

Curious About Saudi (Religious) Law?

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Well as I was reading the BBC today, they had this entry about this popular Islamic website being shut down today, but staying open in the English language. It has entries submitted by people with questions about the religion and things that are happening around them.

I found it helpful since it answered a lot of questions I was curious about.

First of which. It's totally f'in OK to sit AND talk with mixed sex's, especially if their husband/wife is with them. The only thing that shouldn't be involved is "soft voice" or trying to get the other sex aroused.



The second one is shaking hands with a stranger (woman). I've always said, if you do it without getting turned on, then what the hell. And only a seriously deprived person would get turned on by shaking hands. And so, it's a vicious cycle, if you take it away from them, then this "sin" becomes just that. But if you make it something normal, then I doubt anyone would be aroused by it. So yeah, ladies. I can shake your hand, trust me, it takes more than that. lol

They also advance as evidence what is related that Abû Bakr used to shake hands with old women, and that al-Zubayr had an old woman give him medical treatment. Allah knows whether this is true or not. Touching a woman is forbidden to prevent temptation. If the woman is not desirable, then the temptation does not exist.



The third one is the abaya thing. It doesn't have to be black and you could actually wear pants/long dress/loose shirt. As long as it's not tight fitting, it's OK to wear in/outside the house.

It does not matter what style of dress you adopt. However, the clothing must be thick enough not to show the color of your skin and it must be loose enough to completely conceal your form. The means of covering is not important. Any clothes that fulfill the conditions of covering may be worn inside or outside the house. Different cultures have different customs in this regard, and those customs may be respected as long as the woman is properly covered. If you are wearing wide pants and your shirt covers you completely down to the bottom of your thighs, then this should be sufficient.



The fourth is the face covering. Niqab thing. This one is very iffy. As there are 3 different articles and they all fight each other. Some believe it's the whole entire face, some thing it's just showing ONE eye. Some think it's just wrapping it around the face (hijab style). The most important point is that it should drop down over her cleavage (bosoms). The part I thought about the most was that they don't have to cover up infront of "attendants free of sexual desire" So does that mean if I'm not attracted to you it's totally OK to see you?

And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their father..... or male attendants free of sexual desires




Very interesting, Beezer. Thanks for the links. I had to laugh at the abaya part though... I mean, in Qatar some women have their abayas tailored to fit their bodies, and yes, it reveals all their curves! Am curious if this happens as well in Saudi.


Beezer, very good and well .. I'll leave it to YOU to explain to the mutawa lol


The M's originate from the time of Imam Mohamed bin Abdul Wahhab who was an advisor and religious reformer to the first King AbdulAziz after he regained control of the nation from the Turks. Apparently they needed their services to go around and police ensuring that virtue was propagated and vice eliminated. No doubt its gone beyond its original scope today, sadly.


Don't forget that it is also law in western countries for women to cover themselves, men may show a naked chest but not women, or they may be arrested.


DesertDog wrote:

Don't forget that it is also law in western countries for women to cover themselves, men may show a naked chest but not women, or they may be arrested.

Big difference between showing your face and your bare chest (although this is frequently allowed on beaches).


Alliecat wrote:
DesertDog wrote:

Don't forget that it is also law in western countries for women to cover themselves, men may show a naked chest but not women, or they may be arrested.

Big difference between showing your face and your bare chest (although this is frequently allowed on beaches).

Yes because of the way we are conditioned, if it was something always done it would be nothing shocking. For many men the sight of a pretty womans face is a big turn on, I was just making the point that laws for men and women are different in other countries too, even in these equality days. It is all about decency.


Women are allowed to be topless in Canada :) They fought for that right, going on how men are allowed to take their shirts off when running, but the ladies can't. haha


When are they both dropping their shorts?


musicman wrote:

When are they both dropping their shorts?

Making plans for a trip to Canada, mm? :lol:

Salman Omrani


you guys are hilarious! :top:

Beezer, great explanation. ;) though the part of "qoute: sexual desires. unqoute" can go to alot of details. so you cannot easily justify the lack of "sexual desires" hehehe.

i'm happy your posting stuff like this. keep it up. :lol:



Allie, I am sure what happens in Canad can easily be simulated in any of the western compounds in Riyadh?


musicman wrote:

Allie, I am sure what happens in Canad can easily be simulated in any of the western compounds in Riyadh?

eesh.. musicman!!  :blink:

Fidgety Soul

Saudi may be the closet country which Practice Islamic law but it does not mean it follows the Entire Islamic Laws.

Saudi govt do follow their cultural values even it has nothing to do with Islam.

