

Having a part-time business or a part-time job


I've been working in Dubai near ten years now, I could say that my salary is just enough for me and my family. Where I am working now is my third company since 2005. I believe it's a good company but still we are not well-compensated because of loads of work and a lesser salary. Before, I am very devoted to my work. I never even thought of applying to other companies. Sad to say, now I am thinking to look for a new job. One thing more is, I am doing a part-time business now. I joined a European-based company with a very small investment (AED399 or $108), and I am earning already a hundred folds. I seldom sell their products, I am just sharing it to others to at least try the products. I joined this business because they have 50 branches worldwide (meaning - stable), and I see that I have future here. This triggers me to resign my job in a corporate world soon. I even enter the world of real estate/properties at present, and I am earning real good for selling condominium (flat) to Filipinos and other nationalities. Now, I see myself where I belong. I am sure, corporate world is not really for me. Sometimes, we are giving 100% of ourselves to a company that never compensate our dedication. I may sound unfair, but oftentimes, they are more unfair. They can not blame me if that 100% of my dedication goes down to around 80%-90%, because my part-time gives me double of what I am earning for a 10%-20% effort I give in my free time only. I guess, the company should take care of their employee as their own family.

Do you think it's unprofessional to have a part-time job while you're still under contract from your full-time company?

See also

Job offers in DubaiFinding a job in DubaiThe work culture in DubaiFind a job in Dubai from abroadSetting up a business in Dubai


I would be interested for this job too, please let me know the details how its possible?


Send me your email ID, your address here in UAE, your contact number.


Hi Romelle,

could you please post in the job section, as stated in the forum code of conduct ?

The jobs section is here : /en/jobs/middle-ea … tes/dubai/


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