I would suggest the followings:-
1) Have an open mind about the cultural and mind set of the country and people - Forget the film Borat. Expect things are not as "straightforward" as it is - There are lots of bureaucracy even in the commercial sector (Banks/post etc.)
2) :B VERY careful with your VISA and Immigration Card, make SURE they are correctly stamped and dated or you could end up in court with a fine and or jail. es you could get a criminal record just for having the wrong paperwork.
3) Be prepared, do your research of the city/town you are going to and bring appropriate clothing and equipment.
4) If you have need regular medicines, try and bring some over as thought they may be available (in theory), but it might take a lot of searching round for them and some of them ma not be "genuine". The standard of medical care in a public hospital/medical centre is not what you would expect. Even in the "private" sector the standard can be variable depending who you get. Thought they ma have lots of "equipment", but their experience and skill ma not be "up to date".
5) As it is a meat centric country, Vegetarians and Vegans may have problems with find fresh vegetables and fruits. There are also lots of "meat" based food which sometimes means horse or goat or lamb or beef or pork or even a mixture of all sorts of meat.