwanda
Phone: +250 788 499 600


I found this also...


INAR is a national non-governmental organization of public interest formed in Rwanda by like minded Indian Origin living in Rwanda past couple of years to serve the entire Indian and foreign community including Rwanda nationals. INAR office is located in Ndamage Building, Opposite EWSA Electrogaz Head Office, 2nd Floor, 1st Office, Kigali- Rwanda. The organization will exercise its activities all over the Rwandan territory.