Safety in the Seychelles
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We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in the Seychelles?
How would you define the level of safety in the country?
Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear?
Do you think there is a high rate of criminality, social problems or tensions?
Share with us your insight on safety in the Seychelles and in the city you live in.
Thank you in advance,
Seychelles is much much safer than South Africa but there are some things one needs to be aware of . A lot of the hikes through the forests and up mountains ( anse major trail and Coppolia hike ) are not safe for people on their own . I was heading off on the Anse Major walk when a nice chap at the last shop before the start of the trail stopped me and told me not to go on my own or even in twos -he said he has to help many tourists who have been mugged on that walk . It's not made widely known as no one wants to discourage tourists . Having lived here for 6 months and talking and working with the Seychellois you hear the real stories . It's a beautiful place but you have to be cautious about doing some things on your own .
Seychelles is the safest of all the countries I have lived in. I have been here for almost five years and I have noticed a rise in petty thieving. Mostly opportunists, sometimes drug addicts. Never life threatening.
It is always a good idea to ask a local person's opinion on where you plan to go. Most news coverage is in Kreole and I found people helpful with advice. Just as there are areas in your own country you won't go to after dark there are areas here too that is better to avoid after dark. Like walking alone on the beach. Better to do it in a group.
Hi Mary Ann, I'm glad that you have settled in nicely. It seems that you are very happy there. We spoke when you were still in SA. My son and his mom is finally flying to Seychelles next month. He will go to the international school soon. I'm planning to leave SA next year. Thanks for the advice on safety
Let me know if is other lessons that you have learnt there, which I should keep in mind