PS...I couldn't agree with you more, but that is not reality. There are thousands upon thousands of beautiful parrots that have been both bred and smuggled for the pet trade. The most tragic, I believe, are the parrots in the wild that are trapped and captured by poachers and smuggled out of Latin America and other countries. Only 10% of these wild caught birds survive! Tragic! The US has banned the importation of wild caught birds since 1992. However, that has not stopped smuggling. These poor creatures are used to being free and it breaks my heart. I belong to a parrot rescue. There are so many birds that are turned into rescues and are available for adoption for many reasons, but I believe that the main reason is that people make impulsive and irresponsible decisions without foreknowledge of what they are getting into. They have either no, or very little, knowledge about birds and their care. They impulsively buy a bird without knowing what they're getting into and ignorant of how long they can live. Parrots are highly intelligent (rated the highest intelligence of all animals), but they are messy and can be very loud. Not all are loud. They are not dirty, which some people confuse with messy. They are extremely clean, grooming their feathers almost constantly and love to bathe. However, they throw their food all over the place, which in nature, is ok, because what lands on the forest floor is food for other animals. In one's home it's a different matter. If their cages are dirty, that's the human's fault. They don't choose to live in filth. I clean my bids cages twice a day and their play stands at least once a day, and change their water multiple times a day. They are loving and affectionate and each has their own unique personality, something most people don't know if they've never had a bird. Birds that learn to talk learn the meanings of words and know what they are saying. Others may not talk, but understand what you are saying to them. My birds, are not cage birds, as many of my friends' birds aren't either. They are only kept in their cages at night, which the birds prefer because they feel safe there, or when we are not home, for their own protection. The rest of the day, they are out and free to roam about and get lots of loving attention. This is the best we can do for all these magnificent creatures that are born and bred into the pet trade. My bird club/rescue also puts on many bird shows during the year for many different groups to educate the public about the needs and care of birds.