Enough have already discussed but its just like Driving,Which is not Islamic but cultural Law.Govt do know about the barbaric nation who may get crazy to see women driving here

We all have seen many malls and stores with blurred face posters of models(Females & Males Both)Since pictures are not allowed in our religion....and now what a contradiction when we find the Posters of King all around,why it do not need to be blurred or removed ????I have no issue with it,we do need to know how does he look like but why the same rule do not apply on other posters which look total disgusting with blurred faces and eyes?

There is so much to type but i would rather stop myself :mad::mad:


Many thanks to this very interesting thread. Credits go to Beezer and Nonz, along with the long exchange of funny conversations.


:lol:! How ironic! Even the non-believers talk about our religion! Like it's not enough that we have weird people called themselves Muslims "but they're not", and Shiite "Most of them aren't as well" making Islam look weird, and bad!lol! Knock it off people!



Ramon1990 wrote:

:lol:! How ironic! Even the non-believers talk about our religion! Like it's not enough that we have weird people called themselves Muslims "but they're not", and Shiite "Most of them aren't as well" making Islam look weird, and bad!lol! Knock it off people!


what *I* think is ironic is that you're now copying my use of the word "irony/ironic"!  Don't you know I have a copyright??




You need to chill brother! You should not make such generalized statements. I can think of a few about Saudi's that you would not appreciate; backward, like anal with little boys, hypocrites, etc.

Try valume, but please dont confuse it with viagra!


bhills2153 wrote:


Try valume, but please dont confuse it with viagra!

Don't want him reproducing, eh? ;)


bhills2153 wrote:


You need to chill brother! You should not make such generalized statements. I can think of a few about Saudi's that you would not appreciate; backward, like anal with little boys, hypocrites, etc.

Try valume, but please dont confuse it with viagra!

Man! Just because you have these stuff where you live doesn't mean it's the same here. Our guys aren't the ones who get married each others! :lol:! Never the less, in Islam, such people should be killed. So, you may wanna consider that before you come here, bro! :P


Ramon1990 wrote:

:lol:! How ironic! Even the non-believers talk about our religion! Like it's not enough that we have weird people called themselves Muslims "but they're not", and Shiite "Most of them aren't as well" making Islam look weird, and bad!lol! Knock it off people!


I understand what you're saying Ramon, there are many different religions that use the name Muslim, I think we have the real Islam here in Saudia.


You guys are feeding the troll .. I know it's hard to resist but please try ;)


Ok Alliecat, as the topic is about understanding Saudi Religious Law, a good starting point is to listen or read the works of Abdur Raheem Green with an open mind, there we can begin to understand Islam and the Sharia also.

He covers just about every topic and question and explains it all so well.


DesertDog wrote:

Ok Alliecat, as the topic is about understanding Saudi Religious Law, a good starting point is to listen or read the works of Abdur Raheem Green with an open mind, there we can begin to understand Islam and the Sharia also.

He covers just about every topic and question and explains it all so well.

I have no need to 'understand' it.  I follow the religious law; it's something I agreed to do before coming here and I've been a good citizen in this respect. 

But since you bring it up, even your Imams issue conflicting fatwas.  So who can claim to really know Islam?

BTW, I wasn't part of this brouhaha.  Just commented on feeding trolls ;)


beezer wrote:

Oh please, homosexuality in Saudi is HUGE. Even with the risk of being killed, it's a HUGE problem. And that's normal outcome, when you restrict the whole male/female relationship. And don't talk to me about incest. There's a lot of that going on as well.

I think you might have a messed up view about religion. Does Islam say that long as you pray, you can litter, have no etiquette, be completely rude, and belittle all those around you that aren't the same. (I'm just summarizing)

Please don't tell me that's what Islam is all about.

Well, one thing Islam does tell us for sure, is to shut up whoever tries to make Islam look bad. :lol:

And yeah, look who's talking about the huge homosexuality here, while his country is the 3rd country gives rights to these people to get married! lol! Man! It's like there are no women to get married with! See? This how it gets when people just disobey the rules of the creator, in the name of FREEDOM! :P


Alliecat wrote:

But since you bring it up, even your Imams issue conflicting fatwas.  So who can claim to really know Islam?

BTW, I wasn't part of this brouhaha.  Just commented on feeding trolls ;)

I can't answer that question sorry I am still learning, only mentioning Abdur Raheem Green for those who have questions and want to learn about Islam, as this is how I satisfied my curiosity, just thought it would be helpful to others. Maybe one of his lectures covers what you ask?


DesertDog wrote:

Maybe one of his lectures covers what you ask?

