You do not need an FM-3 to buy property, thats false!
You can travel anywhere in Mexico with your car as long as you get the tourist car stickers around $40 US i believe, again no FM-3 needed. You will have some issues if you try to sell it unless its to another American
If you live outside the US you automatically can file the foreign income tax exclusion, which means you can earn around $96,800 tax free a year and right off 100% of your living expenses while living abroad.
Please go to for these and many other answers.
I run an expat service here to american & Canadians
"The Mexican Perspective
The need for FM3 visa: Real Estate transactions in Mexico are considered as doing business by immigration authorities
By Patrick Osio, Jr.
What are the Mexican immigration or visa requirements for American citizens when buying property in Mexico? With so much real estate buying activity taking place along the coast from Tijuana to Ensenada by Americans throughout Southern California, plus a fair number from Arizona and Nevada the question of immigration to Mexico was bound to come up and it has.
Mexico has a variety of visas. Most Americans entering Mexico traveling into the interior of the country obtain the FMT visa, which is a “tourist” visa. The FMT only allows that which it implies – be a tourist – no business, so that buying or even leasing real estate property is part of “business,” not tourism.
When leasing or buying real estate in Mexico (or doing any sort of business), the FM3 visa is needed. It can be applied for in conjunction with the real estate transaction so there is no need to obtain that first, but obtaining it is a must. Not obtaining the FM3 visa negates any rights one may have in the event of any dispute requiring court interdiction in turn placing the purchased property in jeopardy and the person into an "illegal alien" status."
Hello Larry.
I HAD to get an FM-3 to transfer title to my name for the house I own in Mexicali. I had traveled with a car for more than 6 months on a FMM which expired in 180 days and I went and got another and another and another at the Mexicali airport from an Immigration Officer, tourist visa, because of the restrictions in San Luis Potosi when Immigration officials suggested I get one FM-3, although they do recognized tourist visas as being legit, when I applied to them for a "Permission for a foreigner to marry a Mexican citizen visa" in Mexico a couple years later.
As far as taxes, I will be living in the US part of the year and will not have a problem with filing a tax return as possibly only a permanent resident alien has to file yearly when having permission to stay out of the country for more than 6 months, not a citizen, I am a citizen.