

Medical, Legal, IT Specialists wanted to partner in Medical Tourism Bz


I am researching and writing a business plan to open and operate a medical tourism business bringing clients from the states to Central America for dental and medical procedures.
I am experienced in marketing and new business formation  and operation. I would like 3 partners specializing in the above fields.  Legal would entail becoming familiar with United States health, privacy (hipa), liability laws, IT would set up client data files and software and run tests for security, medical would meet with potential providers, interviewing to ensure knowledge and track record and inspecting facilities for state of the art techknoledgy and procedures.
I hope once everything is in place and running smoothly to expand to Thailand, India and Germany.
Medical Tourism is still a little know industry in the United States by the public, yet the fastest growing and expected to generate billions this year.  Given the right, experienced team I believe my company will have the ability to be a frontrunner.

See also

Setting up a business in PanamaPanama's labor marketFind a job in PanamaWork in Panama Cityworking in panama while waiting for a permit

Medical tourism is not all that new - it is estimated that over 750,000 Americans traveled abroad last year for medical procedures, but I agree it has huge growth in light of our high-cost procedures. A couple of thoughts from someone that's looked into the process in the past:

- A number of international certification organizations are well ahead of you. Some are reputable and some are nothing more than Angie's List where anyone can get listed for a fee.  Several examples are:  and   Trying to implement and gain acceptance of a new global certification or accreditation program seems difficult without resources worldwide.  Even if you undertake to certify doctors or facilities, will there be any (or enough) that choose to pay you for the certification?

- The services you describe are actually being performed by the healthcare provider and many have established medical tourism departments to facilitate the medical planning and recovery process themselves.  For example, the best regarded hospital in Panama is Hospital Punta Pacifica, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins Hospital in Maryland.  I can (and have) gone to their site and made direct contact on available treatment and procedures and costs.

- I'm trying to think what services you could provide for which a patient in the U.S. would be willing to pay a fee.  It seems a service that assists in locating suitable health care provider throughout Asia (I believe from previous searching that India is a leader in medical tourism) and other areas would be useful for that segment of the population that is unable to perform their own research into finding a facility.  However, this is nothing more than having a list of the accredited healthcare facilities and passing this information on to your client.  It is extremely doubtful you would know the facility or doctors or have any personal experiences to pass along. Similarly, perhaps local transportation, flight and other arrangements are needed too but there is little to nothing to be made in booking travel arrangements.


I agree and am aware of everything you wrote.  I am also familiar with the certification organizations.  Though its been available for a long time many Americans have never even heard of it.  Those that have, never having traveled out of the country do not realize the advance technology and quality of care available. (When I first went to Panama I was told it was a 3rd world dangerous country, nothing but jungles).  Basically the only way to find out is do internet research, many who are not adept at or afraid to trust what they find.  I would use internet of course but plan marketing on a more personal level with brochures billboards, possibly speak at organizations, print to draw in potential clients in order to personally explain and educate peolple on everything.  I would also target certain groups for mass marketing.  Medical tourism is big but could be much more so if clients were given facts and most of all the security of knowing they are in the hands of cabable professionals.  When the US currently ranks #32 in health care why given correct facts and less cost would anyone not want to do it?


For non-elective procedures (e.g., hip and knee replacements) patients will go where their insurer directs them to go.  Having someone else pay is most important and the overall quality and outcome for these procedures is high. As good as it may be, you'll have a tough sell convincing someone to have their needed operation in India (at their own expense) verses locally at the insurer's cost.

For elective procedures (e.g., cosmetic surgeries), price is more important for sure and the patient is more likely to be in a condition that permits them to travel. Perhaps your focus initially should be on associating with this group of practitioners and serving as a feeder for them, collecting some percentage of patients' fees from your referral.


I really appreciate your input.  Since I've lived in Costa Rica, Pana,a and Mexico and have my own doctors and dentists in each of theses countries I chose to start my company using practictioners and procedures in these countries  that they specialize in first.  My attorney in Panama is my partner and has connections with stem cell clinics.  My plan is still in the infancy stages but I was going to focus on dental, cosmetic and stem cell in these countries.  I realize the Asian countries and Germany have much to offer but want to start slow, learn all the ropes and perfect everything in a place I am familiar with and have contacts.
I also recently learned of a drug therapy being used successfully in Mexico for addictions that is not approved here that I want to further research.  I don't know if you are aware of the drastic problem in the states on addiction to certain painkillers.  People want to get off but the withdrawal is so bad they continue and there is really nothing effective to help them.