Forgive me, but what did I ask?  :huh:


Masha Allah, I like the way you talk, bro. :)



Alliecat wrote:

Forgive me, but what did I ask?

Alliecat wrote:

But since you bring it up, even your Imams issue conflicting fatwas.  So who can claim to really know Islam?


well yeah but you gave me his info before I even said that! lol

Anyway, I have my own religion I'm quite happy with so have no desire to pursue anything related to Islam.


oh I'm not trying to shove it to you, I haven't converted myself (yet) but if people on this thread are seriously curious about Saudi Religious Law - which is Sharia Law from the Holy Quran, I think it's fair to try and help best I can.


I think that Alliecat and Desert Dog should meet. I'll stand back and be prepared with the first aid kit coz it's going to be messy. Then again I'll call on our paramedics as they are better qualified.  :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Tickets are available at . . . . . an extortionate price.



No, I think Alliecat and the cowboy should meet. But I want to be at the tennis match when they are together.


Oh come on.. I get a vote in all this!  I vote to meet the guy who looks like the Bollywood actor! :lol:


I think he is ...you know  :blink:...prefer to chat to the guys, thats how he thought you were a ...you know!

Fidgety Soul

I am totally agree with Allie "We have enough fed the troll" yeah the effort has been unintentional but this has never been so nasty and by the way Mr remon!Its "You" who has initiated all the controversial crap by giving this ridiculous crap of believers and no believers. I 'am one Proud Muslim and if i want to discuss Islam i would rather choose some other forums.Something like Islam.com..Its our Happy expat_blog and we meant to assist each other optimistically.I would have appreciated if u would be doing same.
You should balls enough to call spade a spade and you know what I mean :mad::mad::mad:

Oh lemme do breath in and breath out....in...out ...in...out... hmmm i f3l better :).....I just decided to chill just like dave and you know friends,I would suggest to  "A-V-O-I-D" and one more suggestion: "Be careful"    :)


nonz wrote:

I am totally agree with Allie "We have enough fed the troll" yeah the effort has been unintentional but this has never been so nasty and by the way Mr remon!Its "You" who has initiated all the controversial crap by giving this ridiculous crap of believers and no believers. I 'am one Proud Muslim and if i want to discuss Islam i would rather choose some other forums.Something like Islam.com..Its our Happy expat_blog and we meant to assist each other optimistically.I would have appreciated if u would be doing same.
You should balls enough to call spade a spade and you know what I mean :mad::mad::mad:

Oh lemme do breath in and breath out....in...out ...in...out... hmmm i f3l better :).....I just decided to chill just like dave and you know friends,I would suggest to  "A-V-O-I-D" and one more suggestion: "Be careful"    :)

Really?! :/


Okay, I've tried to avoid this religious fray but it's time to pipe in, to absolutely support what Nonz has said.

We welcomed you, initially, Ramon--but that didn't mean we gave you permission to try to force Islam and all its rules and beliefs on us non-Muslim expats. 

I don't know WHAT you think you're doing, other than perhaps showing-off (and isn't that haram? aren't you supposed to be humble?).  If you think you are converting any  of here or 'showing us the way,' you're totally WRONG.  All you're doing is making us resent you and take a bad view of Islam.  I particularly dislike how you seem to have disrespected other Muslims who may not be Saudi.  When you call people 'bro' here it makes me laugh due to your superior attitude and hypocritical behavior.

We have had Muslim members here for MONTHS before you came along.  And these people--musicman, nonz, Salman--they lead by example, not by attacking, not by criticizing.  They show love and acceptance, not anger and hostility (like you).  They show us the good of Islam.  You?  Well, I think that's obvious.

There were never religious arguments here until YOU came along.
What you need to get in that little head of yours is that we are NOT in Saudi Arabia when we're on this blog.  We're in cyberspace. 
And every time you say something like 'Allah be praised,'  I could respond with "Praise the Lord, Jesus Christ."  But I don't.  It's not what this forum is all about.

Now, I've said my piece.  I will never again reply or respond to anything Ramon says here.  Julien, you need an 'ignore' feature on this forum!!

Fidgety Soul

You got the message remon and take it right :whistle: and Pleaazzzz stop defaming Islam :|

And Allie you couldn't be more right than this and I expect same from everyone around"From our Gang" .....

Did i just typed "Gang" :rolleyes::lol::lol::lol:


Religion, beliefs, and faith based rituals must be personal and left for people to choose. Religion does not need us. Humans need religion for comfort and security. And most of all, we belong to a particular religion only cos we are born into it.

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